
# Exit if failing to copy, we want exact specifications, not
# just "what happen to be built".
set -e

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read first argument that is the base name of the resulting TAR file.
# See usage() function below for a description on the arguments.
# NOTE: We will read the rest of the command line later on.
# NOTE: Pattern matching with "{..,..}" can't be used, not portable.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# FIXME FIXME "debug", own build or handled here?
# FIXME FIXME add way to copy from other builds executables

  echo <<EOF
Usage: make_win_bin_dist [ options ] package-base-name [ copy-defs... ]

This is a script to run from the top of a source tree built on Windows.
The "package-base-name" argument should be something like

  mysql-noinstall-5.0.25-win32  (or winx64)

and will be the name of the directory of the unpacked ZIP (stripping
away the "noinstall" part of the ZIP file name if any) and the base
for the resulting package name.

Options are

  --embedded       Pack the embedded server and give error if not built.
                   The default is to pack it if it is built.

  --no-embedded    Don't pack the embedded server even if built

  --debug          Pack the debug binaries and give error if not built.

  --no-debug       Don't pack the debug binaries even if built

  --only-debug     The target for this build was "Debug", and we just
                   want to replace the normal binaries with debug
                   versions, i.e. no separate "debug" directories.

  --exe-suffix=SUF Add a suffix to the "mysqld" binary.

As you might want to include files of directories from other builds
(like a "mysqld-max.exe" server), you can instruct this script do copy
them in for you. This is the "copy-def" arguments, and they are of the

  relative-dest-name=source-name .....

i.e. can be something like


If you specify a directory the whole directory will be copied.

  exit 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# We need to be at the top of a source tree, check that we are
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

if [ ! -d "sql" ] ; then
  echo "You need to run this script from inside the source tree"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Actual argument processing, first part
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

PACK_EMBEDDED=""		# Could be "no", "yes" or empty
PACK_DEBUG=""			# Could be "no", "yes" or empty

for arg do
  case "$arg" in
    --embedded)       PACK_EMBEDDED="yes" ;;
    --no-embedded)    PACK_EMBEDDED="no" ;;
    --debug)          PACK_DEBUG="yes" ;;
    --no-debug)       PACK_DEBUG="no" ;;
    --only-debug)     TARGET="debug" ; PACK_DEBUG="no" ;;
    --exe-suffix=*)   EXE_SUFFIX=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s,--exe-suffix=,,"` ;;
      echo "Unknown argument '$arg'"

if [ x"$NOINST_NAME" = x"" ] ; then
  echo "No base package name given"
DESTDIR=`echo $NOINST_NAME | sed 's/-noinstall-/-/'`

if [ -e $DESTDIR ] ; then
  echo "Please remove the old $DESTDIR before running this script"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy executables, and client DLL (FIXME why?)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

trap 'echo "Clearning up and exiting..." ; rm -fr $DESTDIR; exit 1' ERR

mkdir $DESTDIR
mkdir $DESTDIR/bin
cp client/$TARGET/*.exe                        $DESTDIR/bin/
cp extra/$TARGET/*.exe                         $DESTDIR/bin/
cp myisam/$TARGET/*.exe                        $DESTDIR/bin/
cp server-tools/instance-manager/$TARGET/*.exe $DESTDIR/bin/
cp tests/$TARGET/*.exe                         $DESTDIR/bin/
cp libmysql/$TARGET/*.exe                      $DESTDIR/bin/
cp libmysql/$TARGET/libmysql.dll               $DESTDIR/bin/

# FIXME really needed?!
mv $DESTDIR/bin/comp_err.exe             $DESTDIR/bin/comp-err.exe

cp sql/$TARGET/mysqld.exe                $DESTDIR/bin/mysqld$EXE_SUFFIX.exe

if [ x"$PACK_DEBUG" = "" -a -f "sql/debug/mysqld.exe" -o \
     x"$PACK_DEBUG" = "yes" ] ; then
  cp sql/debug/mysqld.exe                $DESTDIR/bin/mysqld-debug.exe
  cp sql/debug/mysqld.pdb                $DESTDIR/bin/mysqld-debug.pdb
  cp sql/debug/mysqld.map                $DESTDIR/bin/mysqld-debug.map

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy data directory, readme files etc
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------


# FIXME is there ever a data directory to copy?
if [ -d win/data ] ; then
  cp -pR win/data $DESTDIR/data

# FIXME maybe a flag to define "release build", or do the
# check from the calling script that all these are there,
# and with the correct content.

mkdir $DESTDIR/Docs
cp Docs/manual.chm        $DESTDIR/Docs/ || /bin/true
cp ChangeLog              $DESTDIR/Docs/ || /bin/true
cp COPYING                $DESTDIR/Docs/
cp support-files/my-*.ini $DESTDIR/

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# These will be filled in when we enable embedded. Note that if no
# argument is given, it is copied if exists, else a check is done.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  mkdir -p $DESTDIR/Embedded/DLL/release \
  cp libmysqld/libmysqld.def           $DESTDIR/include/
  cp libmysqld/$TARGET/mysqlserver.lib $DESTDIR/Embedded/static/release/
  cp libmysqld/$TARGET/libmysqld.dll   $DESTDIR/Embedded/DLL/release/
  cp libmysqld/$TARGET/libmysqld.exp   $DESTDIR/Embedded/DLL/release/
  cp libmysqld/$TARGET/libmysqld.lib   $DESTDIR/Embedded/DLL/release/

  if [ x"$PACK_DEBUG" = "" -a -f "libmysqld/debug/libmysqld.lib" -o \
       x"$PACK_DEBUG" = "yes" ] ; then
    mkdir -p $DESTDIR/Embedded/DLL/debug
    cp libmysqld/debug/libmysqld.dll     $DESTDIR/Embedded/DLL/debug/
    cp libmysqld/debug/libmysqld.exp     $DESTDIR/Embedded/DLL/debug/
    cp libmysqld/debug/libmysqld.lib     $DESTDIR/Embedded/DLL/debug/

if [ x"$PACK_EMBEDDED" = "" -a \
     -f "libmysqld/$TARGET/mysqlserver.lib" -a \
     -f "libmysqld/$TARGET/libmysqld.lib" -o \
     x"$PACK_EMBEDDED" = "yes" ] ; then

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# FIXME test stuff that is useless garbage?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

mkdir -p $DESTDIR/examples/libmysqltest/release
cp libmysql/mytest.c libmysql/myTest.vcproj libmysql/$TARGET/myTest.exe \
cp libmysql/$TARGET/myTest.exe $DESTDIR/examples/libmysqltest/release/

if [ x"$PACK_DEBUG" = "" -a -f "libmysql/debug/myTest.exe" -o \
     x"$PACK_DEBUG" = "yes" ] ; then
  mkdir -p $DESTDIR/examples/libmysqltest/debug
  cp libmysql/debug/myTest.exe $DESTDIR/examples/libmysqltest/debug/

mkdir -p $DESTDIR/examples/tests
cp tests/*.res tests/*.tst tests/*.pl tests/*.c $DESTDIR/examples/tests/

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# FIXME why not copy it all in "include"?!
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

mkdir -p $DESTDIR/include
cp include/conf*.h \
   include/mysql*.h \
   include/errmsg.h \
   include/my_alloc.h \
   include/my_getopt.h \
   include/my_sys.h \
   include/my_list.h \
   include/my_pthread.h \
   include/my_dbug.h \
   include/m_string.h \
   include/m_ctype.h \
   include/my_global.h \
   include/typelib.h $DESTDIR/include/
cp libmysql/libmysql.def $DESTDIR/include/

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Client libraries, and other libraries
# FIXME why "libmysql.dll" installed both in "bin" and "lib/opt"?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

mkdir -p $DESTDIR/lib/opt
cp libmysql/$TARGET/libmysql.dll \
   libmysql/$TARGET/libmysql.lib \
   client/$TARGET/mysqlclient.lib \
   regex/$TARGET/regex.lib \
   strings/$TARGET/strings.lib \
   zlib/$TARGET/zlib.lib $DESTDIR/lib/opt/

if [ x"$PACK_DEBUG" = "" -a -f "libmysql/debug/libmysql.lib" -o \
     x"$PACK_DEBUG" = "yes" ] ; then
  mkdir -p $DESTDIR/lib/debug
  cp libmysql/debug/libmysql.dll \
     libmysql/debug/libmysql.lib \
     client/debug/mysqlclient.lib \
     mysys/debug/mysys.lib \
     regex/debug/regex.lib \
     strings/debug/strings.lib \
     zlib/debug/zlib.lib $DESTDIR/lib/debug/

# FIXME sort this out...
cp mysys/$TARGET/mysys.lib $DESTDIR/lib/opt/mysys_tls.lib

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy the test directory
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

mkdir -p $DESTDIR/mysql-test/include $DESTDIR/mysql-test/lib \
         $DESTDIR/mysql-test/r $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data \
cp mysql-test/mysql-test-run.pl $DESTDIR/mysql-test/
cp mysql-test/README $DESTDIR/mysql-test/
cp mysql-test/install_test_db.sh $DESTDIR/mysql-test/install_test_db
cp mysql-test/include/*.inc $DESTDIR/mysql-test/include/
cp mysql-test/lib/*.pl $DESTDIR/mysql-test/lib/
cp mysql-test/lib/*.sql $DESTDIR/mysql-test/lib/
cp mysql-test/r/*.require $DESTDIR/mysql-test/r/
# Need this trick, or we get "argument list too long".
(cd mysql-test/r/ && cp *.result $ABS_DST/mysql-test/r/)
cp mysql-test/std_data/* $DESTDIR/mysql-test/std_data/
cp mysql-test/t/*.opt $DESTDIR/mysql-test/t/
cp mysql-test/t/*.sh $DESTDIR/mysql-test/t/
cp mysql-test/t/*.slave-mi $DESTDIR/mysql-test/t/
cp mysql-test/t/*.sql $DESTDIR/mysql-test/t/
cp mysql-test/t/*.def $DESTDIR/mysql-test/t/
(cd mysql-test/t/ && cp *.test $ABS_DST/mysql-test/t/)

# Note that this will not copy "extra" if a soft link
if [ -d mysql-test/extra ] ; then
  mkdir -p $DESTDIR/mysql-test/extra
  cp -pR mysql-test/extra/* $DESTDIR/mysql-test/extra/

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy what could be usable in the "scripts" directory. Currently
# only SQL files, others are bourne shell scripts or Perl scripts
# not really usable on Windows.
# But to be nice to the few Cygwin users we might have in 5.0 we
# continue to copy the stuff, but don't include it include it in
# the WiX install.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

mkdir -p $DESTDIR/scripts

# Uncomment and remove the for loop in 5.1
#cp scripts/*.sql $DESTDIR/scripts/

for i in `cd scripts && ls`; do \
  if echo $i | grep -q '\.sh'; then \
    cp scripts/$i $DESTDIR/scripts/`echo $i | sed -e 's/\.sh$//'`; \
  elif [ $i = Makefile.am -o $i = Makefile.in -o -e scripts/$i.sh ] ; then \
    : ; \
  else \
    cp scripts/$i $DESTDIR/scripts/$i; \
  fi; \

cp -pR sql/share $DESTDIR/
cp -pR sql-bench $DESTDIR/
rm -f $DESTDIR/sql-bench/*.sh $DESTDIR/sql-bench/Makefile*

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copy other files specified on command line DEST=SOURCE
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

for arg do
  dst=`echo $arg | sed 's/=.*$//'`
  src=`echo $arg | sed 's/^.*=//'`

  if [ x"$dst" = x"" -o x"$src" = x"" ] ; then
    echo "Invalid specification of what to copy"

  mkdir -p `dirname $DESTDIR/$dst`
  cp -pR "$src" $DESTDIR/$dst

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Finally creat the ZIP archive
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

rm -f $NOINST_NAME.zip