/* eslint-disable */ (() => { JumpToDiscussion = Vue.extend({ mixins: [DiscussionMixins], props: { discussionId: String }, data: function () { return { discussions: CommentsStore.state, }; }, computed: { discussion: function () { return this.discussions[this.discussionId]; }, allResolved: function () { return this.unresolvedDiscussionCount === 0; }, showButton: function () { if (this.discussionId) { if (this.unresolvedDiscussionCount > 1) { return true; } else { return this.discussionId !== this.lastResolvedId; } } else { return this.unresolvedDiscussionCount >= 1; } }, lastResolvedId: function () { let lastId; for (const discussionId in this.discussions) { const discussion = this.discussions[discussionId]; if (!discussion.isResolved()) { lastId = discussion.id; } } return lastId; } }, methods: { jumpToNextUnresolvedDiscussion: function () { let discussionsSelector, discussionIdsInScope, firstUnresolvedDiscussionId, nextUnresolvedDiscussionId, activeTab = window.mrTabs.currentAction, hasDiscussionsToJumpTo = true, jumpToFirstDiscussion = !this.discussionId; const discussionIdsForElements = function(elements) { return elements.map(function() { return $(this).attr('data-discussion-id'); }).toArray(); }; const discussions = this.discussions; if (activeTab === 'diffs') { discussionsSelector = '.diffs .notes[data-discussion-id]'; discussionIdsInScope = discussionIdsForElements($(discussionsSelector)); let unresolvedDiscussionCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < discussionIdsInScope.length; i++) { const discussionId = discussionIdsInScope[i]; const discussion = discussions[discussionId]; if (discussion && !discussion.isResolved()) { unresolvedDiscussionCount++; } } if (this.discussionId && !this.discussion.isResolved()) { // If this is the last unresolved discussion on the diffs tab, // there are no discussions to jump to. if (unresolvedDiscussionCount === 1) { hasDiscussionsToJumpTo = false; } } else { // If there are no unresolved discussions on the diffs tab at all, // there are no discussions to jump to. if (unresolvedDiscussionCount === 0) { hasDiscussionsToJumpTo = false; } } } else if (activeTab !== 'notes') { // If we are on the commits or builds tabs, // there are no discussions to jump to. hasDiscussionsToJumpTo = false; } if (!hasDiscussionsToJumpTo) { // If there are no discussions to jump to on the current page, // switch to the notes tab and jump to the first disucssion there. window.mrTabs.activateTab('notes'); activeTab = 'notes'; jumpToFirstDiscussion = true; } if (activeTab === 'notes') { discussionsSelector = '.discussion[data-discussion-id]'; discussionIdsInScope = discussionIdsForElements($(discussionsSelector)); } let currentDiscussionFound = false; for (let i = 0; i < discussionIdsInScope.length; i++) { const discussionId = discussionIdsInScope[i]; const discussion = discussions[discussionId]; if (!discussion) { // Discussions for comments on commits in this MR don't have a resolved status. continue; } if (!firstUnresolvedDiscussionId && !discussion.isResolved()) { firstUnresolvedDiscussionId = discussionId; if (jumpToFirstDiscussion) { break; } } if (!jumpToFirstDiscussion) { if (currentDiscussionFound) { if (!discussion.isResolved()) { nextUnresolvedDiscussionId = discussionId; break; } else { continue; } } if (discussionId === this.discussionId) { currentDiscussionFound = true; } } } nextUnresolvedDiscussionId = nextUnresolvedDiscussionId || firstUnresolvedDiscussionId; if (!nextUnresolvedDiscussionId) { return; } let $target = $(`${discussionsSelector}[data-discussion-id="${nextUnresolvedDiscussionId}"]`); if (activeTab === 'notes') { $target = $target.closest('.note-discussion'); // If the next discussion is closed, toggle it open. if ($target.find('.js-toggle-content').is(':hidden')) { $target.find('.js-toggle-button i').trigger('click') } } else if (activeTab === 'diffs') { // Resolved discussions are hidden in the diffs tab by default. // If they are marked unresolved on the notes tab, they will still be hidden on the diffs tab. // When jumping between unresolved discussions on the diffs tab, we show them. $target.closest(".content").show(); $target = $target.closest("tr.notes_holder"); $target.show(); // If we are on the diffs tab, we don't scroll to the discussion itself, but to // 4 diff lines above it: the line the discussion was in response to + 3 context let prevEl; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { prevEl = $target.prev(); // If the discussion doesn't have 4 lines above it, we'll have to do with fewer. if (!prevEl.hasClass("line_holder")) { break; } $target = prevEl; } } $.scrollTo($target, { offset: -($('.navbar-gitlab').outerHeight() + $('.layout-nav').outerHeight()) }); } } }); Vue.component('jump-to-discussion', JumpToDiscussion); })();