Commit 153c7b5f authored by Han-Wen Nienhuys's avatar Han-Wen Nienhuys

Add reference counting to the inodeDate in pathfilesystem.go

parent 559b73ca
......@@ -8,14 +8,17 @@ import (
// TODO should rename to dentry?
type inodeData struct {
Parent *inodeData
NodeId uint64
Name string
Count int
LookupCount int
// Number of inodeData that have this as parent.
RefCount int
// Should implement some hash table method instead?
func inodeDataKey(parentInode uint64, name string) string {
// TODO - use something more efficient than Sprintf.
......@@ -44,16 +47,57 @@ func (self *inodeData) GetPath() string {
return fullPath
type PathFileSystemConnector struct {
fileSystem PathFilesystem
// Protects the hashmap, its contents and the nextFreeInode counter.
lock sync.RWMutex
// Invariants
// - For all values, (RefCount > 0 || LookupCount > 0).
// - For all values, value = inodePathMap[value.Key()]
// - For all values, value = inodePathMapByInode[value.NodeId]
// fuse.c seems to have different lifetimes for the different
// hashtables, which could lead to the same directory entry
// existing twice with different generated inode numbers, if
// we have (FORGET, LOOKUP) on a directory entry with RefCount
// > 0.
inodePathMap map[string]*inodeData
inodePathMapByInode map[uint64]*inodeData
nextFreeInode uint64
// Must be called with lock held.
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) setParent(data *inodeData, parentId uint64) {
newParent := self.inodePathMapByInode[parentId]
if data.Parent == newParent {
if newParent == nil {
panic("Unknown parent")
oldParent := data.Parent
if oldParent != nil {
data.Parent = newParent
if newParent != nil {
// Must be called with lock held.
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) unrefNode(data *inodeData) {
if data.RefCount <= 0 && data.LookupCount <= 0{
self.inodePathMapByInode[data.NodeId] = nil, false
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) lookupUpdate(nodeId uint64, name string) *inodeData {
defer self.lock.Unlock()
......@@ -62,18 +106,16 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) lookupUpdate(nodeId uint64, name string) *i
data, ok := self.inodePathMap[key]
if !ok {
data = new(inodeData)
data.Parent = parent
self.setParent(data, nodeId)
data.NodeId = self.nextFreeInode
data.Name = name
data.Count = 0
self.inodePathMapByInode[data.NodeId] = data
self.inodePathMap[key] = data
return data
......@@ -90,19 +132,18 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) forgetUpdate(nodeId uint64, forgetCount int
data, ok := self.inodePathMapByInode[nodeId]
if ok {
data.Count -= forgetCount
if data.Count <= 0 {
data.LookupCount -= forgetCount
if data.LookupCount <= 0 && data.RefCount <= 0 {
self.inodePathMap[data.Key()] = nil, false
self.inodePathMapByInode[h.NodeId] = nil, false
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) renameUpdate(oldNode uint64, oldName string, newNode uint64, newName string) {
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) renameUpdate(oldParent uint64, oldName string, newParent uint64, newName string) {
defer self.lock.Unlock()
oldKey = inodeDataKey(oldNode, oldName)
oldKey := inodeDataKey(oldParent, oldName)
data := self.inodePathMap[oldKey]
if data == nil {
// This can happen if a rename raced with an unlink or
......@@ -116,14 +157,11 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) renameUpdate(oldNode uint64, oldName strin
self.inodePathMap[oldKey] = nil, false
data.Parent = self.inodePathMapByInode[input.Newdir]
self.setParent(data, newParent)
data.Name = newName
newKey := data.Key()
if data.Parent == nil {
panic("Moved to unknown node.")
target := self.inodePathMap[data.Key()]
target := self.inodePathMap[newKey]
if target != nil {
// This could happen if some other thread creates a
// file in the destination position.
......@@ -131,30 +169,30 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) renameUpdate(oldNode uint64, oldName strin
// TODO - Does the VFS layer allow this?
// fuse.c just removes the node from its internal
// tables, which will break things if it is already
// referenced as a parent object.
// tables, which might lead to paths being both directories
// (parents) and normal files?
self.inodePathMap[newKey] = nil, false
target.Parent = self.inodePathMapByInode[FUSE_ROOT_ID]
target.Name = fmt.Sprintf("overwrittenByRename%d", nextFreeInode)
self.setParent(target, FUSE_ROOT_ID)
target.Name = fmt.Sprintf("overwrittenByRename%d", self.nextFreeInode)
self.inodePathMap[target.Key()] = target
self.inodePathMap[newKey] = data
self.inodePathMap[data.Key()] = data
func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) unlinkUpdate(nodeid uint64, name string) {
defer self.lock.Unlock()
oldKey = inodeDataKey(nodeid, name)
oldKey := inodeDataKey(nodeid, name)
data := self.inodePathMap[oldKey]
if data != nil {
self.inodePathMap[oldKey] = nil, false
self.inodePathMapByInode[data.NodeId] = nil, false
......@@ -170,7 +208,6 @@ func NewPathFileSystemConnector(fs PathFilesystem) (out *PathFileSystemConnector
out.fileSystem = fs
rootData := new(inodeData)
rootData.Count = 1
rootData.NodeId = FUSE_ROOT_ID
out.inodePathMap[rootData.Key()] = rootData
......@@ -198,13 +235,17 @@ func (self *PathFileSystemConnector) Lookup(header *InHeader, name string) (out
panic("Parent inode unknown.")
// Hmm. - fuse.c has special case code for name == "." and "..".
// Should we have it too?
fullPath := path.Join(parent.GetPath(), name)
attr, err := self.fileSystem.GetAttr(fullPath)
if err != OK {
// TODO - set a EntryValid timeout on ENOENT.
return nil, err
data := lookupUpdate(header.NodeId, name)
data := self.lookupUpdate(header.NodeId, name)
out = new(EntryOut)
out.NodeId = data.NodeId
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