Commit 8f64f6ed authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

go/zodb: Start of FileStorage support

Start implementing FileStorage support by adding code to load/decode
FileStorage records and way to iterate a FileStorage.

Tests will come in a later patch together with ZODB-level loading
parent fcab9405
// Copyright (C) 2017 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
// Package storage provides common infrastructure related to ZODB storages.
package storage
// Copyright (C) 2017 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
package fs1
// records definition + basic operations on them
import (
// FileHeader represents header of whole data file
type FileHeader struct {
Magic [4]byte
// TxnHeader represents header of a transaction record
type TxnHeader struct {
Pos int64 // position of transaction start
LenPrev int64 // whole previous transaction record length (see EOF/error rules in Load)
Len int64 // whole transaction record length (see EOF/error rules in Load)
// transaction metadata itself
// underlying memory for header loading and for user/desc/extension strings
// invariant: after successful TxnHeader load len(.workMem) = lenUser + lenDesc + lenExt
// as specified by on-disk header.
workMem []byte
// DataHeader represents header of a data record
type DataHeader struct {
Pos int64 // position of data record start
Oid zodb.Oid
Tid zodb.Tid
PrevRevPos int64 // position of this oid's previous-revision data record
TxnPos int64 // position of transaction record this data record belongs to
//_ uint16 // 2-bytes with zero values. (Was version length.)
DataLen int64 // length of following data. if 0 -> following = 8 bytes backpointer
// if backpointer == 0 -> oid deleted
// underlying memory for header loading (to avoid allocations)
workMem [DataHeaderSize]byte
const (
Magic = "FS21" // every FileStorage file starts with this
// on-disk sizes
FileHeaderSize = 4
TxnHeaderFixSize = 8 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 // without user/desc/ext strings
txnXHeaderFixSize = 8 + TxnHeaderFixSize // ^^^ with trail LenPrev from previous record
DataHeaderSize = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 8
// txn/data pos that if < vvv are for sure invalid
txnValidFrom = FileHeaderSize
dataValidFrom = txnValidFrom + TxnHeaderFixSize
// invalid length that indicates start of iteration for TxnHeader LoadNext/LoadPrev
// NOTE load routines check loaded fields to be valid and .Len in particular,
// so it can never come to us from outside to be this.
lenIterStart int64 = -0x1111111111111112 // = 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if unsigned
// RecordError represents error associated with operation on a record in
// FileStorage data file.
type RecordError struct {
Path string // path of the data file; present if used IO object was with .Name()
Record string // record kind - "file header", "transaction record", "data record", ...
Pos int64 // position of record
Subj string // subject context for the error - e.g. "read" or "check"
Err error // actual error
func (e *RecordError) Cause() error {
return e.Err
func (e *RecordError) Error() string {
// XXX omit path: when .Err already contains it (e.g. when it is os.PathError)?
prefix := e.Path
if prefix != "" {
prefix += ": "
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s @%d: %s: %s", prefix, e.Record, e.Pos, e.Subj, e.Err)
// err creates RecordError for transaction located at txnh.Pos in f
func (txnh *TxnHeader) err(f interface{}, subj string, err error) error {
return &RecordError{ioname(f), "transaction record", txnh.Pos, subj, err}
// err creates RecordError for data record located at dh.Pos in f
func (dh *DataHeader) err(f interface{}, subj string, err error) error {
return &RecordError{ioname(f), "data record", dh.Pos, subj, err}
// ierr is an interface for something which can create errors.
// it is used by TxnHeader and DataHeader to create appropriate errors with their context.
type ierr interface {
err(f interface{}, subj string, err error) error
// errf is syntactic shortcut for err and fmt.Errorf
func errf(f interface{}, e ierr, subj, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return e.err(f, subj, fmt.Errorf(format, a...))
// checkErr is syntactic shortcut for errf("check", ...)
func checkErr(f interface{}, e ierr, format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return errf(f, e, "check", format, a...)
// bug panics with errf("bug", ...)
func bug(f interface{}, e ierr, format string, a ...interface{}) {
panic(errf(f, e, "bug", format, a...))
// --- File header ---
// Load reads and decodes file header.
func (fh *FileHeader) Load(r io.ReaderAt) error {
_, err := r.ReadAt(fh.Magic[:], 0)
err = okEOF(err)
if err != nil {
return err
if string(fh.Magic[:]) != Magic {
return fmt.Errorf("%sinvalid fs1 magic %q", ioprefix(r), fh.Magic)
return nil
// --- Transaction record ---
// HeaderLen returns whole transaction header length including its variable part.
// NOTE: data records start right after transaction header.
func (txnh *TxnHeader) HeaderLen() int64 {
return TxnHeaderFixSize + int64(len(txnh.workMem))
// DataPos returns start position of data inside transaction record
func (txnh *TxnHeader) DataPos() int64 {
return txnh.Pos + txnh.HeaderLen()
// DataLen returns length of all data inside transaction record container
func (txnh *TxnHeader) DataLen() int64 {
return txnh.Len - txnh.HeaderLen() - 8 /* trailer redundant length */
// CloneFrom copies txnh2 to txnh making sure underlying slices (.workMem .User
// .Desc ...) are not shared.
func (txnh *TxnHeader) CloneFrom(txnh2 *TxnHeader) {
workMem := txnh.workMem
lwork2 := len(txnh2.workMem)
workMem = xbytes.Realloc(workMem, lwork2)
*txnh = *txnh2
// now unshare slices
txnh.workMem = workMem
copy(workMem, txnh2.workMem)
luser := cap(txnh2.User)
xdesc := luser + cap(txnh2.Description)
xext := xdesc + cap(txnh2.Extension)
txnh.User = workMem[0:0:luser] [:len(txnh2.User)]
txnh.Description = workMem[luser:luser:xdesc] [:len(txnh2.Description)]
txnh.Extension = workMem[xdesc:xdesc:xext] [:len(txnh2.Extension)]
// flags for TxnHeader.Load
type TxnLoadFlags int
const (
LoadAll TxnLoadFlags = 0x00 // load whole transaction header
LoadNoStrings = 0x01 // do not load user/desc/ext strings
// Load reads and decodes transaction record header @ pos.
// Both transaction header starting at pos, and redundant length of previous
// transaction are loaded. The data read is verified for consistency lightly.
// No prerequisite requirements are made to previous txnh state.
// Rules for .Len/.LenPrev returns:
// .Len = -1 transaction header could not be read
// .Len = 0 EOF forward
// .Len > 0 transaction was read normally
// .LenPrev = -1 prev record length could not be read
// .LenPrev = 0 EOF backward
// .LenPrev > 0 LenPrev was read/checked normally
// For example when pos points to the end of file .Len will be returned = -1, but
// .LenPrev will be usually valid if file has at least 1 transaction.
func (txnh *TxnHeader) Load(r io.ReaderAt, pos int64, flags TxnLoadFlags) error {
if cap(txnh.workMem) < txnXHeaderFixSize {
txnh.workMem = make([]byte, txnXHeaderFixSize, 256 /* to later avoid allocation for typical strings */)
work := txnh.workMem[:txnXHeaderFixSize]
txnh.Pos = pos
txnh.Len = -1 // read error
txnh.LenPrev = -1 // read error
if pos < txnValidFrom {
bug(r, txnh, "Load() on invalid position")
var n int
var err error
if pos - 8 >= txnValidFrom {
// read together with previous's txn record redundant length
n, err = r.ReadAt(work, pos - 8)
n -= 8 // relative to pos
if n >= 0 {
lenPrev := 8 + int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(work[8-8:]))
if lenPrev < TxnHeaderFixSize {
return checkErr(r, txnh, "invalid prev record length: %v", lenPrev)
posPrev := txnh.Pos - lenPrev
if posPrev < txnValidFrom {
return checkErr(r, txnh, "prev record length goes beyond valid area: %v", lenPrev)
if posPrev < txnValidFrom + TxnHeaderFixSize && posPrev != txnValidFrom {
return checkErr(r, txnh, "prev record does not land exactly at valid area start: %v", posPrev)
txnh.LenPrev = lenPrev
} else {
// read only current txn without previous record length
n, err = r.ReadAt(work[8:], pos)
txnh.LenPrev = 0 // EOF backward
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF && n == 0 {
txnh.Len = 0 // EOF forward
return err // end of stream
// EOF after txn header is not good - because at least
// redundant length should be also there
return txnh.err(r, "read", noEOF(err))
txnh.Tid = zodb.Tid(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(work[8+0:]))
if !txnh.Tid.Valid() {
return checkErr(r, txnh, "invalid tid: %v", txnh.Tid)
tlen := 8 + int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(work[8+8:]))
if tlen < TxnHeaderFixSize {
return checkErr(r, txnh, "invalid txn record length: %v", tlen)
// NOTE no need to check tlen does not go beyon file size - loadStrings/LoadData or LoadNext will catch it.
// txnh.Len will be set =tlen at last - after checking other fields for correctness.
txnh.Status = zodb.TxnStatus(work[8+16])
if !txnh.Status.Valid() {
return checkErr(r, txnh, "invalid status: %q", txnh.Status)
luser := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(work[8+17:])
ldesc := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(work[8+19:])
lext := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(work[8+21:])
lstr := int(luser) + int(ldesc) + int(lext)
if TxnHeaderFixSize + int64(lstr) + 8 > tlen {
return checkErr(r, txnh, "strings overlap with txn boundary: %v / %v", lstr, tlen)
// set .Len at last after doing all header checks
// this way we make sure we never return bad fixed TxnHeader with non-error .Len
txnh.Len = tlen
// NOTE we encode whole strings length into len(.workMem)
txnh.workMem = xbytes.Realloc(txnh.workMem, lstr)
// NOTE we encode each x string length into cap(x)
// and set len(x) = 0 to indicate x is not loaded yet
//println("workmem len:", len(txnh.workMem), "cap:", cap(txnh.workMem))
//println("luser:", luser)
//println("ldesc:", ldesc)
//println("lext: ", lext)
xdesc := luser + ldesc
xext := xdesc + lext
txnh.User = txnh.workMem[0:0:luser]
txnh.Description = txnh.workMem[luser:luser:xdesc]
txnh.Extension = txnh.workMem[xdesc:xdesc:xext]
if flags & LoadNoStrings == 0 {
err = txnh.loadStrings(r)
return err
// loadStrings makes sure strings that are part of transaction header are loaded
func (txnh *TxnHeader) loadStrings(r io.ReaderAt) error {
// XXX make it no-op if strings are already loaded?
// we rely on Load leaving len(workMem) = sum of all strings length ...
_, err := r.ReadAt(txnh.workMem, txnh.Pos + TxnHeaderFixSize)
if err != nil {
return txnh.err(r, "read strings", noEOF(err))
// ... and presetting x to point to appropriate places in .workMem .
// so set len(x) = cap(x) to indicate strings are now loaded.
txnh.User = txnh.User[:cap(txnh.User)]
txnh.Description = txnh.Description[:cap(txnh.Description)]
txnh.Extension = txnh.Extension[:cap(txnh.Extension)]
return nil
// LoadPrev reads and decodes previous transaction record header.
// prerequisites:
// - txnh .Pos, .LenPrev are initialized
// - optionally if .Len is initialized and txnh was loaded - tid↓ will be also checked
func (txnh *TxnHeader) LoadPrev(r io.ReaderAt, flags TxnLoadFlags) error {
lenPrev := txnh.LenPrev
switch lenPrev {
case -1:
bug(r, txnh, "LoadPrev() when .LenPrev == error")
case 0:
return io.EOF
case lenIterStart:
// start of iteration backward:
// read LenPrev @pos, then tail to LoadPrev
pos := txnh.Pos
err := txnh.Load(r, pos, flags)
if txnh.LenPrev == -1 {
if err == nil {
panic("nil err with txnh.LenPrev = error")
return err
// we do not care if it was error above as long as txnh.LenPrev could be read.
return txnh.LoadPrev(r, flags)
lenCur := txnh.Len
tidCur := txnh.Tid
// here we know: Load already checked txnh.Pos - lenPrev to be valid position
err := txnh.Load(r, txnh.Pos - lenPrev, flags)
if err != nil {
// EOF forward is unexpected here
if err == io.EOF {
err = txnh.err(r, "read", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF)
return err
if txnh.Len != lenPrev {
return checkErr(r, txnh, "head/tail lengths mismatch: %v, %v", txnh.Len, lenPrev)
// check tid↓ if we had txnh for "cur" loaded
if lenCur > 0 && txnh.Tid >= tidCur {
return checkErr(r, txnh, "tid monitonity broken: %v ; next: %v", txnh.Tid, tidCur)
return nil
// LoadNext reads and decodes next transaction record header.
// prerequisite: txnh .Pos, .Len and .Tid should be already initialized.
func (txnh *TxnHeader) LoadNext(r io.ReaderAt, flags TxnLoadFlags) error {
lenCur := txnh.Len
posCur := txnh.Pos
switch lenCur {
case -1:
bug(r, txnh, "LoadNext() when .Len == error")
case 0:
return io.EOF
case lenIterStart:
// start of iteration forward
return txnh.Load(r, posCur, flags)
// valid .Len means txnh was read ok
tidCur := txnh.Tid
err := txnh.Load(r, txnh.Pos + lenCur, flags)
// before checking loading error for next txn, let's first check redundant length
// NOTE also: err could be EOF
if txnh.LenPrev >= 0 && txnh.LenPrev != lenCur {
t := &TxnHeader{Pos: posCur} // txn for which we discovered problem
return checkErr(r, t, "head/tail lengths mismatch: %v, %v", lenCur, txnh.LenPrev)
if err != nil {
return err
// check tid↑
if txnh.Tid <= tidCur {
return checkErr(r, txnh, "tid↑ broken: %v ; prev: %v", txnh.Tid, tidCur)
return nil
// --- Data record ---
// Len returns whole data record length.
func (dh *DataHeader) Len() int64 {
dataLen := dh.DataLen
if dataLen == 0 {
dataLen = 8 // back-pointer | oid removal
return DataHeaderSize + dataLen
// Load reads and decodes data record header @ pos.
// Only the data record header is loaded, not data itself.
// See LoadData for actually loading record's data.
// No prerequisite requirements are made to previous dh state.
func (dh *DataHeader) Load(r io.ReaderAt, pos int64) error {
dh.Pos = -1 // ~ error
if pos < dataValidFrom {
bug(r, dh, "Load() on invalid position")
_, err := r.ReadAt(dh.workMem[:], pos)
if err != nil {
return dh.err(r, "read", noEOF(err))
// XXX also check oid.Valid() ?
dh.Oid = zodb.Oid(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(dh.workMem[0:]))
dh.Tid = zodb.Tid(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(dh.workMem[8:]))
if !dh.Tid.Valid() {
return checkErr(r, dh, "invalid tid: %v", dh.Tid)
dh.PrevRevPos = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(dh.workMem[16:]))
dh.TxnPos = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(dh.workMem[24:]))
if dh.TxnPos < txnValidFrom {
return checkErr(r, dh, "invalid txn position: %v", dh.TxnPos)
if dh.TxnPos + TxnHeaderFixSize > pos {
return checkErr(r, dh, "txn position not decreasing: %v", dh.TxnPos)
if dh.PrevRevPos != 0 { // zero means there is no previous revision
if dh.PrevRevPos < dataValidFrom {
return checkErr(r, dh, "invalid prev revision position: %v", dh.PrevRevPos)
if dh.PrevRevPos + DataHeaderSize > dh.TxnPos - 8 {
return checkErr(r, dh, "prev revision position (%v) overlaps with txn (%v)", dh.PrevRevPos, dh.TxnPos)
verlen := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(dh.workMem[32:])
if verlen != 0 {
return checkErr(r, dh, "non-zero version: #%v", verlen)
dh.DataLen = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(dh.workMem[34:]))
if dh.DataLen < 0 {
// XXX also check DataLen < max ?
return checkErr(r, dh, "invalid data len: %v", dh.DataLen)
dh.Pos = pos
return nil
// LoadPrevRev reads and decodes previous revision data record header.
// Prerequisite: dh .Oid .Tid .PrevRevPos are initialized.
// When there is no previous revision: io.EOF is returned.
func (dh *DataHeader) LoadPrevRev(r io.ReaderAt) error {
if dh.PrevRevPos == 0 {
return io.EOF // no more previous revisions
posCur := dh.Pos
err := dh.loadPrevRev(r, dh.PrevRevPos)
if err != nil {
// data record @...: -> (prev rev): data record @...: ...
// XXX dup wrt DataHeader.err
err = &RecordError{ioname(r), "data record", posCur, "-> (prev rev)", err}
return err
// worker for LoadPrevRev and LoadBack
func (dh *DataHeader) loadPrevRev(r io.ReaderAt, prevPos int64) error {
oid := dh.Oid
tid := dh.Tid
err := dh.Load(r, prevPos)
if err != nil {
return err
if dh.Oid != oid {
return checkErr(r, dh, "oid mismatch: %s -> %s", oid, dh.Oid)
if dh.Tid >= tid {
return checkErr(r, dh, "tid not ↓: %s -> %s", tid, dh.Tid)
return nil
// LoadBackRef reads data for the data record and decodes it as backpointer reference.
// Prerequisite: dh loaded and .LenData == 0 (data record with back-pointer).
func (dh *DataHeader) LoadBackRef(r io.ReaderAt) (backPos int64, err error) {
if dh.DataLen != 0 {
bug(r, dh, "LoadBack() on non-backpointer data header")
_, err = r.ReadAt(dh.workMem[:8], dh.Pos + DataHeaderSize)
if err != nil {
return 0, dh.err(r, "read data", noEOF(err))
backPos = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(dh.workMem[0:]))
if !(backPos == 0 || backPos >= dataValidFrom) {
return 0, checkErr(r, dh, "invalid backpointer: %v", backPos)
if backPos + DataHeaderSize > dh.TxnPos - 8 {
return 0, checkErr(r, dh, "backpointer (%v) overlaps with txn (%v)", backPos, dh.TxnPos)
return backPos, nil
// LoadBack reads and decodes data header for revision linked via back-pointer.
// Prerequisite: dh is loaded and .DataLen == 0.
// If link is to zero (means deleted record) io.EOF is returned.
func (dh *DataHeader) LoadBack(r io.ReaderAt) error {
backPos, err := dh.LoadBackRef(r)
if err != nil {
return err
if backPos == 0 {
return io.EOF // oid was deleted
posCur := dh.Pos
err = dh.loadPrevRev(r, backPos)
if err != nil {
// data record @...: -> (prev rev): data record @...: ...
// XXX dup wrt DataHeader.err
err = &RecordError{ioname(r), "data record", posCur, "-> (back)", err}
return err
// LoadNext reads and decodes data header for next data record in the same transaction.
// Prerequisite: dh .Pos .DataLen are initialized.
// When there is no more data records: io.EOF is returned.
func (dh *DataHeader) LoadNext(r io.ReaderAt, txnh *TxnHeader) error {
err := dh.loadNext(r, txnh)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
err = txnh.err(r, "-> (iter data)", err)
return err
func (dh *DataHeader) loadNext(r io.ReaderAt, txnh *TxnHeader) error {
// position of txn tail - right after last data record byte
txnTailPos := txnh.Pos + txnh.Len - 8
// NOTE we know nextPos does not overlap txnTailPos - it was checked by
// previous LoadNext()
nextPos := dh.Pos + dh.Len()
if nextPos == txnTailPos {
return io.EOF
if nextPos + DataHeaderSize > txnTailPos {
// XXX dup wrt DataHeader.err
return &RecordError{ioname(r), "data record", nextPos, "check",
fmt.Errorf("data record header [..., %d] overlaps txn boundary [..., %d)",
nextPos + DataHeaderSize, txnTailPos)}
err := dh.Load(r, nextPos)
if err != nil {
return err
if dh.Tid != txnh.Tid {
return checkErr(r, dh, "tid mismatch: %s -> %s", txnh.Tid, dh.Tid)
if dh.TxnPos != txnh.Pos {
return checkErr(r, dh, "txn position not pointing back: %d", dh.TxnPos)
if dh.Pos + dh.Len() > txnTailPos {
return checkErr(r, dh, "data record [..., %d) overlaps txn boundary [..., %d)",
dh.Pos + dh.Len(), txnTailPos)
return nil
// LoadData loads data for the data record taking backpointers into account.
// NOTE on success dh state is changed to data header of original data transaction.
// NOTE "deleted" records are indicated via returning buf with .Data=nil without error.
func (dh *DataHeader) LoadData(r io.ReaderAt) (*mem.Buf, error) {
// scan via backpointers
for dh.DataLen == 0 {
err := dh.LoadBack(r)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return &mem.Buf{Data: nil}, nil // deleted
return nil, err
// now read actual data
buf := mem.BufAlloc64(dh.DataLen)
_, err := r.ReadAt(buf.Data, dh.Pos + DataHeaderSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, dh.err(r, "read data", noEOF(err))
return buf, nil
// --- raw iteration ---
// Iter is combined 2-level iterator over transaction and data records
type Iter struct {
R io.ReaderAt
Dir IterDir
Txnh TxnHeader // current transaction record information
Datah DataHeader // current data record information
type IterDir int
const (
IterForward IterDir = iota
// NextTxn iterates to next/previous transaction record according to iteration direction.
// The data header is reset to iterate inside transaction record that becomes current.
func (it *Iter) NextTxn(flags TxnLoadFlags) error {
var err error
switch it.Dir {
case IterForward:
err = it.Txnh.LoadNext(it.R, flags)
case IterBackward:
err = it.Txnh.LoadPrev(it.R, flags)
panic("Iter.Dir invalid")
if err != nil {
// reset .Datah to be invalid (just in case)
it.Datah.Pos = 0
it.Datah.DataLen = 0
} else {
// set .Datah to iterate over .Txnh
it.Datah.Pos = it.Txnh.DataPos()
it.Datah.DataLen = -DataHeaderSize // first iteration will go to first data record
return err
// NextData iterates to next data record header inside current transaction
func (it *Iter) NextData() error {
return it.Datah.LoadNext(it.R, &it.Txnh)
// Iterate creates Iter to iterate over r starting from posStart in direction dir
func Iterate(r io.ReaderAt, posStart int64, dir IterDir) *Iter {
it := &Iter{R: r, Dir: dir, Txnh: TxnHeader{Pos: posStart}}
switch dir {
case IterForward:
it.Txnh.Len = lenIterStart
case IterBackward:
it.Txnh.LenPrev = lenIterStart
panic("dir invalid")
return it
// IterateFile opens file @ path read-only and creates Iter to iterate over it.
// The iteration will use buffering over os.File optimized for sequential access.
// You are responsible to eventually close the file after the iteration is done.
func IterateFile(path string, dir IterDir) (iter *Iter, file *os.File, err error) {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// close file in case we return with an error
defer func() {
if err != nil {
// use IO optimized for sequential access when iterating
fSeq := seqReadAt(f)
switch dir {
case IterForward:
return Iterate(fSeq, txnValidFrom, IterForward), f, nil
case IterBackward:
// get file size as topPos and start iterating backward from it
// XXX half-committed transaction might be there.
fi, err := f.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
topPos := fi.Size()
return Iterate(fSeq, topPos, IterBackward), f, nil
panic("dir invalid")
// Copyright (C) 2017 Nexedi SA and Contributors.
// Kirill Smelkov <>
// This program is free software: you can Use, Study, Modify and Redistribute
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, or (at your
// option) any later version, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You can also Link and Combine this program with other software covered by
// the terms of any of the Free Software licenses or any of the Open Source
// Initiative approved licenses and Convey the resulting work. Corresponding
// source of such a combination shall include the source code for all other
// software used.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
// See COPYING file for full licensing terms.
// See for rationale and options.
package fs1
import (
// noEOF returns err, but changes io.EOF -> io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
func noEOF(err error) error {
if err == io.EOF {
err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return err
// okEOF returns err, but changes io.EOF -> nil
func okEOF(err error) error {
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
return err
// record reading routines work on abstract file-like interfaces.
// when they report e.g. decoding error, if reader has name, e.g. as os.File
// does, this name is included into error as prefix.
// named represents something having a name - ex. os.File
type named interface {
Name() string
// ioname returns f's name if it has one.
// if not - "" is returned.
func ioname(f interface{}) string {
if fn, ok := f.(named); ok {
return fn.Name()
return ""
// ioprefix returns "<name>: " for f if it has name.
// if not - "" is returned.
func ioprefix(f interface{}) string {
n := ioname(f)
if n != "" {
return n + ": "
return ""
// seqReadAt wraps os.File with xbufio.SeqReaderAt for its .ReadAt method.
// in particular f's name is preserved.
func seqReadAt(f *os.File) *seqFileReaderAt {
fseq := xbufio.NewSeqReaderAt(f)
return &seqFileReaderAt{fseq, f}
type seqFileReaderAt struct {
// keep os.File still exposed for .Name()
// XXX better xbufio.SeqReaderAt expose underlying reader?
func (f *seqFileReaderAt) ReadAt(p []byte, off int64) (int, error) {
// route ReadAt to wrapper
return f.SeqReaderAt.ReadAt(p, off)
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