Commit 20d8456c authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

go: Start of ZODB

Our path of implementing NEO in Go will be not only for server-side, but
also for client-side, since it is needed by Wendelin.core. On
server-side we'll also need to work with types and data model Python
ZODB implementation uses, so here it goes: Start of ZODB in Go.

Here we define ZODB data types, data model and operational interfaces
for IStorage + friends.

The interfaces are currently read-only with stubs for write mode.
parent 7cb20f32
// Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
// Package zodb defines types, interfaces and errors to work with ZODB databases.
// ZODB ( was originally created in Python world by Jim Fulton et al.
// Data model this package provides is partly based on ZODB/py
// ( to maintain compatibility in
// between Python and Go implementations.
package zodb
import (
// ---- data model ----
// Tid is transaction identifier.
// In ZODB transaction identifiers are unique 64-bit integers corresponding to
// time when transaction in question was committed.
// This way tid can also be used to specify whole database state constructed
// by all cumulated transaction changes from database beginning up to, and
// including, transaction specified by tid.
type Tid uint64
// ZODB/py defines maxtid to be max signed int64 since Jun 7 2016:
// (same in neo/py with "SQLite does not accept numbers above 2^63-1" comment)
const TidMax Tid = 1<<63 - 1 // 0x7fffffffffffffff
// Oid is object identifier.
// In ZODB objects are uniquely identified by 64-bit integer.
// An object can have several revisions - each committed in different transaction.
// The combination of object identifier and particular transaction (serial)
// uniquely addresses corresponding data record.
// See also: Xid.
type Oid uint64
// Xid is "extended" oid - that fully specifies object and query for its revision.
// At specifies whole database state at which object identified with Oid should
// be looked up. The object revision is taken from latest transaction modifying
// the object with tid <= At.
// Note that Xids are not unique - the same object revision can be addressed
// with several xids.
// See also: Tid, Oid.
type Xid struct {
At Tid
Oid Oid
// TxnInfo is metadata information about one transaction.
type TxnInfo struct {
Tid Tid
Status TxnStatus
User []byte
Description []byte
// additional information about transaction. ZODB/py usually puts py
// dict here but it can be arbitrary raw bytes.
Extension []byte
// DataInfo is information about one object change.
type DataInfo struct {
Oid Oid
Tid Tid // changed by this transaction
Data []byte // new object data; nil if object becomes deleted
// DataTidHint is optional hint from a storage that the same data was
// already originally committed in earlier transaction, for example in
// case of undo. It is 0 if there is no such hint.
// Storages are not obliged to provide this hint, and in particular it
// is valid for a storage to always return this as zero.
// In ZODB/py world this originates from
DataTidHint Tid
// TxnStatus represents status of a transaction
type TxnStatus byte
const (
TxnComplete TxnStatus = ' ' // completed transaction that hasn't been packed
TxnPacked = 'p' // completed transaction that has been packed
TxnInprogress = 'c' // checkpoint -- a transaction in progress; it's been thru vote() but not finish()
// ---- interfaces ----
// NoObjectError is the error which tells that there is no such object in the database at all
type NoObjectError struct {
Oid Oid
func (e NoObjectError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: no such object", e.Oid)
// NoDataError is the error which tells that object exists in the database,
// but there is no its non-empty revision satisfying search criteria.
type NoDataError struct {
Oid Oid
// DeletedAt explains object state wrt used search criteria:
// - 0: object was not created at time of searched xid.At
// - !0: object was deleted by transaction with tid=DeletedAt
DeletedAt Tid
func (e *NoDataError) Error() string {
if e.DeletedAt == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: object was not yet created", e.Oid)
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: object was deleted @%s", e.Oid, e.DeletedAt)
// OpError is the error returned by IStorageDriver operations
type OpError struct {
URL string // URL of the storage
Op string // operation that failed
Args interface{} // operation arguments, if any
Err error // actual error that occurred during the operation
func (e *OpError) Error() string {
s := e.URL + ": " + e.Op
if e.Args != nil {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" %s", e.Args)
s += ": " + e.Err.Error()
return s
func (e *OpError) Cause() error {
return e.Err
// IStorage is the interface provided by opened ZODB storage
type IStorage interface {
// Prefetch prefetches object addressed by xid.
// If data is not yet in cache loading for it is started in the background.
// Prefetch is not blocking operation and does not wait for loading, if any was
// started, to complete.
// Prefetch does not return any error.
Prefetch(ctx context.Context, xid Xid)
// IStorageDriver is the raw interface provided by ZODB storage drivers
type IStorageDriver interface {
// URL returns URL of how the storage was opened
URL() string
// Close closes storage
Close() error
// LastTid returns the id of the last committed transaction.
// If no transactions have been committed yet, LastTid returns 0.
LastTid(ctx context.Context) (Tid, error)
// Load loads object data addressed by xid from database.
// Returned are:
// - if there is data to load: buf is non-empty, serial indicates
// transaction which matched xid criteria and err=nil.
// otherwise buf=nil, serial=0 and err is *OpError with err.Err
// describing the error cause:
// - *NoObjectError if there is no such object in database at all,
// - *NoDataError if object exists in database but there is no
// its data matching xid,
// - some other error indicating e.g. IO problem.
// NOTE 1: ZODB/py provides 2 entrypoints in IStorage for loading:
// loadSerial and loadBefore but in ZODB/go we have only Load which is
// a bit different from both:
// - Load loads object data for object at database state specified by xid.At
// - loadBefore loads object data for object at database state previous to xid.At
// it is thus equivalent to Load(..., xid.At-1)
// - loadSerial loads object data from revision exactly modified
// by transaction with tid = xid.At.
// it is thus equivalent to Load(..., xid.At) with followup
// check that returned serial is exactly xid.At(*)
// (*) loadSerial is used only in a few places in ZODB/py - mostly in
// conflict resolution code where plain Load semantic - without
// checking object was particularly modified at that revision - would
// suffice.
// NOTE 2: in ZODB/py loadBefore, in addition to serial, also returns
// serial_next, which constraints storage implementations unnecessarily
// and is used only in client cache.
// In ZODB/go Cache shows that it is possible to build efficient client
// cache without serial_next returned from Load. For this reason in ZODB/go
// Load specification comes without specifying serial_next return.
Load(ctx context.Context, xid Xid) (buf *mem.Buf, serial Tid, err error)
// TODO: write mode
// Store(ctx, oid Oid, serial Tid, data []byte, txn ITransaction) error
// StoreKeepCurrent(ctx, oid Oid, serial Tid, txn ITransaction)
// TpcBegin(txn)
// TpcVote(txn)
// TpcFinish(txn, callback)
// TpcAbort(txn)
// TODO: invalidation channel (notify about changes made to DB not by us from outside)
// TODO: History(ctx, oid, size=1)
// Iterate creates iterator to iterate storage in [tidMin, tidMax] range.
// Iterate does not return any error. If there was error when setting
// iteration up - it will be returned on first NextTxn call.
// TODO allow iteration both ways (forward & backward)
Iterate(ctx context.Context, tidMin, tidMax Tid) ITxnIterator
// ITxnIterator is the interface to iterate transactions.
type ITxnIterator interface {
// NextTxn yields information about next database transaction:
// 1. transaction metadata, and
// 2. iterator over transaction's data records.
// transaction metadata stays valid until next call to NextTxn().
// end of iteration is indicated with io.EOF
NextTxn(ctx context.Context) (*TxnInfo, IDataIterator, error)
// IDataIterator is the interface to iterate data records.
type IDataIterator interface {
// NextData yields information about next storage data record.
// returned data stays valid until next call to NextData().
// end of iteration is indicated with io.EOF
NextData(ctx context.Context) (*DataInfo, error)
// ---- misc ----
// Valid returns whether tid is in valid transaction identifiers range
func (tid Tid) Valid() bool {
// NOTE 0 is invalid tid
if 0 < tid && tid <= TidMax {
return true
} else {
return false
// Valid returns true if transaction status value is well-known and valid
func (ts TxnStatus) Valid() bool {
switch ts {
case TxnComplete, TxnPacked, TxnInprogress:
return true
return false
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