# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Unit tests for 'zuite' module.

import unittest

class DummyResponse:

    def __init__( self ):
        self._headers = {}
        self._body = None

    def setHeader( self, key, value ):
        self._headers[ key ] = value

    def write( self, body ):
        self._body = body

CONTENT_suite_html = """
 <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">


  <tr class="title                                      status_failed">
    <b>Test Suite: portal_tests</b>

  <tr class="  status_failed">
    <a href="portal_zuite/testSomething">testSomething</a>


CONTENT_testTable_1 = """
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
<tr class="title status_failed"><td rowspan="1" colspan="3">Test Something</td></tr>

<tr class="  status_done" style="cursor: pointer;">


class ZuiteTests( unittest.TestCase ):

    _OLD_NOW = _MARKER = object()

    def setUp( self ):
        import transaction
        from zope.component.testing import setUp as componentSetUp
        from zope.component import provideUtility
        from zope.component import provideAdapter
        from zope.traversing.adapters import DefaultTraversable
        from zope.publisher.http import HTTPCharsets
        from Testing.ZopeTestCase import ZopeLite
        from Testing.makerequest import makerequest
        from Products.PageTemplates.interfaces \
            import IUnicodeEncodingConflictResolver
        from Products.PageTemplates.unicodeconflictresolver \
            import PreferredCharsetResolver

        provideAdapter(DefaultTraversable, (None,))
        app = ZopeLite.app()
        self.root = makerequest(app)
        # set the request charset to enable conversions to utf-8
        self.root.REQUEST['HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET'] = '*'

    def tearDown( self ):
        import transaction
        from zope.component.testing import tearDown as componentTearDown
        if self._OLD_NOW is not self._MARKER:
            self._setNow( self._OLD_NOW )

    def _getTargetClass( self ):

        from Products.Zelenium.zuite import Zuite
        return Zuite

    def _makeOne( self, id='testing', *args, **kw ):

        return self._getTargetClass()( id=id, *args, **kw )

    def _setNow( self, value ):

        from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime
        from Products.Zelenium import zuite

        if isinstance( value, str ):
            value = DateTime( value )

        old, zuite._NOW = zuite._NOW, value
        return old

    def _verifyArchive( self, bits, contents ):
        import StringIO
        import zipfile
        stream = StringIO.StringIO( bits )
        archive = zipfile.ZipFile( stream, 'r' )

        names = list( archive.namelist() )
        contents = list( contents )

        self.assertEqual( len( contents ), len( names ),
                            % ( '\n'.join( contents )
                              , '\n'.join( names )

        for name in names:
            if name not in contents:
                raise AssertionError, 'Extra name in archive: %s' % name

        for name in contents:
            if name not in names:
                raise AssertionError, 'Missing name in archive: %s' % name

    def _verifyManifest( self, bits, name, contents ):

        import StringIO
        import zipfile
        stream = StringIO.StringIO( bits )
        archive = zipfile.ZipFile( stream, 'r' )

        manifest = filter( None, archive.read( name ).split( '\n' ) )
        self.assertEqual( len( manifest ), len( contents ) )

        for lhs, rhs in zip( manifest, contents ):
            self.assertEqual( lhs, rhs )

    def _listDefaultArchiveNames( self, include_selenium=True ):

        from Products.Zelenium.zuite import _SUPPORT_FILES

        expected_names = []
        expected_names.append( 'index.html' )
        expected_names.append( 'testSuite.html' )

        if include_selenium:
            expected_names.extend( _SUPPORT_FILES.keys() )

        return expected_names

    def _makeFile( self, id, title=None, file=None ):

        from OFS.Image import File

        if title is None:
            title = 'File %s' % id

        if file is None:
            file = ''

        return File( id, title, file )

    def test_empty( self ):

        zuite = self._makeOne()
        self.assertEqual( len( zuite.test_case_metatypes ), 2 )
        self.failUnless( 'File' in zuite.test_case_metatypes )
        self.failUnless( 'Page Template' in zuite.test_case_metatypes )
        self.assertEqual( len( zuite.listTestCases() ), 0 )

    def test___getitem___normal( self ):

        from Acquisition import aq_base

        _KEY = 'key'
        zuite = self._makeOne()

            object = zuite[ _KEY ]
        except KeyError:
            self.fail( "__getitem__ didn't raise: %s" % _KEY )

        zuite._setObject( _KEY, self._makeFile( _KEY ) )
        object = zuite[ _KEY ]
        self.failUnless( aq_base( object )
                      is aq_base( getattr( zuite, _KEY ) ) )

    def test___getitem___support_files( self ):

        from Products.Zelenium.zuite import _SUPPORT_FILES

        zuite = self._makeOne()

        for name in _SUPPORT_FILES.keys():
            object = zuite[ name ]
            self.assertEqual( object.meta_type, 'File' )

    def test___getitem___filesystem( self ):

        import os
        from App.Common import package_home

        zuite = self._makeOne()
        zuite._updateProperty( 'filesystem_path'
                             , os.path.join( package_home( globals() )
                                           , 'flat'

        for name in ( 'test_simple.html'
            object = zuite[ name ]
            self.assertEqual( object.meta_type, 'File' )

    def test___getitem___filesystem_recursive( self ):

        import os
        from App.Common import package_home

        zuite = self._makeOne()
        zuite._updateProperty( 'filesystem_path'
                             , os.path.join( package_home( globals() )
                                           , 'nested'

        for subdir, name in ( ( 'one', 'test_one.html' )
                            , ( 'two', 'test_another.html' )
            proxy = zuite[ subdir ]
            object = proxy[ name ]
            self.assertEqual( object.meta_type, 'File' )

    def test___getitem___filesystem_filtered( self ):

        import os
        from App.Common import package_home

        zuite = self._makeOne()
        zuite._updateProperty( 'filesystem_path'
                             , os.path.join( package_home( globals() )
                                           , 'filters'

        zuite._updateProperty( 'filename_glob'
                             , 'test_*.html'

            excluded = zuite[ 'exclude_me.html' ]
        except KeyError:
            self.fail( "Didn't exclude 'exclude_me.html'." )

        for name in ( 'test_one.html'
                    , 'test_another.html'
            object = zuite[ name ]
            self.assertEqual( object.meta_type, 'File' )

    def test_listTestCases_simple( self ):

        _TEST_IDS = ( 'test_one'
                    , 'test_two'
                    , 'test_three'

        zuite = self._makeOne()

        for test_id in _TEST_IDS:
            zuite._setObject( test_id, self._makeFile( test_id ) )

        cases = zuite.listTestCases()
        self.assertEqual( len( cases ), len( _TEST_IDS ) )
        for case in cases:
            self.failUnless( case[ 'id' ] in _TEST_IDS )

        zuite.test_case_metatypes = ()
        self.assertEqual( len( zuite.listTestCases() ), 0 )

        zuite.test_case_metatypes = ( 'File', )
        cases = zuite.listTestCases()
        self.assertEqual( len( cases ), len( _TEST_IDS ) )
        for case in cases:
            self.failUnless( case[ 'id' ] in _TEST_IDS )

    def test_listTestCases_recursive( self ):

        _TEST_IDS = ( 'test_one'
                    , 'test_two'
                    , 'test_three'

        _SUB_IDS = tuple( [ x + '_sub' for x in _TEST_IDS[:-1] ] )

        # Create a zuite inside a zuite, each populated with testcases.
        zuite = self._makeOne()

        for test_id in _TEST_IDS:
            zuite._setObject( test_id, self._makeFile( test_id ) )

        sub = self._makeOne()

        for sub_id in _SUB_IDS:
            sub._setObject( sub_id, self._makeFile( sub_id ) )

        zuite._setObject( 'sub', sub )

        # verify that the default settings pick up all tests.
        cases = zuite.listTestCases()
        expected = _TEST_IDS + _SUB_IDS
        self.assertEqual( len( cases ), len( expected ) )
        for case in cases:
            self.failUnless( case[ 'id' ] in expected )

        # verfiy that disabling the parent's metatypes leaves the child's OK.
        zuite.test_case_metatypes = ()
        cases = zuite.listTestCases()
        self.assertEqual( len( cases ), len( _SUB_IDS ) )
        for case in cases:
            self.failUnless( case[ 'id' ] in _SUB_IDS )

        # verfiy that disabling the child's metatypes leaves the parent's OK.
        zuite.test_case_metatypes = ( 'File', )
        sub.test_case_metatypes = ()
        cases = zuite.listTestCases()
        self.assertEqual( len( cases ), len( _TEST_IDS ) )
        for case in cases:
            self.failUnless( case[ 'id' ] in _TEST_IDS )

    def test_listTestCases_filesystem( self ):

        import os
        from App.Common import package_home

        zuite = self._makeOne()
        zuite._updateProperty( 'filesystem_path'
                             , os.path.join( package_home( globals() )
                                           , 'flat'

        cases = zuite.listTestCases()
        self.assertEqual( len( cases ), 1 )
        self.assertEqual( cases[ 0 ][ 'id' ], 'test_simple.html' )

    def test_listTestCases_filesystem_recursive( self ):

        import os
        from App.Common import package_home

        zuite = self._makeOne()
        zuite._updateProperty( 'filesystem_path'
                             , os.path.join( package_home( globals() )
                                           , 'nested'

        cases = zuite.listTestCases()
        self.assertEqual( len( cases ), 2 )
        case_ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in cases ]
        self.failUnless( 'test_one.html' in case_ids )
        self.failUnless( 'test_another.html' in case_ids )

    def test_listTestCases_filesystem_ordered_default( self ):

        # By default, sort alphabetically.
        import os
        from App.Common import package_home

        zuite = self._makeOne()
        zuite._updateProperty( 'filesystem_path'
                             , os.path.join( package_home( globals() )
                                           , 'ordered'
                                           , 'default'
        cases = zuite.listTestCases()
        self.assertEqual( len( cases ), 2 )
        case_ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in cases ]
        self.assertEqual( case_ids[ 0 ], 'test_alpha.html' )
        self.assertEqual( case_ids[ 1 ], 'test_beta.html' )

    def test_listTestCases_filesystem_ordered_explicit( self ):

        # Use the ordering specified in '.objects'.
        import os
        from App.Common import package_home

        zuite = self._makeOne()
        zuite._updateProperty( 'filesystem_path'
                             , os.path.join( package_home( globals() )
                                           , 'ordered'
                                           , 'explicit'
        cases = zuite.listTestCases()
        self.assertEqual( len( cases ), 2 )
        case_ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in cases ]
        self.assertEqual( case_ids[ 0 ], 'test_beta.html' )
        self.assertEqual( case_ids[ 1 ], 'test_alpha.html' )

    def test_listTestCases_filesystem_recursive_explicit( self ):

        import os
        from App.Common import package_home

        zuite = self._makeOne()
        zuite._updateProperty( 'filesystem_path'
                             , os.path.join( package_home( globals() )
                                           , 'fussy'
        cases = zuite.listTestCases()
        case_ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in cases ]
        self.assertEqual( len( case_ids ), 5, case_ids )
        self.assertEqual( case_ids[ 0 ], 'test_niece1.html' )
        self.assertEqual( case_ids[ 1 ], 'test_niece2.html' )
        self.assertEqual( case_ids[ 2 ], 'test_uncle.html' )
        self.assertEqual( case_ids[ 3 ], 'test_nephew2.html' )
        self.assertEqual( case_ids[ 4 ], 'test_nephew1.html' )

    def test_getZipFileName( self ):

        _ID = 'gzf'
        _NOW = '2005-05-02'
        self._OLD_NOW = self._setNow( _NOW )

        zuite = self._makeOne( _ID )
        self.assertEqual( zuite.getZipFileName()
                        , '%s-%s.zip' % ( _ID, _NOW ) )

    def test_manage_getZipFile_empty( self ):

        _ID = 'mgzf_empty'
        _ARCHIVE_NAME = 'empty.zip'

        response = DummyResponse()
        zuite = self._makeOne( _ID ).__of__( self.root )

        zuite.manage_getZipFile( archive_name=_ARCHIVE_NAME, RESPONSE=response )

        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-type' ]
                        , 'application/zip' )
        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-disposition' ]
                        , 'inline;filename=%s' % _ARCHIVE_NAME )
        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-length' ]
                        , str( len( response._body ) ) )

        expected = self._listDefaultArchiveNames()
        expected.append( '.objects' )
        self._verifyArchive( response._body, expected )
        self._verifyManifest( response._body, '.objects', [] )

    def test_manage_getZipFile_empty_no_selenium( self ):

        _ID = 'mgzf_empty'
        _ARCHIVE_NAME = 'empty.zip'

        response = DummyResponse()
        zuite = self._makeOne( _ID ).__of__( self.root )

        zuite.manage_getZipFile( archive_name=_ARCHIVE_NAME
                               , include_selenium=False
                               , RESPONSE=response

        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-type' ]
                        , 'application/zip' )
        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-disposition' ]
                        , 'inline;filename=%s' % _ARCHIVE_NAME )
        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-length' ]
                        , str( len( response._body ) ) )

        expected = self._listDefaultArchiveNames( include_selenium=False )
        expected.append( '.objects' )
        self._verifyArchive( response._body, expected )
        self._verifyManifest( response._body, '.objects', [] )

    def test_manage_getZipFile_default_name( self ):

        _ID = 'mgzf'
        _NOW = '2005-05-02'
        _FILENAME = 'test_one'

        self._OLD_NOW = self._setNow( _NOW )

        response = DummyResponse()
        zuite = self._makeOne( _ID ).__of__( self.root )
        zuite._setObject( _FILENAME, self._makeFile( _FILENAME ) )

        zuite.manage_getZipFile( RESPONSE=response )

        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-type' ]
                        , 'application/zip' )
        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-disposition' ]
                        , 'inline;filename=%s-%s.zip' % ( _ID, _NOW ) )
        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-length' ]
                        , str( len( response._body ) ) )

        expected = self._listDefaultArchiveNames()
        expected.append( '.objects' )
        filename = '%s.html' % _FILENAME
        expected.append( filename )
        self._verifyArchive( response._body, expected )
        self._verifyManifest( response._body, '.objects', [ filename ] )

    def test_manage_getZipFile_recursive( self ):

        _ID = 'mgzf_recursive'
        _ARCHIVE_NAME = 'recursive.zip'

        _TEST_IDS = ( 'test_one'
                    , 'test_two'
                    , 'test_three'

        _SUB_IDS = tuple( [ x + '_sub' for x in _TEST_IDS[:-1] ] )

        response = DummyResponse()
        zuite = self._makeOne( _ID ).__of__( self.root )

        for test_id in _TEST_IDS:
            zuite._setObject( test_id, self._makeFile( test_id ) )

        sub = self._makeOne()

        for sub_id in _SUB_IDS:
            sub._setObject( sub_id, self._makeFile( sub_id ) )

        zuite._setObject( 'sub', sub )

        zuite.manage_getZipFile( archive_name=_ARCHIVE_NAME, RESPONSE=response )

        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-type' ]
                        , 'application/zip' )
        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-disposition' ]
                        , 'inline;filename=%s' % _ARCHIVE_NAME )
        self.assertEqual( response._headers[ 'Content-length' ]
                        , str( len( response._body ) ) )

        expected = self._listDefaultArchiveNames()
        expected.append( '.objects' )
        expected.append( 'sub/.objects' )

        top_level = []
        for test_id in _TEST_IDS:
            filename = '%s.html' % test_id 
            expected.append( filename )
            top_level.append( filename )

        top_level.append( 'sub' )

        sub_level = []
        for sub_id in _SUB_IDS:
            filename = '%s.html' % sub_id
            expected.append( 'sub/%s' % filename )
            sub_level.append( filename )

        self._verifyArchive( response._body, expected )
        self._verifyManifest( response._body, '.objects', top_level )
        self._verifyManifest( response._body, 'sub/.objects', sub_level )

    def test_manage_createSnapshot_empty( self ):

        _ID = 'mcs_empty'
        _ARCHIVE_NAME = 'empty.zip'
        zuite = self._makeOne( _ID ).__of__( self.root )

        zuite.manage_createSnapshot( archive_name=_ARCHIVE_NAME )
        object_ids = zuite.objectIds()
        self.assertEqual( len( object_ids ), 1 )
        self.failUnless( _ARCHIVE_NAME in object_ids )

        archive = zuite._getOb( _ARCHIVE_NAME )
        expected = self._listDefaultArchiveNames()
        expected.append( '.objects' )
        self._verifyArchive( archive.data, expected )

    def test_manage_createSnapshot_no_selenium( self ):

        _ID = 'mcs_empty'
        _ARCHIVE_NAME = 'empty.zip'
        zuite = self._makeOne( _ID ).__of__( self.root )

        zuite.manage_createSnapshot( archive_name=_ARCHIVE_NAME
                                   , include_selenium=False
        object_ids = zuite.objectIds()
        self.assertEqual( len( object_ids ), 1 )
        self.failUnless( _ARCHIVE_NAME in object_ids )

        archive = zuite._getOb( _ARCHIVE_NAME )
        expected = self._listDefaultArchiveNames( include_selenium=False )
        expected.append( '.objects' )
        self._verifyArchive( archive.data, expected )

    def test_manage_createSnapshot_default_name( self ):

        _ID = 'mcs'
        _NOW = '2005-05-02'
        _FILENAME = 'test_one'

        self._OLD_NOW = self._setNow( _NOW )

        zuite = self._makeOne( _ID ).__of__( self.root )
        zuite._setObject( _FILENAME, self._makeFile( _FILENAME ) )


        object_ids = zuite.objectIds()
        self.assertEqual( len( object_ids ), 2 )
        expected_id = '%s-%s.zip' % ( zuite.getId(), _NOW )
        self.failUnless( expected_id in object_ids )

        expected = self._listDefaultArchiveNames()
        expected.append( '.objects' )
        expected.append( '%s.html' % _FILENAME )
        archive = zuite._getOb( expected_id )
        self._verifyArchive( archive.data, expected )

    def test_manage_createSnapshot_recursive( self ):

        _ID = 'mgzf_recursive'
        _ARCHIVE_NAME = 'recursive.zip'

        _TEST_IDS = ( 'test_one'
                    , 'test_two'
                    , 'test_three'

        _SUB_IDS = tuple( [ x + '_sub' for x in _TEST_IDS[:-1] ] )

        zuite = self._makeOne( _ID ).__of__( self.root )

        for test_id in _TEST_IDS:
            zuite._setObject( test_id, self._makeFile( test_id ) )

        sub = self._makeOne()

        for sub_id in _SUB_IDS:
            sub._setObject( sub_id, self._makeFile( sub_id ) )

        zuite._setObject( 'sub', sub )

        zuite.manage_createSnapshot( archive_name=_ARCHIVE_NAME )
        object_ids = zuite.objectIds()
        self.assertEqual( len( object_ids ), len( _TEST_IDS ) + 2 )
        self.failUnless( _ARCHIVE_NAME in object_ids )

        archive = zuite._getOb( _ARCHIVE_NAME )
        expected = self._listDefaultArchiveNames()
        expected.append( '.objects' )
        expected.append( 'sub/.objects' )

        for test_id in _TEST_IDS:
            expected.append( '%s.html' % test_id )

        for sub_id in _SUB_IDS:
            expected.append( 'sub/%s.html' % sub_id )

        self._verifyArchive( archive.data, expected )

    def test_unicode_zuite_result(self):
        from DateTime.DateTime import DateTime
        from Products.Zelenium.zuite import ZuiteResults
        from OFS.Image import File

        zuite = self._makeOne().__of__( self.root )
        # simulating zuite.postResults to create ZuiteResults object
        completed = DateTime('2010-05-30')
        result_id = 'result_%s' % completed.strftime( '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S' )
        zresults = ZuiteResults(result_id).__of__(zuite)
        zresults._setObject( 'suite.html'
                           , File( 'suite.html'
                                 , 'Test Suite'
                                 , CONTENT_suite_html
                                 , 'text/html'

        zresults._setObject( 'testTable.1'
                           , File( 'testTable.1'
                                 , 'Test case: testTable.1'
                                 , CONTENT_testTable_1
                                 , 'text/html'
        self.failUnless( u'azértï' in zresults.index_html() )

def test_suite():
    return unittest.TestSuite((
        unittest.makeSuite( ZuiteTests ),

if __name__ == '__main__':