/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <ndb_global.h> #include "SHM_Transporter.hpp" #include "TransporterInternalDefinitions.hpp" #include <TransporterCallback.hpp> #include <NdbSleep.h> #include <NdbOut.hpp> #include <InputStream.hpp> #include <OutputStream.hpp> extern int g_shm_pid; SHM_Transporter::SHM_Transporter(TransporterRegistry &t_reg, const char *lHostName, const char *rHostName, int r_port, NodeId lNodeId, NodeId rNodeId, bool checksum, bool signalId, key_t _shmKey, Uint32 _shmSize) : Transporter(t_reg, lHostName, rHostName, r_port, lNodeId, rNodeId, 0, false, checksum, signalId), shmKey(_shmKey), shmSize(_shmSize) { _shmSegCreated = false; _attached = false; shmBuf = 0; reader = 0; writer = 0; setupBuffersDone=false; #ifdef DEBUG_TRANSPORTER printf("shm key (%d - %d) = %d\n", lNodeId, rNodeId, shmKey); #endif m_signal_threshold = 4096; } SHM_Transporter::~SHM_Transporter(){ doDisconnect(); } bool SHM_Transporter::initTransporter(){ return true; } void SHM_Transporter::setupBuffers(){ Uint32 sharedSize = 0; sharedSize += 28; //SHM_Reader::getSharedSize(); sharedSize += 28; //SHM_Writer::getSharedSize(); const Uint32 slack = MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE; /** * NOTE: There is 7th shared variable in Win2k (sharedCountAttached). */ Uint32 sizeOfBuffer = shmSize; sizeOfBuffer -= 2*sharedSize; sizeOfBuffer /= 2; Uint32 * base1 = (Uint32*)shmBuf; Uint32 * sharedReadIndex1 = base1; Uint32 * sharedWriteIndex1 = base1 + 1; serverStatusFlag = base1 + 4; char * startOfBuf1 = shmBuf+sharedSize; Uint32 * base2 = (Uint32*)(shmBuf + sizeOfBuffer + sharedSize); Uint32 * sharedReadIndex2 = base2; Uint32 * sharedWriteIndex2 = base2 + 1; clientStatusFlag = base2 + 4; char * startOfBuf2 = ((char *)base2)+sharedSize; if(isServer){ * serverStatusFlag = 0; reader = new SHM_Reader(startOfBuf1, sizeOfBuffer, slack, sharedReadIndex1, sharedWriteIndex1); writer = new SHM_Writer(startOfBuf2, sizeOfBuffer, slack, sharedReadIndex2, sharedWriteIndex2); * sharedReadIndex1 = 0; * sharedWriteIndex1 = 0; * sharedReadIndex2 = 0; * sharedWriteIndex2 = 0; reader->clear(); writer->clear(); * serverStatusFlag = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_TRANSPORTER printf("-- (%d - %d) - Server -\n", localNodeId, remoteNodeId); printf("Reader at: %d (%p)\n", startOfBuf1 - shmBuf, startOfBuf1); printf("sharedReadIndex1 at %d (%p) = %d\n", (char*)sharedReadIndex1-shmBuf, sharedReadIndex1, *sharedReadIndex1); printf("sharedWriteIndex1 at %d (%p) = %d\n", (char*)sharedWriteIndex1-shmBuf, sharedWriteIndex1, *sharedWriteIndex1); printf("Writer at: %d (%p)\n", startOfBuf2 - shmBuf, startOfBuf2); printf("sharedReadIndex2 at %d (%p) = %d\n", (char*)sharedReadIndex2-shmBuf, sharedReadIndex2, *sharedReadIndex2); printf("sharedWriteIndex2 at %d (%p) = %d\n", (char*)sharedWriteIndex2-shmBuf, sharedWriteIndex2, *sharedWriteIndex2); printf("sizeOfBuffer = %d\n", sizeOfBuffer); #endif } else { * clientStatusFlag = 0; reader = new SHM_Reader(startOfBuf2, sizeOfBuffer, slack, sharedReadIndex2, sharedWriteIndex2); writer = new SHM_Writer(startOfBuf1, sizeOfBuffer, slack, sharedReadIndex1, sharedWriteIndex1); * sharedReadIndex2 = 0; * sharedWriteIndex1 = 0; reader->clear(); writer->clear(); * clientStatusFlag = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_TRANSPORTER printf("-- (%d - %d) - Client -\n", localNodeId, remoteNodeId); printf("Reader at: %d (%p)\n", startOfBuf2 - shmBuf, startOfBuf2); printf("sharedReadIndex2 at %d (%p) = %d\n", (char*)sharedReadIndex2-shmBuf, sharedReadIndex2, *sharedReadIndex2); printf("sharedWriteIndex2 at %d (%p) = %d\n", (char*)sharedWriteIndex2-shmBuf, sharedWriteIndex2, *sharedWriteIndex2); printf("Writer at: %d (%p)\n", startOfBuf1 - shmBuf, startOfBuf1); printf("sharedReadIndex1 at %d (%p) = %d\n", (char*)sharedReadIndex1-shmBuf, sharedReadIndex1, *sharedReadIndex1); printf("sharedWriteIndex1 at %d (%p) = %d\n", (char*)sharedWriteIndex1-shmBuf, sharedWriteIndex1, *sharedWriteIndex1); printf("sizeOfBuffer = %d\n", sizeOfBuffer); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG_TRANSPORTER printf("Mapping from %p to %p\n", shmBuf, shmBuf+shmSize); #endif } bool SHM_Transporter::connect_server_impl(NDB_SOCKET_TYPE sockfd) { DBUG_ENTER("SHM_Transporter::connect_server_impl"); SocketOutputStream s_output(sockfd); SocketInputStream s_input(sockfd); char buf[256]; // Create if(!_shmSegCreated){ if (!ndb_shm_create()) { report_error(TE_SHM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_SEGMENT); NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_RETURN(false); } _shmSegCreated = true; } // Attach if(!_attached){ if (!ndb_shm_attach()) { report_error(TE_SHM_UNABLE_TO_ATTACH_SEGMENT); NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_RETURN(false); } _attached = true; } // Send ok to client s_output.println("shm server 1 ok: %d", m_transporter_registry.m_shm_own_pid); // Wait for ok from client if (s_input.gets(buf, 256) == 0) { NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(sscanf(buf, "shm client 1 ok: %d", &m_remote_pid) != 1) { NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_RETURN(false); } int r= connect_common(sockfd); if (r) { // Send ok to client s_output.println("shm server 2 ok"); // Wait for ok from client if (s_input.gets(buf, 256) == 0) { NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_RETURN(false); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Successfully connected server to node %d", remoteNodeId)); } NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_RETURN(r); } bool SHM_Transporter::connect_client_impl(NDB_SOCKET_TYPE sockfd) { DBUG_ENTER("SHM_Transporter::connect_client_impl"); SocketInputStream s_input(sockfd); SocketOutputStream s_output(sockfd); char buf[256]; // Wait for server to create and attach if (s_input.gets(buf, 256) == 0) { NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Server id %d did not attach", remoteNodeId)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } if(sscanf(buf, "shm server 1 ok: %d", &m_remote_pid) != 1) { NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_RETURN(false); } // Create if(!_shmSegCreated){ if (!ndb_shm_get()) { NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Failed create of shm seg to node %d", remoteNodeId)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } _shmSegCreated = true; } // Attach if(!_attached){ if (!ndb_shm_attach()) { report_error(TE_SHM_UNABLE_TO_ATTACH_SEGMENT); NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Failed attach of shm seg to node %d", remoteNodeId)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } _attached = true; } // Send ok to server s_output.println("shm client 1 ok: %d", m_transporter_registry.m_shm_own_pid); int r= connect_common(sockfd); if (r) { // Wait for ok from server if (s_input.gets(buf, 256) == 0) { NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_PRINT("error", ("No ok from server node %d", remoteNodeId)); DBUG_RETURN(false); } // Send ok to server s_output.println("shm client 2 ok"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Successfully connected client to node %d", remoteNodeId)); } NDB_CLOSE_SOCKET(sockfd); DBUG_RETURN(r); } bool SHM_Transporter::connect_common(NDB_SOCKET_TYPE sockfd) { if (!checkConnected()) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Already connected to node %d", remoteNodeId)); return false; } if(!setupBuffersDone) { setupBuffers(); setupBuffersDone=true; } if(setupBuffersDone) { NdbSleep_MilliSleep(m_timeOutMillis); if(*serverStatusFlag == 1 && *clientStatusFlag == 1) { m_last_signal = 0; return true; } } DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Failed to set up buffers to node %d", remoteNodeId)); return false; } void SHM_Transporter::doSend() { if(m_last_signal) { m_last_signal = 0; kill(m_remote_pid, SIGUSR1); } }