From 1ebfe3ef11bfadb114a468b22ad2d7b6c889a29e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Yoshinori Okuji <>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 17:04:24 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Initial import.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 product/ERP5/Extensions/ | 70 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 70 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 product/ERP5/Extensions/

diff --git a/product/ERP5/Extensions/ b/product/ERP5/Extensions/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8e43941dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/ERP5/Extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+from Globals import get_request
+from Acquisition import aq_base
+from Products.ERP5Type.Base import Base
+from zLOG import LOG
+message = ''
+def recodeDocumentRecursively(document, dry_run=0):
+  global message
+  klass = document.__class__
+  if not issubclass(klass, Base):
+    return
+  id_list = []
+  for property_sheet in klass.property_sheets:
+    for property in property_sheet._properties:
+      # Do not care about tokens, int, float, date or boolean because they should not have non-ASCII.
+      if property['type'] in ('string', 'text', 'lines') and 'acquisition_base_category' not in property:
+        id = property.get('storage_id', property['id'])
+        # Make sure that ids are not duplicated.
+        if id not in id_list:
+          id_list.append(id)
+  # Make sure working on the document itself.
+  base = aq_base(document)
+  for id in id_list:
+    #LOG('RecodeAllDocuments', 0, 'Recoding %s of %s' % (id, document.getRelativeUrl()))
+    value = getattr(base, id, None)
+    if value is not None:
+      if type(value) == type(''):
+        if len(value) > 0:
+          message += 'Recoding %s of %s\n' % (id, document.getRelativeUrl())
+          if not dry_run: setattr(base, id, unicode(value, 'iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8'))
+      elif type(value) in (type(()), type([])):
+        if len(value) > 0:
+          value_list = list(value)
+          for i in range(len(value_list)):
+            value = value_list[i]
+            if type(value) == type('') and len(value) > 0:
+              value_list[i] = unicode(value, 'iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8')
+          message += 'Recoding %s of %s\n' % (id, document.getRelativeUrl())
+          if not dry_run: setattr(base, id, tuple(value_list))
+      else:
+        raise RuntimeError, 'unknown type of value %r' % value
+  # Call itself recursively.
+  for object in document.objectValues():
+    recodeDocumentRecursively(object)
+def recodeAllDocuments(self, REQUEST=None, dry_run=0):
+  global message
+  message = ''
+  if not REQUEST:
+    REQUEST = get_request()
+  try:
+    dry_run = int(dry_run)
+  except:
+    pass
+  portal = self.getPortalObject()
+  #for folder in portal.objectValues('ERP5 Folder'):
+  #  message += '# Checking the folder %s\n' % folder.getId()
+  #  recodeDocumentRecursively(folder, dry_run=dry_run)
+  for category in portal.portal_categories.objectValues('ERP5 Base Category'):
+    message += '# Checking the category %s\n' % category.getId()
+    recodeDocumentRecursively(category, dry_run=dry_run)
+  return message
\ No newline at end of file