diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/BusinessTemplate.py b/product/ERP5/Document/BusinessTemplate.py
index 3632ffa5a2fae6675976b504aca1a34e464e92a7..fb67abffd12cfd4f584c05439aa1d46879bcec08 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/BusinessTemplate.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/BusinessTemplate.py
 def _getCatalog(acquisition_context):
-    Return the id of the SQLCatalog which correspond to the current BT.
+    Return the id of the Catalog which correspond to the current BT.
   catalog_method_id_list = acquisition_context.getTemplateCatalogMethodIdList()
   if len(catalog_method_id_list) == 0:
-      return acquisition_context.getPortalObject().portal_catalog.objectIds('SQLCatalog')[0]
+      return acquisition_context.getPortalObject().portal_catalog.objectIds()[0]
     except IndexError:
       return None
   catalog_method_id = catalog_method_id_list[0]
@@ -1459,7 +1459,7 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
               # an object which cannot (e.g. External Method).
               LOG('BusinessTemplate', WARNING,
                   'could not restore %r in %r' % (subobject_id, obj))
-        if obj.meta_type in ('Z SQL Method',):
+        if obj.meta_type in ('Z SQL Method', 'ERP5 SQL Method'):
           fixZSQLMethod(portal, obj)
         # portal transforms specific initialization
         elif obj.meta_type in ('Transform', 'TransformsChain'):
@@ -1951,7 +1951,7 @@ class SkinTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
       if not force and update_dict.get(relative_url)  == 'nothing':
       folder = self.unrestrictedResolveValue(p, relative_url)
-      for obj in folder.objectValues(spec=('Z SQL Method',)):
+      for obj in folder.objectValues(spec=('Z SQL Method', 'ERP5 SQL Method')):
         fixZSQLMethod(p, obj)
       if folder.aq_parent.meta_type == 'CMF Skins Tool':
         registerSkinFolder(skin_tool, folder)
@@ -2891,14 +2891,23 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
     """Extracts properties for a given method in the catalog.
     Returns a mapping of property name -> boolean """
     method_properties = PersistentMapping()
-    for prop in catalog._properties:
+    property_list = list(catalog._properties)
+    if catalog.meta_type == 'ERP5 Catalog':
+      property_list = list(catalog.propertyMap())
+    for prop in property_list:
       if prop.get('select_variable') == 'getCatalogMethodIds':
+        # In case the properties are defined via property sheet 'Catalog', the
+        # object would have two IDs if it is of type 'selection' or
+        # 'multiple_selection': 'id' and 'base_id', usage of base_id is preferred
+        # while building objects as it maintains consistency between the old
+        # catalog and new erp5 catalog
+        prop_id = prop.get('base_id', prop['id'])
         if prop['type'] == 'selection' and \
-            getattr(catalog, prop['id']) == method_id:
-          method_properties[prop['id']] = 1
+            getattr(catalog, prop_id) == method_id:
+          method_properties[prop_id] = 1
         elif prop['type'] == 'multiple selection' and \
-            method_id in getattr(catalog, prop['id']):
-          method_properties[prop['id']] = 1
+            method_id in getattr(catalog, prop_id):
+          method_properties[prop_id] = 1
     return method_properties
   def build(self, context, **kw):
@@ -2917,7 +2926,8 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
       method_id = obj.id
       self._method_properties[method_id] = self._extractMethodProperties(
                                                           catalog, method_id)
-      filter = catalog.filter_dict.get(method_id, {})
+      filter_dict = catalog._getFilterDict()
+      filter = filter_dict.get(method_id, {})
       self._is_filtered_archive[method_id] = filter.get('filtered', 0)
       for method in catalog_method_filter_list:
         property = method[8:-8]
@@ -2983,6 +2993,32 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
     force = kw.get('force')
     values = []
+    # When the default catalog is of 'ERP5 Catalog' meta_type, its better to ..
+    # convert all the CatalogMethodTemplateItems in the current BT to the
+    # allowed types for ERP5 Catalog, i.e, to ERP5 SQLMethod and ERP5 Python Script
+    # and update the self._objects dict accordingly
+    if catalog.meta_type == 'ERP5 Catalog':
+      import erp5
+      from Products.ERP5.Extensions.CheckPortalTypes import changeObjectClass
+      # We need the dynamic portal_type classes for changing object classes
+      sql_class = getattr(erp5.portal_type, 'SQL Method')
+      script_class = getattr(erp5.portal_type, 'Python Script')
+      portal = self.getPortalObject()
+      # Will be modifying dict, so better to use .items()
+      # XXX: In python3 it should be .copy.items().
+      for path, obj in self._objects.items():
+        method = self.unrestrictedResolveValue(portal, path)
+        method_id = path.split('/')[-1]
+        if method.meta_type == 'Z SQL Method':
+          method = changeObjectClass(catalog, method_id, sql_class)
+        if method.meta_type == 'Script (Python)':
+          method = changeObjectClass(catalog, method_id, script_class)
+          method._compile()
+        new_obj  = method.aq_base
+        self._objects[path] = new_obj
     if force: # get all objects
       values = self._objects.values()
     else: # get only selected object
@@ -3009,6 +3045,8 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
               setattr(catalog, key, tuple(new_value))
+      filter_dict = catalog._getFilterDict()
       # Restore filter
       if self._is_filtered_archive.get(method_id, 0):
         expression = self._filter_expression_archive[method_id]
@@ -3017,16 +3055,15 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
           expr_instance = Expression(expression)
           expr_instance = None
-        catalog.filter_dict[method_id] = PersistentMapping()
-        catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 1
-        catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression'] = expression
-        catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
-        catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_cache_key'] = \
+        filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 1
+        filter_dict[method_id]['expression'] = expression
+        filter_dict[method_id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
+        filter_dict[method_id]['expression_cache_key'] = \
           self._filter_expression_cache_key_archive.get(method_id, ())
-        catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['type'] = \
+        filter_dict[method_id]['type'] = \
           self._filter_type_archive.get(method_id, ())
-      elif method_id in catalog.filter_dict.keys():
-        catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 0
+      elif method_id in filter_dict.keys():
+        filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 0
       # backward compatibility
       if hasattr(self, '_is_catalog_list_method_archive'):
@@ -3082,18 +3119,30 @@ class CatalogMethodTemplateItem(ObjectTemplateItem):
     for obj in values:
       method_id = obj.id
+      property_list = list(catalog._properties)
+      if catalog.meta_type == 'ERP5 Catalog':
+        property_list = list(catalog.propertyMap())
       # remove method references in portal_catalog
-      for catalog_prop in catalog._properties:
+      for catalog_prop in property_list:
         if catalog_prop.get('select_variable') == 'getCatalogMethodIds'\
             and catalog_prop['type'] == 'multiple selection':
-          old_value = getattr(catalog, catalog_prop['id'], ())
+          # In case the properties are defined via property sheet 'Catalog', the
+          # object would have two IDs if it is of type 'selection' or
+          # 'multiple_selection': 'id' and 'base_id', usage of base_id is preferred
+          # while building objects as it maintains consistency between the old
+          # catalog and new erp5 catalog
+          catalog_prop_id = catalog_prop.get('base_id', catalog_prop['id'])
+          old_value = getattr(catalog, catalog_prop_id, ())
           if method_id in old_value:
             new_value = list(old_value)
-            setattr(catalog, catalog_prop['id'], new_value)
+            # Better to set the attribute value as tuple as it would be consistent
+            # with both SQL Catalog and ERP5 Catalog.
+            setattr(catalog, catalog_prop_id, tuple(new_value))
-      if method_id in catalog.filter_dict:
-        del catalog.filter_dict[method_id]
+      filter_dict = catalog._getFilterDict()
+      if method_id in filter_dict:
+        del filter_dict[method_id]
     # uninstall objects
     ObjectTemplateItem.uninstall(self, context, **kw)
diff --git a/product/ERP5/tests/testBusinessTemplate.py b/product/ERP5/tests/testBusinessTemplate.py
index 8ee842ecc64a0b6fc7c9d654376a2f2303f52fed..f82a261bf7cc1b5953f8f282f71096e24bfe1ee1 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/tests/testBusinessTemplate.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/tests/testBusinessTemplate.py
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
         catalog.sql_uncatalog_object = tuple(sql_uncatalog_object)
-      if method_id in catalog.filter_dict:
-        del catalog.filter_dict[method_id]
+      if method_id in catalog._getFilterDict():
+        del catalog._getFilterDict()[method_id]
     for obj_id in ('another_file', 'test_document', 'dummy_type_provider'):
       if obj_id in self.portal.objectIds():
@@ -1585,9 +1585,9 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
     catalog = pc.getSQLCatalog()
     self.assertTrue(catalog is not None)
     method_id = "z_fake_method"
-    addSQLMethod = catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod
-    addSQLMethod(id=method_id, title='', connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
-                 arguments='', template='')
+    addSQLMethod = catalog.newContent
+    addSQLMethod(portal_type='SQL Method', id=method_id, title='',
+                 connection_id='erp5_sql_connection', arguments_src='', src='')
     zsql_method = catalog._getOb(method_id, None)
     self.assertTrue(zsql_method is not None)
     sequence.edit(zsql_method_id = method_id)
@@ -1599,21 +1599,20 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
     # set filter for this method
     expression = 'python: context.isPredicate()'
     expr_instance = Expression(expression)
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id] = PersistentMapping()
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 1
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression'] = expression
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_cache_key'] = 'portal_type',
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['type'] = []
+    zsql_method.setFiltered(1)
+    zsql_method.setExpression(expression)
+    zsql_method.setExpressionInstance(expr_instance)
+    zsql_method.setExpressionCacheKey('portal_type')
+    zsql_method.setTypeList([])
   def stepCreateUpdateCatalogMethod(self, sequence=None, **kw):
     pc = self.getCatalogTool()
     catalog = pc.getSQLCatalog()
     self.assertTrue(catalog is not None)
     method_id = "z_fake_method"
-    addSQLMethod = catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod
-    addSQLMethod(id=method_id, title='', connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
-                 arguments='', template='')
+    addSQLMethod = catalog.newContent
+    addSQLMethod(portal_type='SQL Method', id=method_id, title='',
+                 connection_id='erp5_sql_connection', arguments_src='', src='')
     zsql_method = catalog._getOb(method_id, None)
     self.assertTrue(zsql_method is not None)
     sequence.edit(zsql_method_id = method_id)
@@ -1625,20 +1624,19 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
     # set filter for this method
     expression = 'python: context.isDelivery()'
     expr_instance = Expression(expression)
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id] = PersistentMapping()
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['filtered'] = 1
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression'] = expression
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['expression_cache_key'] = 'portal_type',
-    catalog.filter_dict[method_id]['type'] = []
+    zsql_method.setFiltered(1)
+    zsql_method.setExpression(expression)
+    zsql_method.setExpressionInstance(expr_instance)
+    zsql_method.setExpressionCacheKey('portal_type')
+    zsql_method.setTypeList([])
   def stepCreateNewCatalogMethod(self, sequence=None, **kw):
     pc = self.getCatalogTool()
     catalog = pc.getSQLCatalog()
     method_id = "z_another_fake_method"
-    addSQLMethod =catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod
-    addSQLMethod(id=method_id, title='', connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
-                 arguments='', template='')
+    addSQLMethod =catalog.newContent
+    addSQLMethod(portal_type='SQL Method', id=method_id, title='',
+                 connection_id='erp5_sql_connection', arguments_src='', src='')
     zsql_method = catalog._getOb(method_id, None)
     self.assertTrue(zsql_method is not None)
     sequence.edit(another_zsql_method_id = method_id)
@@ -1717,11 +1715,12 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
     # check catalog properties
     self.assertIn(method_id, catalog.sql_uncatalog_object)
     # check filter
-    filter_dict = catalog.filter_dict[method_id]
+    filter_dict = catalog.getFilterDict()
+    filter_dict = filter_dict[method_id]
+    self.assertItemsEqual(filter_dict['expression_cache_key'], ['portal_type'])
+    self.assertEqual(filter_dict['type'], [])
     self.assertEqual(filter_dict['filtered'], 1)
     self.assertEqual(filter_dict['expression'], 'python: context.isPredicate()')
-    self.assertEqual(filter_dict['expression_cache_key'], ('portal_type',))
-    self.assertEqual(filter_dict['type'], ())
   def stepCheckUpdatedCatalogMethodExists(self, sequence=None, **kw):
     pc = self.getCatalogTool()
@@ -1733,11 +1732,12 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
     # check catalog properties
     self.assertIn(method_id, catalog.sql_uncatalog_object)
     # check filter
-    filter_dict = catalog.filter_dict[method_id]
+    filter_dict = catalog.getFilterDict()
+    filter_dict = filter_dict[method_id]
+    self.assertItemsEqual(filter_dict['expression_cache_key'], ['portal_type'])
+    self.assertEqual(filter_dict['type'], [])
     self.assertEqual(filter_dict['filtered'], 1)
     self.assertEqual(filter_dict['expression'], 'python: context.isDelivery()')
-    self.assertEqual(filter_dict['expression_cache_key'], ('portal_type',))
-    self.assertEqual(filter_dict['type'], ())
   def stepCheckCatalogMethodRemoved(self, sequence=None, **kw):
@@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
     # check catalog properties
     self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog.sql_uncatalog_object)
     # check filter
-    self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog.filter_dict.keys())
+    self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog._getFilterDict().keys())
   def stepRemoveCatalogMethod(self, sequence=None, **kw):
@@ -1772,8 +1772,7 @@ class BusinessTemplateMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
     catalog.sql_uncatalog_object = tuple(sql_uncatalog_object)
     self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog.sql_uncatalog_object)
     # remove filter
-    del catalog.filter_dict[method_id]
-    self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog.filter_dict.keys())
+    self.assertNotIn(method_id, catalog._getFilterDict().keys())
   # Related key, Result key and table, and others
   def stepCreateKeysAndTable(self, sequence=list, **kw):
diff --git a/product/ERP5Catalog/Document/ERP5Catalog.py b/product/ERP5Catalog/Document/ERP5Catalog.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96f67f5d961200829248d3a0ec418c3e03e4c2e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/ERP5Catalog/Document/ERP5Catalog.py
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2016 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+#                    Ayush Tiwari <ayush.tiwari@nexedi.com>
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+from Products.ERP5Type.Globals import InitializeClass
+from Products.ERP5Type.Core.Folder import Folder
+from Products.ERP5Type import Permissions
+from Products.ERP5Type.Base import Base
+from Products.ERP5Type import PropertySheet
+from Products.ERP5Type.patches.PropertyManager import PropertyManager
+from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import Catalog, CatalogError
+import OFS.History
+from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
+from Acquisition import aq_base
+from Products.CMFCore.Expression import Expression
+import time
+import urllib
+class Filter(object):
+  """
+  Class to act as filter object for filterable methods.
+  Added to keep consistency between how filter objects used to behave earlier
+  with old SQL Catalog and with the current ERP5 Catalog.
+  Generally, we do have 5 fixed keys, aka properties for catalog methods.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, method):
+     self._method = method
+  def __getitem__(self, key):
+    #XXX: Temporary hardcode for list_type objects
+    if key in ('type', 'expression_cache_key'):
+      return self._method.getPropertyList(key)
+    return self._method.getProperty(key)
+  def get(self, key, default=None):
+    try:
+      return self[key]
+    except KeyError:
+      return default
+  def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+     self._method._setProperty(key, value)
+  def __iter__(self):
+    return iter(('type', 'expression_cache_key', 'expression',
+                 'filtered', 'expression_instance'))
+class FilterDict(object):
+  """
+  Class to act as object everytime we need to use filter_dict as a
+  dictionary. It doesn't change the fact that the filter properties
+  are still the properties of catalog methods(SQL Method and Python Scripts).
+  One of important need of this class is it reduces a lot of copy and patch
+  which we might had to do to functions in ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog.Catalog
+  class.
+  Also, as in old SQLCatalog the filter_dict is used as an attribute
+  of Catalog, but now we have moved it to properties of method,
+  this class help in keeping the consistency between the old filter_dict
+  and new filter_dict.
+  For example:
+  Old SQL Catalog:
+  filter_dict = self._getFilterDict() == self.filter_dict == {Persistent Object}
+  ERP5 Catlaog:
+  filter_dict = self._getFilterDict() == FilterDict(class) == {Object of this class}
+  Now, both the filter_dict would have same behaviour without having any impact
+  on performance or so. The major use of this is in _catalogObjectList, where
+  we get Filter object, which is easily accessible via __getitem__ for this
+  class.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, catalog):
+     self._catalog = catalog
+  def __getitem__(self, key):
+     return Filter(self._catalog._getOb(key))
+  def keys(self):
+    return self._catalog.getFilterDict().keys()
+  def __setitem__(self, key, item):
+    filter_ = self[key]
+    for k, v in item.iteritems():
+      filter_[k] = v
+  def get(self, key, default=None):
+    # First check if the key is in keys list of the FilterDict, because
+    # it is possible that the item can be get by doing `self[key]`, even though
+    # key doesn't exist in self.keys(). So, instead of doing `try : except`,
+    # we use `if : else`
+    if key in self:
+      return self[key]
+    else:
+      return default
+  def __iter__(self):
+    return iter(self._catalog.getFilterDict())
+  def __contains__(self, item):
+    return item in self._catalog.getFilterDict()
+  def __delitem__(self, key):
+    filter_ = self[key]
+    for prop_id in ('type', 'expression_cache_key', 'expression',
+                    'filtered', 'expression_instance'):
+      filter_._method._delPropValue(prop_id)
+class ERP5Catalog(Folder, Catalog):
+  """
+  Catalog Folder inside ERP5 to store indexes
+  """
+  meta_type = "ERP5 Catalog"
+  portal_type = 'Catalog'
+  allowed_types = ('Python Script', 'SQL Method',)
+  #TODO(low priority): Add an icon to display at ERP5 Zope interface
+  icon = None
+  # Activate isRADContent cause we need to generate accessors and default values
+  isRADContent = 1
+  global valid_method_meta_type_list_new
+  valid_method_meta_type_list_new = ('ERP5 SQL Method', 'ERP5 Python Script')
+  # Declarative security
+  security = ClassSecurityInfo()
+  security.declareObjectProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation)
+  # Explicitly add tabs for manage_options
+  manage_options = ({'label': 'View', 'action': 'view'},
+                    {'label': 'Contents', 'action': 'manage_main'},
+                    {'label': 'Security', 'action': 'manage_access'},
+                    {'label': 'Undo', 'action': 'manage_UndoForm'},
+                    {'label': 'Ownership', 'action': 'manage_owner'},
+                    {'label': 'Interfaces', 'action': 'manage_interfaces'},
+                    {'label': 'Find', 'action': 'manage_findForm'},
+                    {'label': 'History', 'action': 'manage_change_history_page'},
+                    {'label': 'Workflows', 'action': 'manage_workflowsTab'},
+                   )
+  # Declarative properties
+  property_sheets = ( PropertySheet.Base
+                    , PropertySheet.SimpleItem
+                    , PropertySheet.Folder
+                    , PropertySheet.CategoryCore
+                    , PropertySheet.Catalog
+                    )
+  # Use functions inherited from SQLCatalog for property setters
+  _setPropValue = Catalog._setPropValue
+  getProperty = Folder.getProperty
+  _updateProperty = PropertyManager._updateProperty
+  # We don't want to index catalog as it might create circular dependencies
+  isIndexable = 0
+  __class_init__  = Catalog.__class_init__
+  def __init__(self, id, title='', container=None):
+    # Initialize both SQLCatalog as well as Folder
+    Catalog.__init__(self, id, title, container)
+    Folder.__init__(self, id)
+  # Filter content (ZMI))
+  def filtered_meta_types(self, user=None):
+    # Filters the list of available meta types.
+    meta_types = []
+    for meta_type in self.all_meta_types():
+      if meta_type['name'] in self.allowed_types:
+        meta_types.append(meta_type)
+    return meta_types
+  def getPropertyType(self, id, local_properties=False):
+    """
+    Overriding the function so as to maintain consistency
+    between what is returned by 1 and 2
+    1. erp5_catalog.getProperty(<some_multivalued_property>)
+    2. sql_catalog.getProperty(<some_multivalued_property>)
+    This difference arose as now we use ERP5 PropertySheet to define
+    properties for Catalog which, for the multivalued properties,
+    generate '<id>' as '<id>_list' and a new attribute 'base_id' in the
+    propertyMap for the object.
+    """
+    if local_properties:
+      property_map = getattr(self, '_local_properties', [])
+    else:
+      property_map = self._propertyMap()
+    for md in property_map:
+      property_id = md.get('base_id', md['id'])
+      if property_id==id:
+        return md.get('type', 'string')
+    return None
+  security.declarePublic('getCatalogMethodIds')
+  def getCatalogMethodIds(self,
+      valid_method_meta_type_list=valid_method_meta_type_list_new):
+    """Find ERP5 SQL methods in the current folder and above
+    This function return a list of ids.
+    """
+    return super(ERP5Catalog, self).getCatalogMethodIds(
+      valid_method_meta_type_list=valid_method_meta_type_list_new)
+  def manage_catalogReindex(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None):
+    """ Clear the catalog and reindex everything for the erp5 catalog.
+    """
+    elapse = time.time()
+    c_elapse = time.clock()
+    self.aq_parent.refreshCatalog(clear=1)
+    elapse = time.time() - elapse
+    c_elapse = time.clock() - c_elapse
+    # Redirect the response to view url
+    url = self.absolute_url() + '/view' + '?portal_status_message=' \
+                                  + urllib.quote(
+                                  'Catalog Updated\r'
+                                  'Total time: %s\r'
+                                  'Total CPU time: %s' % (`elapse`, `c_elapse`))
+    return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(url)
+  def manage_catalogClear(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None):
+    """ Clears the catalog
+    """
+    self.beforeCatalogClear()
+    self._clear()
+    if REQUEST is None:
+      return
+    response = REQUEST.response
+    if response:
+      # Redirect the response to view url
+      url = self.absolute_url() + '/view' \
+                              + '?portal_status_message=Catalog%20Cleared'
+      return response.redirect(url)
+  def manage_catalogClearReserved(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None):
+    """ Clears reserved uids """
+    self._clearReserved()
+    if REQUEST is None:
+      return
+    response = REQUEST.response
+    if response:
+      # Redirect the response to view url
+      url = self.absolute_url() + '/view' \
+                              + '?portal_status_message=Reserve%20UIDs%20Cleared'
+      return REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(url)
+  def _getFilterDict(self):
+    return FilterDict(self)
+  def _getCatalogMethodArgumentList(self, method):
+    if method.meta_type == "LDIF Method":
+      # Build the dictionnary of values
+      return method.arguments_src.split()
+    elif method.meta_type == "ERP5 SQL Method":
+      return method.getArgumentsSrc().split()
+    elif method.meta_type == "ERP5 Python Script":
+      return method.func_code.co_varnames[:method.func_code.co_argcount]
+    return ()
+  def _getCatalogMethod(self, method_name):
+    return self._getOb(method_name)
+  def manage_importProperties(self, file):
+    """
+    Import properties from an XML file.
+    We also set filter properties to methods here.
+    """
+    with open(file) as f:
+      doc = parse(f)
+      root = doc.documentElement
+      try:
+        for prop in root.getElementsByTagName("property"):
+          id = prop.getAttribute("id")
+          type = prop.getAttribute("type")
+          if not id or not hasattr(self, id):
+            raise CatalogError, 'unknown property id %r' % (id,)
+          if type not in ('str', 'tuple'):
+            raise CatalogError, 'unknown property type %r' % (type,)
+          if type == 'str':
+            value = ''
+            for text in prop.childNodes:
+              if text.nodeType == text.TEXT_NODE:
+                value = str(text.data)
+                break
+          else:
+            value = []
+            for item in prop.getElementsByTagName("item"):
+              item_type = item.getAttribute("type")
+              if item_type != 'str':
+                raise CatalogError, 'unknown item type %r' % (item_type,)
+              for text in item.childNodes:
+                if text.nodeType == text.TEXT_NODE:
+                  value.append(str(text.data))
+                  break
+            value = tuple(value)
+          setattr(self, id, value)
+        # Update filter properties for the objects.
+        for filt in root.getElementsByTagName("filter"):
+          id = str(filt.getAttribute("id"))
+          expression = filt.getAttribute("expression")
+          method = getattr(self, 'id', None)
+          if method:
+            # Use property setters for setting method properties
+            method.setFiltered(1)
+            method.setType([])
+            if expression:
+              expr_instance = Expression(expression)
+              method.setExpression(expression)
+              method.setExpressionInstance(expr_instance)
+            else:
+              method.setExpression("")
+              method.setExpressionInstance(None)
+      finally:
+        doc.unlink()
+  def manage_editFilter(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None):
+    """
+    XXX: Deprecated
+    Overriding the function manage_editFilter from SQLCatalog so that we
+    don't waste time in setting/creating filter_dict object.
+    Also, from inside ERP5, we won;t be having anything to call manage_editFilter
+    but it is being called at some places in tests, and its better to deprecate
+    useless methods.
+    """
+    raise ERP5CatalogError, 'manage_editFilter function is depreacted. Please \
+                            refrain from using it'
+  security.declarePrivate('isMethodFiltered')
+  def isMethodFiltered(self, method_name):
+    """
+    Returns 1 if the mehtod is filtered,
+    else it returns o
+    """
+    method =  aq_base(self)._getOb(method_name)
+    if method is None:
+      return 0
+    return method.isFiltered()
+  security.declarePrivate('getExpression')
+  def getExpression(self, method_name):
+    """ Get the filter expression text for this method.
+    """
+    method =  aq_base(self)._getOb(method_name)
+    if method is None:
+      return ""
+    return method.getExpression()
+  security.declarePrivate('getExpressionCacheKey')
+  def getExpressionCacheKey(self, method_name):
+    """ Get the key string which is used to cache results
+        for the given expression.
+    """
+    method =  aq_base(self)._getOb(method_name)
+    if method is None:
+      return ""
+    return ' '.join(method.getExpressionCacheKeyList())
+  security.declarePrivate('getExpressionInstance')
+  def getExpressionInstance(self, method_name):
+    """ Get the filter expression instance for this method.
+    """
+    method =  aq_base(self)._getOb(method_name)
+    if method is None:
+      return None
+    return method.getExpressionInstance()
+  security.declarePrivate('setFilterExpression')
+  def setFilterExpression(self, method_name, expression):
+    """ Set the Expression for a certain method name. This allow set
+        expressions by scripts.
+    """
+    method = aq_base(self)._getOb(method_name)
+    if method is None:
+      return None
+    method.setExpression(expression)
+    if expression:
+      expression_instance = Expression(expression)
+    else:
+      expression_instance = None
+    method.setExpressionInstance(expression)
+  security.declarePrivate('isPortalTypeSelected')
+  def isPortalTypeSelected(self, method_name, portal_type):
+    """
+    XXX Deprecated: Override so as not to fail tests
+    """
+    return 0
+  security.declarePrivate('getFilterDict')
+  def getFilterDict(self):
+    """
+      Utility Method.
+      Filter Dict is a dictionary and used at Python Scripts,
+      This method returns a filter dict as a dictionary.
+    """
+    return {
+      method.getId(): {
+        'type': method.getTypeList(),
+        'filtered': 1,
+        'expression': method.getExpression(),
+        'expression_instance': method.getExpressionInstance(),
+        'expression_cache_key': method.getExpressionCacheKeyList()
+      }
+      for method in self.getFilterableMethodList()
+      if method.isFiltered()}
+class ERP5CatalogError(CatalogError): pass
diff --git a/product/ERP5Catalog/__init__.py b/product/ERP5Catalog/__init__.py
index f7fcd74ec8230e84b4dfdc0346cf95350df5373f..2bde8cf4567cad049e1464c7a6f2180e6d12c94a 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Catalog/__init__.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Catalog/__init__.py
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ document_classes = updateGlobals( this_module, globals(), permissions_module = P
 # Define object classes and tools
 from Tool import ArchiveTool
+from Document import ERP5Catalog
 import CatalogTool
-object_classes = ()
+object_classes = (ERP5Catalog.ERP5Catalog,)
 portal_tools = (CatalogTool.CatalogTool,
 content_classes = ()
diff --git a/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/testERP5Catalog.py b/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/testERP5Catalog.py
index 8be3312c5c2877366be84efb3f951336807f3347..51049f36f9d06b064da740dafe71f6d59281fa57 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/testERP5Catalog.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/testERP5Catalog.py
@@ -582,14 +582,15 @@ class TestERP5Catalog(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
     """ % {'query_table' : query_table}
     portal_skins_custom = portal.portal_skins.custom
-    portal_skins_custom.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    portal_skins_custom.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
-          arguments="\n".join([ 'from_table_list',
-                                'where_expression',
-                                'order_by_expression' ]),
-          template=sql_squeleton)
+          arguments_src="\n".join([ 'from_table_list',
+                                  'where_expression',
+                                  'order_by_expression' ]),
+          src=sql_squeleton)
     testMethod = portal_skins_custom['testMethod']
     default_parametrs = {}
@@ -1476,14 +1477,20 @@ class TestERP5Catalog(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
     for catalog, connection_id in ((original_catalog, original_connection_id),
         (new_catalog, self.new_erp5_sql_connection)):
-      catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
-                    id='z_create_dummy_table', title='', arguments="",
+      catalog.newContent(
+                    portal_type='SQL Method',
+                    id='z_create_dummy_table',
+                    title='',
+                    arguments_src="",
-                    template=create_dummy_table_sql)
-      catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
-                    id='z0_drop_dummy_table', title='', arguments="",
+                    src=create_dummy_table_sql)
+      catalog.newContent(
+                    portal_type='SQL Method',
+                    id='z0_drop_dummy_table',
+                    title='',
+                    arguments_src="",
-                    template=drop_summy_table_sql)
+                    src=drop_summy_table_sql)
     # update catalog configuration and declare new ZSQLMethods
     sql_clear_catalog_list = list(original_catalog.sql_clear_catalog)
@@ -2389,6 +2396,9 @@ class TestERP5Catalog(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
     # Add a new table to the catalog
     sql_catalog = self.portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog()
+    # Using newContent for an ERP5 object is not allowed to all roles, so
+    # better to fix the roles on the user
+    sql_catalog.manage_setLocalRoles(user1, ['Author', 'Auditor', 'Manager'])
     local_roles_table = "test_local_roles"
@@ -2400,22 +2410,23 @@ CREATE TABLE `%s` (
   KEY `version` (`owner_reference`)
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
           id='z_create_%s' % local_roles_table,
-          arguments="",
+          arguments_src="",
-          template=create_local_role_table_sql)
+          src=create_local_role_table_sql)
     drop_local_role_table_sql = """
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    sql_catalog.newContent(portal_type='SQL Method',
           id='z0_drop_%s' % local_roles_table,
-          arguments="",
+          arguments_src="",
-          template=drop_local_role_table_sql)
+          src=drop_local_role_table_sql)
     catalog_local_role_sql = """
@@ -2432,13 +2443,14 @@ VALUES
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
           id='z_catalog_%s_list' % local_roles_table,
-          arguments="\n".join(['uid',
-                               'Base_getOwnerId']),
-          template=catalog_local_role_sql)
+          arguments_src="\n".join(['uid',
+                                   'Base_getOwnerId']),
+          src=catalog_local_role_sql)
     current_sql_catalog_object_list = sql_catalog.sql_catalog_object_list
@@ -2571,6 +2583,9 @@ VALUES
     # Add a new table to the catalog
     sql_catalog = self.portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog()
+    # Using newContent for an ERP5 object is not allowed to all roles, so
+    # better to fix the roles on the user
+    sql_catalog.manage_setLocalRoles(user1, ['Author', 'Auditor', 'Manager'])
     local_roles_table = "test_assignee_local_roles"
@@ -2584,22 +2599,24 @@ CREATE TABLE `%s` (
   KEY `viewable_assignee_reference` (`viewable_assignee_reference`)
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
           id='z_create_%s' % local_roles_table,
-          arguments="",
+          arguments_src="",
-          template=create_local_role_table_sql)
+          src=create_local_role_table_sql)
     drop_local_role_table_sql = """
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
           id='z0_drop_%s' % local_roles_table,
-          arguments="",
+          arguments_src="",
-          template=drop_local_role_table_sql)
+          src=drop_local_role_table_sql)
     catalog_local_role_sql = """
@@ -2617,14 +2634,15 @@ VALUES
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
           id='z_catalog_%s_list' % local_roles_table,
-          arguments="\n".join(['uid',
-                               'getAssignee',
-                               'getViewPermissionAssignee']),
-          template=catalog_local_role_sql)
+          arguments_src="\n".join(['uid',
+                                   'getAssignee',
+                                   'getViewPermissionAssignee']),
+          src=catalog_local_role_sql)
     current_sql_catalog_object_list = sql_catalog.sql_catalog_object_list
@@ -2729,6 +2747,9 @@ VALUES
     # Add a new table to the catalog
     sql_catalog = self.portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog()
+    # Using newContent for an ERP5 object is not allowed to all roles, so
+    # better to fix the roles on the user
+    sql_catalog.manage_setLocalRoles(user1, ['Author', 'Auditor', 'Manager'])
     local_roles_table = "test_user_or_group_local_roles"
@@ -2742,22 +2763,24 @@ CREATE TABLE `%s` (
   KEY `viewable_assignee_reference` (`viewable_assignee_reference`)
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
           id='z_create_%s' % local_roles_table,
-          arguments="",
+          arguments_src="",
-          template=create_local_role_table_sql)
+          src=create_local_role_table_sql)
     drop_local_role_table_sql = """
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
           id='z0_drop_%s' % local_roles_table,
-          arguments="",
+          arguments_src="",
-          template=drop_local_role_table_sql)
+          src=drop_local_role_table_sql)
     catalog_local_role_sql = """
@@ -2775,14 +2798,15 @@ VALUES
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
           id='z_catalog_%s_list' % local_roles_table,
-          arguments="\n".join(['uid',
-                               'getAssignee',
-                               'getViewPermissionAssignee']),
-          template=catalog_local_role_sql)
+          arguments_src="\n".join(['uid',
+                                   'getAssignee',
+                                   'getViewPermissionAssignee']),
+          src=catalog_local_role_sql)
     current_sql_catalog_object_list = sql_catalog.sql_catalog_object_list
@@ -2983,6 +3007,9 @@ VALUES
     # Add a new table to the catalog
     sql_catalog = self.portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog()
+    # Using newContent for an ERP5 object is not allowed to all roles, so
+    # better to fix the roles on the user
+    sql_catalog.manage_setLocalRoles(user1, ['Author', 'Auditor', 'Manager'])
     local_roles_table = "another_test_user_or_group_local_roles"
@@ -2994,22 +3021,24 @@ CREATE TABLE `%s` (
   KEY `viewable_assignee_reference` (`viewable_assignee_reference`)
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
-          id='z_create_%s' % local_roles_table,
-          title='',
-          arguments="",
-          connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
-          template=create_local_role_table_sql)
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
+          id = 'z_create_%s' % local_roles_table,
+          title = '',
+          arguments_src = "",
+          connection_id = 'erp5_sql_connection',
+          src = create_local_role_table_sql)
     drop_local_role_table_sql = """
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
-          id='z0_drop_%s' % local_roles_table,
-          title='',
-          arguments="",
-          connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
-          template=drop_local_role_table_sql)
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
+          id = 'z0_drop_%s' % local_roles_table,
+          title = '',
+          arguments_src = "",
+          connection_id = 'erp5_sql_connection',
+          src = drop_local_role_table_sql)
     catalog_local_role_sql = """
@@ -3026,13 +3055,14 @@ VALUES
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
-          id='z_catalog_%s_list' % local_roles_table,
-          title='',
-          connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
-          arguments="\n".join(['uid',
-                               'getViewPermissionAssignee']),
-          template=catalog_local_role_sql)
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
+          id = 'z_catalog_%s_list' % local_roles_table,
+          title = '',
+          connection_id = 'erp5_sql_connection',
+          arguments_src = "\n".join(['uid',
+                                 'getViewPermissionAssignee']),
+          src = catalog_local_role_sql)
     current_sql_catalog_object_list = sql_catalog.sql_catalog_object_list
@@ -3223,22 +3253,24 @@ CREATE TABLE `%s` (
   KEY `viewable_assignee_reference` (`viewable_assignee_reference`)
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
-          id='z_create_%s' % local_roles_table,
-          title='',
-          arguments="",
-          connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
-          template=create_local_role_table_sql)
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
+          id = 'z_create_%s' % local_roles_table,
+          title = '',
+          arguments_src = "",
+          connection_id = 'erp5_sql_connection',
+          src = create_local_role_table_sql)
     drop_local_role_table_sql = """
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
-          id='z0_drop_%s' % local_roles_table,
-          title='',
-          arguments="",
-          connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
-          template=drop_local_role_table_sql)
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
+          id = 'z0_drop_%s' % local_roles_table,
+          title = '',
+          arguments_src = "",
+          connection_id = 'erp5_sql_connection',
+          src = drop_local_role_table_sql)
     catalog_local_role_sql = """
@@ -3255,13 +3287,14 @@ VALUES
     """ % local_roles_table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
-          id='z_catalog_%s_list' % local_roles_table,
-          title='',
-          connection_id='erp5_sql_connection',
-          arguments="\n".join(['uid',
-                               'getViewPermissionAssignee']),
-          template=catalog_local_role_sql)
+    sql_catalog.newContent(
+          portal_type='SQL Method',
+          id = 'z_catalog_%s_list' % local_roles_table,
+          title = '',
+          connection_id = 'erp5_sql_connection',
+          arguments_src = "\n".join(['uid',
+                                 'getViewPermissionAssignee']),
+          src = catalog_local_role_sql)
     current_sql_catalog_object_list = sql_catalog.sql_catalog_object_list
diff --git a/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/testERP5CatalogSecurityUidOptimization.py b/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/testERP5CatalogSecurityUidOptimization.py
index fa459f9e156e797b62c9ad1b283493eb87b0a144..ea63f1422f34cdd31b15410d844fb2f8e77316ff 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/testERP5CatalogSecurityUidOptimization.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Catalog/tests/testERP5CatalogSecurityUidOptimization.py
@@ -73,12 +73,12 @@ CREATE TABLE alternate_roles_and_users (
     # Configure sql method to insert this table
-    sql_catalog.manage_addProduct['ZSQLMethods'].manage_addZSQLMethod(
+    sql_catalog.newContent(portal_type='SQL Method',
-          arguments="\n".join(['uid', 'alternate_security_uid']),
-          template="""REPLACE INTO alternate_roles_and_users VALUES
+          arguments_src="\n".join(['uid', 'alternate_security_uid']),
+          src="""REPLACE INTO alternate_roles_and_users VALUES
 <dtml-in prefix="loop" expr="_.range(_.len(uid))">
 ( <dtml-sqlvar expr="uid[loop_item]" type="int">,
   <dtml-sqlvar expr="alternate_security_uid[loop_item]" type="int" optional>
diff --git a/product/ERP5Type/tests/testERP5Type.py b/product/ERP5Type/tests/testERP5Type.py
index 0151ac2687ce7651103ed70f6ff470e78fa3514f..8e3dcd9f71d9a4e4e1f95fe4e541fc755c5abb25 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Type/tests/testERP5Type.py
+++ b/product/ERP5Type/tests/testERP5Type.py
@@ -3164,9 +3164,10 @@ class TestAccessControl(ERP5TypeTestCase):
   def afterSetUp(self):
-    self.getCatalogTool().getSQLCatalog().filter_dict['z_catalog_object_list'] \
-      = dict(filtered=1, type=[], expression=self.expression,
-             expression_instance=Expression(self.expression))
+    method = self.getCatalogTool().getSQLCatalog()._getOb('z_catalog_object_list')
+    method.setFiltered(1)
+    method.setExpression(self.expression)
+    method.setExpressionInstance(Expression(self.expression))
diff --git a/product/ZSQLCatalog/SQLCatalog.py b/product/ZSQLCatalog/SQLCatalog.py
index 52a0268628a5e17af9dd2890257ebb0a64494e10..4c5b13ef791892f2c7947fe1d685ce6082370797 100644
--- a/product/ZSQLCatalog/SQLCatalog.py
+++ b/product/ZSQLCatalog/SQLCatalog.py
@@ -767,61 +767,6 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
     return f.getvalue()
-  security.declareProtected(import_export_objects, 'manage_importProperties')
-  def manage_importProperties(self, file):
-    """
-      Import properties from an XML file.
-    """
-    with open(file) as f:
-      doc = parse(f)
-      root = doc.documentElement
-      try:
-        for prop in root.getElementsByTagName("property"):
-          id = prop.getAttribute("id")
-          type = prop.getAttribute("type")
-          if not id or not hasattr(self, id):
-            raise CatalogError, 'unknown property id %r' % (id,)
-          if type not in ('str', 'tuple'):
-            raise CatalogError, 'unknown property type %r' % (type,)
-          if type == 'str':
-            value = ''
-            for text in prop.childNodes:
-              if text.nodeType == text.TEXT_NODE:
-                value = str(text.data)
-                break
-          else:
-            value = []
-            for item in prop.getElementsByTagName("item"):
-              item_type = item.getAttribute("type")
-              if item_type != 'str':
-                raise CatalogError, 'unknown item type %r' % (item_type,)
-              for text in item.childNodes:
-                if text.nodeType == text.TEXT_NODE:
-                  value.append(str(text.data))
-                  break
-            value = tuple(value)
-          setattr(self, id, value)
-        if not hasattr(self, 'filter_dict'):
-          self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
-        for filt in root.getElementsByTagName("filter"):
-          id = str(filt.getAttribute("id"))
-          expression = filt.getAttribute("expression")
-          if id not in self.filter_dict:
-            self.filter_dict[id] = PersistentMapping()
-          self.filter_dict[id]['filtered'] = 1
-          self.filter_dict[id]['type'] = []
-          if expression:
-            expr_instance = Expression(expression)
-            self.filter_dict[id]['expression'] = expression
-            self.filter_dict[id]['expression_instance'] = expr_instance
-          else:
-            self.filter_dict[id]['expression'] = ""
-            self.filter_dict[id]['expression_instance'] = None
-      finally:
-        doc.unlink()
   security.declareProtected(manage_zcatalog_entries, 'manage_historyCompare')
   def manage_historyCompare(self, rev1, rev2, REQUEST,
@@ -2644,179 +2589,6 @@ class Catalog(Folder,
     method = getattr(self, self.sql_read_recorded_object_list)
     return method(catalog=catalog)
-  # Filtering
-  security.declareProtected(manage_zcatalog_entries, 'manage_editFilter')
-  def manage_editFilter(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None):
-    """
-    This methods allows to set a filter on each zsql method called,
-    so we can test if we should or not call a zsql method, so we can
-    increase a lot the speed.
-    """
-    if withCMF:
-      method_id_list = [zsql_method.id for zsql_method in self.getFilterableMethodList()]
-      # Remove unused filters.
-      for id in self.filter_dict.keys():
-        if id not in method_id_list:
-          del self.filter_dict[id]
-      for id in method_id_list:
-        # We will first look if the filter is activated
-        if id not in self.filter_dict:
-          self.filter_dict[id] = PersistentMapping()
-        if REQUEST.has_key('%s_box' % id):
-          self.filter_dict[id]['filtered'] = 1
-        else:
-          self.filter_dict[id]['filtered'] = 0
-        expression = REQUEST.get('%s_expression' % id, '').strip()
-        self.filter_dict[id]['expression'] = expression
-        if expression:
-          self.filter_dict[id]['expression_instance'] = Expression(expression)
-        else:
-          self.filter_dict[id]['expression_instance'] = None
-        if REQUEST.has_key('%s_type' % id):
-          list_type = REQUEST['%s_type' % id]
-          if isinstance(list_type, str):
-            list_type = [list_type]
-          self.filter_dict[id]['type'] = list_type
-        else:
-          self.filter_dict[id]['type'] = []
-        self.filter_dict[id]['expression_cache_key'] = \
-          tuple(sorted(REQUEST.get('%s_expression_cache_key' % id, '').split()))
-    if RESPONSE and URL1:
-      RESPONSE.redirect(URL1 + '/manage_catalogFilter?manage_tabs_message=Filter%20Changed')
-  security.declarePrivate('isMethodFiltered')
-  def isMethodFiltered(self, method_name):
-    """
-    Returns 1 if the method is already filtered,
-    else it returns 0
-    """
-    if withCMF:
-      # Reset Filtet dict
-      if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
-        self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
-        return 0
-      try:
-        return self.filter_dict[method_name]['filtered']
-      except KeyError:
-        return 0
-    return 0
-  security.declarePrivate('getExpression')
-  def getExpression(self, method_name):
-    """ Get the filter expression text for this method.
-    """
-    if withCMF:
-      if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
-        self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
-        return ""
-      try:
-        return self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression']
-      except KeyError:
-        return ""
-    return ""
-  security.declarePrivate('getExpressionCacheKey')
-  def getExpressionCacheKey(self, method_name):
-    """ Get the key string which is used to cache results
-        for the given expression.
-    """
-    if withCMF:
-      if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
-        self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
-        return ""
-      try:
-        return ' '.join(self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression_cache_key'])
-      except KeyError:
-        return ""
-    return ""
-  security.declarePrivate('getExpressionInstance')
-  def getExpressionInstance(self, method_name):
-    """ Get the filter expression instance for this method.
-    """
-    if withCMF:
-      if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
-        self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
-        return None
-      try:
-        return self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression_instance']
-      except KeyError:
-        return None
-    return None
-  security.declarePrivate('setFilterExpression')
-  def setFilterExpression(self, method_name, expression):
-    """ Set the Expression for a certain method name. This allow set
-        expressions by scripts.
-    """
-    if withCMF:
-      if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
-        self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
-        return None
-      self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression'] = expression
-      if expression:
-        self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression_instance'] = Expression(expression)
-      else:
-        self.filter_dict[method_name]['expression_instance'] = None
-  security.declarePrivate('isPortalTypeSelected')
-  def isPortalTypeSelected(self, method_name, portal_type):
-    """ Returns true if the portal type is selected for this method.
-      XXX deprecated
-    """
-    if withCMF:
-      if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
-        self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
-        return 0
-      try:
-        return portal_type in (self.filter_dict[method_name]['type'])
-      except KeyError:
-        return 0
-    return 0
-  security.declarePrivate('getFilteredPortalTypeList')
-  def getFilteredPortalTypeList(self, method_name):
-    """ Returns the list of portal types which define
-        the filter.
-      XXX deprecated
-    """
-    if withCMF:
-      if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
-        self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
-        return []
-      try:
-        return self.filter_dict[method_name]['type']
-      except KeyError:
-        return []
-    return []
-  security.declarePrivate('getFilterDict')
-  def getFilterDict(self):
-    """
-      Utility Method.
-      Filter Dict is a dictionary and used at Python Scripts,
-      This method returns a filter dict as a dictionary.
-    """
-    if withCMF:
-      if getattr(aq_base(self), 'filter_dict', None) is None:
-        self.filter_dict = PersistentMapping()
-        return None
-      filter_dict = {}
-      for key in self.filter_dict:
-        # Filter is also a Persistence dict.
-        filter_dict[key] = {}
-        for sub_key in self.filter_dict[key]:
-           filter_dict[key][sub_key] = self.filter_dict[key][sub_key]
-      return filter_dict
-    return None
   def getConnectionId(self, deferred=False):
diff --git a/product/ZSQLCatalog/tests/testZSQLCatalog.py b/product/ZSQLCatalog/tests/testZSQLCatalog.py
index fb53c04d0927a439b68d9592b789f14adbaebd7d..baa1c854bb60b49aa5f7994e932def4dc91a43df 100644
--- a/product/ZSQLCatalog/tests/testZSQLCatalog.py
+++ b/product/ZSQLCatalog/tests/testZSQLCatalog.py
@@ -55,64 +55,6 @@ class TestSQLCatalog(unittest.TestCase):
     self.assertTrue(self._catalog.z_dummy_method in
-  def test_manage_editFilter(self):
-    request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
-    self._catalog.manage_editFilter(REQUEST=request)
-    self.assertTrue(self._catalog.filter_dict.has_key('z_dummy_method'))
-  def test_isMethodFiltered(self):
-    request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
-    self._catalog.manage_editFilter(REQUEST=request)
-    self.assertTrue(self._catalog.isMethodFiltered('z_dummy_method'))
-    self.assertFalse(self._catalog.isMethodFiltered('not_exist'))
-  def test_getFilterExpression(self):
-    request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
-    self._catalog.manage_editFilter(REQUEST=request)
-    self.assertEqual('python: 1', self._catalog.getExpression('z_dummy_method'))
-    self.assertEqual('', self._catalog.getExpression('not_exists'))
-  def test_setFilterExpression(self):
-    request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
-    self._catalog.manage_editFilter(REQUEST=request)
-    expression = self._catalog.getExpressionInstance('z_dummy_method')
-    self._catalog.setFilterExpression('z_dummy_method', 'python: 2')
-    self.assertEqual('python: 2', self._catalog.getExpression('z_dummy_method'))
-    self.assertNotEquals(expression,
-                         self._catalog.getExpressionInstance('z_dummy_method'))
-    self._catalog.setFilterExpression('z_dummy_method', 'python: 1')
-    self.assertEqual('python: 1', self._catalog.getExpression('z_dummy_method'))
-    self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._catalog.setFilterExpression,
-                                'not_exists', "python:1")
-    self.assertEqual('', self._catalog.getExpression('not_exists'))
-  def test_getFilterDict(self):
-    request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
-    self._catalog.manage_editFilter(REQUEST=request)
-    filter_dict = self._catalog.getFilterDict()
-    self.assertEqual(self._catalog.filter_dict.keys(), filter_dict.keys())
-    self.assertTrue(isinstance(filter_dict, type({})))
-    self.assertTrue(isinstance(filter_dict['z_dummy_method'], type({})))
-    self.assertEqual(self._catalog.getExpression('z_dummy_method'),
-                      filter_dict['z_dummy_method']['expression'])
-  def test_getFilterExpressionInstance(self):
-    request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_expression='python: 1')
-    self._catalog.manage_editFilter(REQUEST=request)
-    self.assertTrue(isinstance(
-        self._catalog.getExpressionInstance('z_dummy_method'), Expression))
-    self.assertEqual(None, self._catalog.getExpressionInstance('not_exists'))
-  def test_isPortalTypeSelected(self):
-    request = dict(z_dummy_method_box=1, z_dummy_method_type=['Selected'])
-    self._catalog.manage_editFilter(REQUEST=request)
-    self.assertTrue(
-        self._catalog.isPortalTypeSelected('z_dummy_method', 'Selected'))
-    self.assertFalse(
-        self._catalog.isPortalTypeSelected('z_dummy_method', 'Not Selected'))
-    self.assertFalse(
-        self._catalog.isPortalTypeSelected('not_exists', 'Selected'))
   def test_getRecordByUid(self):
     class MyError(RuntimeError):