Commit 113af892 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

make pycurl an optional dependency

parent 2f391655
......@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ setup(name=name,
'lxml', # needed for xml parsing
'paramiko', # needed by cloudmgr
'psutil', # needed for playing with processes in portable way
'pycurl', # needed for check_web_page_http_cache_hit module
'setuptools', # namespaces
'slapos.core', # as it provides library for slap
'xml_marshaller', # needed to dump information
......@@ -48,6 +47,7 @@ setup(name=name,
'zodbpack': ['ZODB3'], # needed to play with ZODB
'agent': ['erp5.util'],
'flask_auth' : ["Flask-Auth"],
'check_web_page_http_cache_hit' : ['pycurl'], # needed for check_web_page_http_cache_hit module
zip_safe=False, # proxy depends on Flask, which has issues with
# accessing templates
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