############################################################################## # # Copyright (c) 2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved. # Aurelien Calonne <aurel@nexedi.com> # # WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional # programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential # consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs # End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial # garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software # Service Company # # This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ############################################################################## # import requested python module import os from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import SequenceList from Products.DCWorkflow.DCWorkflow import Unauthorized, ValidationFailed from Products.ERP5Banking.tests.TestERP5BankingMixin import TestERP5BankingMixin # Needed in order to have a log file inside the current folder os.environ['EVENT_LOG_FILE'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'zLOG.log') # Define the level of log we want, here is all os.environ['EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY'] = '-300' # Define how to launch the script if we don't use runUnitTest script if __name__ == '__main__': execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'framework.py')) class TestERP5BankingForeignCashReception(TestERP5BankingMixin): """ This class is a unit test to check the module of Cash Transfer Here are the following step that will be done in the test : XXX to be completed """ # pseudo constants RUN_ALL_TEST = 1 # we want to run all test QUIET = 0 # we don't want the test to be quiet not_defined_variation_list = ('variation/not_defined',) def getTitle(self): """ Return the title of the test """ return "ERP5BankingForeignCashReception" def getForeignCashReceptionModule(self): """ Return the Cash Inventory Module """ return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'foreign_cash_reception_module', None) def afterSetUp(self): """ Method called before the launch of the test to initialize some data """ # Set some variables : self.initDefaultVariable() # the cash inventory module self.foreign_cash_reception_module = self.getForeignCashReceptionModule() self.createManagerAndLogin() self.createFunctionGroupSiteCategory() self.reception = self.paris.caveau.auxiliaire.encaisse_des_devises.usd self.checkUserFolderType() self.organisation = self.organisation_module.newContent(id='baobab_org', portal_type='Organisation', function='banking', group='baobab', site='testsite/paris') # define the user user_dict = { 'super_user' : [['Manager'], self.organisation, 'banking/comptable', 'baobab', 'testsite/paris'] } # call method to create this user self.createERP5Users(user_dict) self.logout() self.login('super_user') self.openCounterDate(site=self.paris) def stepCheckObjects(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd): """ Check that all the objects we created in afterSetUp or that were added by the business template and that we rely on are really here. """ self.checkResourceCreated() # check that ForeignCashReception Module was created self.assertEqual(self.foreign_cash_reception_module.getPortalType(), 'Foreign Cash Reception Module') # check cash inventory module is empty self.assertEqual(len(self.foreign_cash_reception_module.objectValues()), 0) def stepCheckInitialInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd): """ Check the initial inventory before any operations """ self.simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool() # check we have 0 banknotes of 50 in caisse_1 self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_50.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0) self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_50.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0) self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_20.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0) self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_20.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0) def stepCreateForeignCashReception(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd): """ Create a cash inventory document and check it """ #and a price cooreponding to the sum of banknote of 50 and 20 #( (3) * 50 + (5) * 20 ) = 250 self.foreign_cash_reception = self.foreign_cash_reception_module.newContent( id='foreign_cash_reception', portal_type='Foreign Cash Reception', source_value=None, destination_value=self.reception, resource_value=self.currency_1, description='test', source_total_asset_price=250) # set source reference self.setDocumentSourceReference(self.foreign_cash_reception) # execute tic self.stepTic() # get the cash inventory document self.foreign_cash_reception = getattr(self.foreign_cash_reception_module, 'foreign_cash_reception') # check its portal type self.assertEqual(self.foreign_cash_reception.getPortalType(), 'Foreign Cash Reception') # check that its source is caisse_1 self.assertEqual(self.foreign_cash_reception.getSource(), None) # check that its destination is caisse_2 self.assertEqual(self.foreign_cash_reception.getBaobabDestination(), 'site/testsite/paris/caveau/auxiliaire/encaisse_des_devises/usd') def stepCreateValidLine1(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd): """ Create the cash transfer line 1 with banknotes of 50 and check it has been well created """ # create the cash transfer line self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.foreign_cash_reception, 'valid_line_1', 'Cash Delivery Line', self.usd_billet_50, ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/not_defined', 'cash_status/not_defined') +self.not_defined_variation_list, self.quantity_usd_50, variation_list=self.not_defined_variation_list) # execute tic self.stepTic() # check there is only one line created self.assertEqual(len(self.foreign_cash_reception.objectValues()), 1) # get the cash transfer line self.valid_line_1 = getattr(self.foreign_cash_reception, 'valid_line_1') # check its portal type self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Line') # check the resource is banknotes of 10000 self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getResourceValue(), self.usd_billet_50) # chek the value of the banknote self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPrice(), 50.0) # check the unit of banknote self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getQuantityUnit(), 'unit') # check we have two delivery cells: (one for year 1992 and one for 2003) self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_1.objectValues()), 1) # now check for each variation (years 1992 and 2003) for variation in self.not_defined_variation_list: # get the delivery cell cell = self.valid_line_1.getCell('emission_letter/not_defined', variation, 'cash_status/not_defined') # check portal types self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Cell') # check the banknote of the cell is banknote of 10000 self.assertEqual(cell.getResourceValue(), self.usd_billet_50) # check the source vault is None self.assertEqual(cell.getSourceValue(), None) # check the destination vault is counter self.assertEqual(cell.getDestinationValue(), self.reception) if cell.getId() == 'movement_0_0_0': # check the quantity of banknote 2 self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 3.0) else: self.fail('Wrong cell created : %s' % cell.getId()) def stepCreateValidLine2(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd): """ Create the cash transfer line 1 with banknotes of 20 and check it has been well created """ # create the cash transfer line self.addCashLineToDelivery(self.foreign_cash_reception, 'valid_line_2', 'Cash Delivery Line', self.usd_billet_20, ('emission_letter', 'cash_status', 'variation'), ('emission_letter/not_defined', 'cash_status/not_defined') +self.not_defined_variation_list, self.quantity_usd_20, variation_list=self.not_defined_variation_list) # execute tic self.stepTic() # check there is only one line created self.assertEqual(len(self.foreign_cash_reception.objectValues()), 2) # get the cash transfer line self.valid_line_1 = getattr(self.foreign_cash_reception, 'valid_line_2') # check its portal type self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Line') # check the resource is banknotes of 10000 self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getResourceValue(), self.usd_billet_20) # chek the value of the banknote self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPrice(), 20.0) # check the unit of banknote self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getQuantityUnit(), 'unit') # check we have two delivery cells: (one for year 1992 and one for 2003) self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_1.objectValues()), 1) # now check for each variation (years 1992 and 2003) for variation in self.not_defined_variation_list: # get the delivery cell cell = self.valid_line_1.getCell('emission_letter/not_defined', variation, 'cash_status/not_defined') # check portal types self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Cell') # check the banknote of the cell is banknote of 10000 self.assertEqual(cell.getResourceValue(), self.usd_billet_20) # check the source vault is None self.assertEqual(cell.getSourceValue(), None) # check the destination vault is counter self.assertEqual(cell.getDestinationValue(), self.reception) if cell.getId() == 'movement_0_0_0': # check the quantity of banknote 2 self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 5.0) else: self.fail('Wrong cell created : %s' % cell.getId()) def stepCheckValidLine1(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None): """ Check the cash delivery line """ # check the cash delivery line self.valid_line_1 = getattr(self.foreign_cash_reception, 'valid_line_1') # check its portal type self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Line') # check the resource is banknotes of 50 self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getResourceValue(), self.usd_billet_50) # chek the value of the banknote self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPrice(), 50.0) # check the unit of banknote self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getQuantityUnit(), 'unit') # check we have one delivery cells self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_1.objectValues()), 1) # now check for variation variation = 'variation/not_defined' # get the delivery cell cell = self.valid_line_1.getCell('emission_letter/not_defined', variation, 'cash_status/not_defined') # chek portal types self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Cell') # check the banknote of the cell is banknote of 50 self.assertEqual(cell.getResourceValue(), self.usd_billet_50) # check the source vault is caisse_1 self.assertEqual(cell.getSourceValue(), None) # check the destination vault is caisse_2 self.assertEqual(cell.getDestinationValue(), self.reception) self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 3.0) def stepCheckValidLine2(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None): """ Check the cash delivery line """ # check the cash delivery line self.valid_line_1 = getattr(self.foreign_cash_reception, 'valid_line_2') # check its portal type self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Line') # check the resource is banknotes of 50 self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getResourceValue(), self.usd_billet_20) # chek the value of the banknote self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getPrice(), 20.0) # check the unit of banknote self.assertEqual(self.valid_line_1.getQuantityUnit(), 'unit') # check we have one delivery cells self.assertEqual(len(self.valid_line_1.objectValues()), 1) # now check for variation variation = 'variation/not_defined' # get the delivery cell cell = self.valid_line_1.getCell('emission_letter/not_defined', variation, 'cash_status/not_defined') # chek portal types self.assertEqual(cell.getPortalType(), 'Cash Delivery Cell') # check the banknote of the cell is banknote of 50 self.assertEqual(cell.getResourceValue(), self.usd_billet_20) # check the source vault is caisse_1 self.assertEqual(cell.getSourceValue(), None) # check the destination vault is caisse_2 self.assertEqual(cell.getDestinationValue(), self.reception) self.assertEqual(cell.getQuantity(), 5.0) def stepConfirmForeignCashReception(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd): """ confirm the foreign cash reception """ state = self.foreign_cash_reception.getSimulationState() # check that state is draft self.assertEqual(state, 'empty') self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.foreign_cash_reception, 'confirm_action', wf_id='foreign_cash_reception_workflow') self.assertEqual(self.foreign_cash_reception.getSimulationState(), 'confirmed') workflow_history = self.workflow_tool.getInfoFor(ob=self.foreign_cash_reception, name='history', wf_id='foreign_cash_reception_workflow') # check len of len workflow history is 6 self.assertEqual(len(workflow_history), 3) def stepCheckConfirmedInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd): """ Check that compution of inventory at vault caisse_2 is right after confirm and before deliver """ self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_50.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0) self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_50.getRelativeUrl()), 3.0) self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_20.getRelativeUrl()), 0.0) self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_20.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0) def stepDeliverForeignCashReception(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kw): """ Deliver the foreign cash reception """ state = self.foreign_cash_reception.getSimulationState() # check that state is draft self.assertEqual(state, 'confirmed') self.workflow_tool.doActionFor(self.foreign_cash_reception, 'deliver_action', wf_id='foreign_cash_reception_workflow') # execute tic self.stepTic() # get state of cash sorting state = self.foreign_cash_reception.getSimulationState() # check that state is delivered self.assertEqual(state, 'delivered') # get workflow history workflow_history = self.workflow_tool.getInfoFor(ob=self.foreign_cash_reception, name='history', wf_id='foreign_cash_reception_workflow') # check len of len workflow history is 6 self.assertEqual(len(workflow_history), 5) def stepCheckFinalInventory(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None, **kwd): """ Check that compution of inventory at vault caisse_2 is right after confirm and before deliver """ self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_50.getRelativeUrl()), 3.0) self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_50.getRelativeUrl()), 3.0) self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getCurrentInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_20.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0) self.assertEqual(self.simulation_tool.getFutureInventory(node=self.reception.getRelativeUrl(), resource = self.usd_billet_20.getRelativeUrl()), 5.0) ################################## ## Tests ################################## def test_01_ERP5BankingForeignCashReception(self, quiet=QUIET, run=RUN_ALL_TEST): """ Define the sequence of step that will be play """ if not run: return sequence_list = SequenceList() # define the sequence sequence_string = 'Tic CheckObjects Tic ' \ + 'CheckInitialInventory ' \ + 'CreateForeignCashReception Tic ' \ + 'CreateValidLine1 Tic ' \ + 'CreateValidLine2 Tic ' \ + 'CheckValidLine1 ' \ + 'CheckValidLine2 ' \ + 'ConfirmForeignCashReception Tic ' \ + 'CheckConfirmedInventory ' \ + 'DeliverForeignCashReception Tic ' \ + 'CheckFinalInventory' sequence_list.addSequenceString(sequence_string) # play the sequence sequence_list.play(self) # define how we launch the unit test if __name__ == '__main__': framework() else: import unittest def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestERP5BankingForeignCashReception)) return suite