Commit e6a47847 authored by Sergey Petrunya's avatar Sergey Petrunya

BUG#670417: Diverging results in maria-5.3-mwl128-dsmrr-cpk with join buffer

Switch from "Disable identical key handling optimization when
  IndexConditionPushdown is used" approach
 an approach where we save/restore index tuple and so can use index condition pushdown.
parent b1a74535
......@@ -377,20 +377,32 @@ int Mrr_ordered_index_reader::get_next(char **range_info)
void Mrr_ordered_index_reader::set_temp_space(uchar *space)
Supply index reader with the O(1)space it needs for operation
bool Mrr_ordered_index_reader::set_temp_space(uint rowid_length, uint key_len,
uchar **space_start, uchar *space_end)
//saved_key_tuple= space;
saved_rowid= space;
if (space_end - *space_start <= (ptrdiff_t)(rowid_length + key_len))
return TRUE;
saved_rowid= *space_start;
*space_start += rowid_length;
saved_key_tuple= *space_start;
*space_start += key_len;
have_saved_rowid= FALSE;
return FALSE;
void Mrr_ordered_index_reader::interrupt_read()
/* Save the current key value */
key_copy(saved_key_tuple, file->get_table()->record[0],
/* Save the last rowid */
memcpy(saved_rowid, file->ref, file->ref_length);
have_saved_rowid= TRUE;
......@@ -406,11 +418,9 @@ void Mrr_ordered_index_reader::position()
void Mrr_ordered_index_reader::resume_read()
key_restore(file->get_table()->record[0], saved_key_tuple,
......@@ -480,43 +490,7 @@ int Mrr_ordered_index_reader::init(handler *h_arg, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs,
is_mrr_assoc= !test(mode & HA_MRR_NO_ASSOCIATION);
mrr_funcs= *seq_funcs;
source_exhausted= FALSE;
Short: don't do identical key handling when we have a pushed index
Long: In order to check pushed index condition, we need to have both
index tuple table->record[0] and range_id.
Key_value_records_iterator has special handling for case when we have
multiple (key_value, range_id) pairs with the same key_value. In that
case it will make an index lookup only for the first such element,
for subsequent elements it will only return the new range_id.
The problem here is that file->table->record[0] is shared with the part
that does full record retrieval with rnd_pos() calls, and if we have the
following scenario:
1. We scan ranges {(key_value, range_id1), (key_value, range_id2)}
2. Iterator makes a lookup with key_value, produces the (index_tuple,
range_id1) pair. Index tuple is read into table->record[0], which
allows us to check index condition.
3. At this point, we figure that key buffer is full, so we sort it,
and return control to Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader.
3.1 Mrr_ordered_rndpos_reader gets rowids and makes rnd_pos() calls, which
puts some arbitrary data into table->record[0] in the process.
3.2 We ask the iterator for the next (rowid, range_id) pair. The iterator
puts in range_id2, and that shuld be sufficient (this is identical key
handling at work)
However, index tuple in table->record[0] has been destroyed and we
can't check index conditon for (index_tuple, range_id2) now.
TODO: It is possible to support identical key handling and index condition
pushdown, working together (one possible solution is to save/restore the
contents of table->record[0]). We will probably implement that.
disallow_identical_key_handling= test(mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple);
/*bzero(saved_key_tuple, keypar.key_tuple_length);*/
bzero(saved_key_tuple, keypar.key_tuple_length);
have_saved_rowid= FALSE;
return 0;
......@@ -829,11 +803,11 @@ int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_init(handler *h_arg, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs,
/* Ordered index reader needs some space to store an index tuple */
if (strategy != index_strategy)
if (full_buf_end - full_buf <= (ptrdiff_t)primary_file->ref_length/*keypar.key_tuple_length*/)
if (reader_factory.ordered_index_reader.set_temp_space(primary_file->ref_length,
goto use_default_impl;
//full_buf += keypar.key_tuple_length;
full_buf += primary_file->ref_length;
......@@ -1121,21 +1095,21 @@ bool DsMrr_impl::setup_buffer_sharing(uint key_size_in_keybuf,
(ulonglong2double(rowids_size) /
(ulonglong2double(rowids_size) + key_buff_elem_size));
size_t bytes_for_rowids=
(size_t)round(fraction_for_rowids * (full_buf_end - full_buf));
ptrdiff_t bytes_for_rowids=
(ptrdiff_t)round(fraction_for_rowids * (full_buf_end - full_buf));
long bytes_for_keys= (full_buf_end - full_buf) - bytes_for_rowids;
ptrdiff_t bytes_for_keys= (full_buf_end - full_buf) - bytes_for_rowids;
if (bytes_for_keys < key_buff_elem_size + 1)
long add= key_buff_elem_size + 1 - bytes_for_keys;
ptrdiff_t add= key_buff_elem_size + 1 - bytes_for_keys;
bytes_for_keys= key_buff_elem_size + 1;
bytes_for_rowids -= add;
if (bytes_for_rowids < rowid_buf_elem_size + 1)
if (bytes_for_rowids < (ptrdiff_t)rowid_buf_elem_size + 1)
long add= rowid_buf_elem_size + 1 - bytes_for_rowids;
ptrdiff_t add= rowid_buf_elem_size + 1 - bytes_for_rowids;
bytes_for_rowids= rowid_buf_elem_size + 1;
bytes_for_keys -= add;
......@@ -1217,8 +1191,7 @@ int Key_value_records_iterator::init(Mrr_ordered_index_reader *owner_arg)
/* Check out how many more identical keys are following */
while (!
if (owner->disallow_identical_key_handling ||
Mrr_ordered_index_reader::compare_keys(owner, key_in_buf,
if (Mrr_ordered_index_reader::compare_keys(owner, key_in_buf,
last_identical_key_ptr= identical_key_it.read_ptr1;
......@@ -271,7 +271,8 @@ public:
mrr_funcs.skip_index_tuple(mrr_iter, range_info));
void set_temp_space(uchar *space);
bool set_temp_space(uint rowid_length, uint key_len,
uchar **space_start, uchar *space_end);
void interrupt_read();
void resume_read();
void position();
......@@ -291,12 +292,6 @@ private:
/* TRUE <=> need range association, buffers hold {rowid, range_id} pairs */
bool is_mrr_assoc;
TRUE <=> Don't do optimizations for identical key value (see comment in
Mrr_ordered_index_reader::init for details)
bool disallow_identical_key_handling;
/* Range sequence iteration members */
RANGE_SEQ_IF mrr_funcs;
range_seq_t mrr_iter;
......@@ -315,6 +310,8 @@ private:
/* TRUE <=> saved_rowid has the last saved rowid */
bool have_saved_rowid;
uchar *saved_key_tuple;
static int compare_keys(void* arg, uchar* key1, uchar* key2);
static int compare_keys_reverse(void* arg, uchar* key1, uchar* key2);
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