diff --git a/product/ERP5/Document/WebSection.py b/product/ERP5/Document/WebSection.py
index 102bf47b1c8ad4f7d27026db3d2f73abb42d622a..05b8e3b9b1e6e64792a4554f1d6b9c2bfb4492c1 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/Document/WebSection.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/Document/WebSection.py
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ class WebSection(Domain, PermanentURLMixIn):
       - WebSection_getDefaultDocumentValue
       - WebSection_getSectionValue
       - WebSection_getWebSiteValue
       It defines the following REQUEST global variables:
@@ -192,8 +191,15 @@ class WebSection(Domain, PermanentURLMixIn):
                 # force user to login as specified in Web Section
                 raise Unauthorized
           if document is not None:
-            self.REQUEST.set('current_web_document', document.__of__(self)) # Used to be document
+            self.REQUEST.set('current_web_document', document)
             self.REQUEST.set('is_web_section_default_document', 1)
+            document = aq_base(document.asContext(
+                id=self.getId(), # A quick hack to force URL to point to self
+                  # XXX - A better solution here consists of using PermanentURL
+                  # to find out under which id the document should be published
+                original_container=document.getParentValue(),
+                original_id=document.getId(),
+                editable_absolute_url=document.absolute_url()))
             return document.__of__(self)()
       return Domain.__call__(self)
diff --git a/product/ERP5/tests/testERP5Web.py b/product/ERP5/tests/testERP5Web.py
index 1863b821a20382011ecf8b02aa12de4056ff2612..9d9098c87bbd1df4e965c12c75bfc79d40785e88 100644
--- a/product/ERP5/tests/testERP5Web.py
+++ b/product/ERP5/tests/testERP5Web.py
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 import os
+import re
 import unittest
 import random
@@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ class TestERP5Web(ERP5TypeTestCase, ZopeTestCase.Functional):
   def test_05_WebPageVersioning(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test):
       Simple Case of showing the proper most recent public Web Page based on 
-      (language, version
+      (language, version)
     if not run:
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ class TestERP5Web(ERP5TypeTestCase, ZopeTestCase.Functional):
     self.assertRaises(Unauthorized,  websection._getExtensibleContent,  request,  document_reference)
-  def test_07_WebPageTextContentSubstituions(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test):
+  def test_07_WebPageTextContentSubstitutions(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test):
       Simple Case of showing the proper text content with and without a substitution
       mapping method.
@@ -456,8 +457,16 @@ class TestERP5Web(ERP5TypeTestCase, ZopeTestCase.Functional):
     self.assertEquals(web_page_en,  websection.getDocumentValueList()[0].getObject())
   def test_09_DefaultDocumentForWebSection(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test):
-    """ Testetting default document for a Web Section. Test  use case like workflow state of document.
-         Note: due to generic ERP5 Web implementation this test highly depends on WebSection_geDefaulttDocumentValueList
+    """
+      Testing the default document for a Web Section.
+      If a Web Section has a default document defined and if that default
+      document is published, then getDefaultDocumentValue on that 
+      web section should return the latest version in the most 
+      appropriate language of that default document.
+      Note: due to generic ERP5 Web implementation this test highly depends 
+      on WebSection_geDefaulttDocumentValueList
     if not run: return
     if not quiet:
@@ -470,19 +479,70 @@ class TestERP5Web(ERP5TypeTestCase, ZopeTestCase.Functional):
     # create pages belonging to this publication_section 'documentation'
     web_page_en = portal.web_page_module.newContent(portal_type = 'Web Page', 
+                                                 id='section_home',
                                                  language = 'en', 
-    self.assertEqual(None,   websection.getDefaultDocumentValue())
+    self.assertEqual(None, websection.getDefaultDocumentValue())
     # publish it
-    self.assertEqual(web_page_en,   websection.getDefaultDocumentValue())
+    self.assertEqual(web_page_en, websection.getDefaultDocumentValue())
+    # and make sure that the base meta tag which is generated
+    # uses the web section rather than the portal
+    html_page = websection()
+    from Products.ERP5.Document.Document import Document
+    base_list = re.findall(Document.base_parser, str(html_page))
+    base_url = base_list[0]
+    self.assertEqual(base_url, "%s/%s/" % (websection.absolute_url(), websection.getId()))
+  def test_09b_DefaultDocumentForWebSite(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test):
+    """
+      Testing the default document for a Web Site.
+      If a Web Section has a default document defined and if that default
+      document is published, then getDefaultDocumentValue on that 
+      web section should return the latest version in the most 
+      appropriate language of that default document.
+      Note: due to generic ERP5 Web implementation this test highly depends 
+      on WebSection_geDefaulttDocumentValueList
+    """
+    if not run: return
+    if not quiet:
+      message = '\ntest_09b_DefaultDocumentForWebSite'
+      ZopeTestCase._print(message)    
+    portal = self.getPortal()
+    website = self.setupWebSite()
+    publication_section_category_id_list = ['documentation',  'administration']
+    # create pages belonging to this publication_section 'documentation'
+    web_page_en = portal.web_page_module.newContent(portal_type = 'Web Page', 
+                                                 id='site_home',
+                                                 language = 'en', 
+                                                 reference='NXD-DDP-Site', 
+                                                 publication_section_list=publication_section_category_id_list[:1])    
+    website.setAggregateValue(web_page_en)
+    get_transaction().commit()
+    self.tic()
+    self.assertEqual(None, website.getDefaultDocumentValue())
+    # publish it
+    web_page_en.publish()
+    get_transaction().commit()
+    self.tic()
+    self.assertEqual(web_page_en, website.getDefaultDocumentValue())
+    # and make sure that the base meta tag which is generated
+    # uses the web site rather than the portal
+    html_page = website()
+    from Products.ERP5.Document.Document import Document
+    base_list = re.findall(Document.base_parser, str(html_page))
+    base_url = base_list[0]
+    self.assertEqual(base_url, "%s/%s/" % (website.absolute_url(), website.getId()))
   def test_10_WebSectionAuthorizationForcedForDefaultDocument(self, quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test):
     """ Check that when a Web Section contains a default document not accessible by user we have a chance to 
         require user to login.
@@ -1150,7 +1210,7 @@ class TestERP5WebWithSimpleSecurity(ERP5TypeTestCase):
     self.assertEquals(0, len(section.WebSection_getDocumentValueList()))
-    # First Japonese Object
+    # First Japanese Object