2006-10-19 Kevin
* Update french paysheet rates.

2006-10-18 Kevin
* Add new french payroll services.
* Do not display base and rate for "forfait" services.

2006-10-17 Kevin
* Add Pay Sheet Transaction as default sub type in Accounting Module.
* Use new InvoiceTransaction_something scripts instead of SaleInvoiceTransaction_something.
* Don't show pay sheet calculation fast input action in states other than 'draft'.

2006-09-07 Kevin
* Add "Réduction Fillon" service and line.
* Include unit/time/month category to describe social contributions.

2006-09-01 Kevin
* Allow people who started to work within the current year to appear in the employee list returned by Organisation_getEmployeeList.

2006-08-23 Kevin
* Fix bad comparison on pre_calculation.

2006-08-18 Kevin
* French payroll rate updated.

2006-07-25 jerome
* put services in a dedicated module, payroll_service_module

2006-07-06 Kevin
* Fix Organisation_getEmployeeList to handle non-defined grade on employees.

2006-06-29 jerome
* fix matrix box in PaySheetLine_viewQuantity

2006-06-19 Kevin
* Fix wrong paysheet month.

2006-06-15 Kevin
* Add a new fast input to create a bunch of paysheets.

2006-06-14 Kevin
* Payroll report system is now fully translatable.
* Update version number.

2006-06-13 Kevin
* Add a very alpha version of the Payroll report.

2006-06-12 Kevin
* Update maintainer list.
* Re-order tabs thanks to priorities.

2006-04-18 Kevin
* Respect Naming Conventions.
* Fix the applied rule.

2006-04-14 Kevin
* Update with 2006-stuff.

2006-04-05 Kevin
* Add some python scripts that are helpfull when debugging payroll.
* Update PaySheetTransaction_viewAccountingLineList.

2006-02-27 Kevin
* Update AccountingTransactionModule_viewAnnualSalaryReport to show more paysheet conflicts by default.
* Add AccountingModule_checkPaySheetConsistency, a usefull, but dirty, script to track bad destination and destination_section on Pay Sheet Lines.

2006-02-24 Kevin
* Update PaySheetTransaction_viewAccountingLineList form.

2006-02-15 Kevin
* Add an Annual Report generator (must be refactored and cleaned up).
* Update dependencies.
* Update description to reflect the actual status of this business template.
* Assign Paysheet Transaction portal type to 'accounting_transaction' group (thanks to Bartek).

2006-02-06 Kevin
* Update license and copyright metadata.

2005-09-15 Kevin
* Little update of career-related accessor calls to follow changes on Person module.

2005-07-23 Kevin
* PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation() now handle ceiling salary year safely.

2005-07-07 Jérome
* Rename service to service_module.