Commit 5ff76d98 authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

Makefile-web: make it usable with "make -f Makefile-web".

Particularly since it's used by a gitolite hook on to update
the webpages.
Signed-off-by: default avatarRusty Russell <>
parent adaf79a8
default: upload
include Makefile
# This can be overridden on cmdline to generate pages elsewhere.
MODS := $(ALL_MODULES:ccan/%=%)
upload: fastcheck
git push
ALL_PAGES=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/info/%.html, $(MODS))
DIRECT_TARBALLS=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/%.tar.bz2, $(MODS))
......@@ -10,19 +18,13 @@ JUNKPAGES=$(JUNKDIRS:%=$(WEBDIR)/%.html)
PRETTIFY=$(WEBDIR)/prettify/src/run_prettify.js $(WEBDIR)/prettify/src/prettify.css
upload: fastcheck modcheck
git push
# Check MODS list in Makefile-ccan matches modules we find.
@FOUND=$$(echo $$(find ccan -name _info | sed 's,ccan/\(.*\)/_info,\1,' | sort) ); LISTED=$$(echo $$(echo $(MODS) | tr ' ' '\012' | sort) ); if [ "$$FOUND" = "$$LISTED" ]; then exit 0; fi; while true; do a="$${FOUND%% *}"; b="$${LISTED%% *}"; if [ "$$a" != "$$b" ]; then echo "'$$a' found but '$$b' in MOD" >&2; exit 1; fi; FOUND="$${FOUND#* }"; LISTED="$${LISTED#* }"; done
[ "$(WEBDEV)" ] || ! git status --porcelain | grep .
webpages: modcheck clean-tree webpages-unchecked
webpages: clean-tree webpages-unchecked
webpages-unchecked: $(WEB_SUBDIRS) $(PRETTIFY) $(WEBDIR)/index.html $(WEBDIR)/upload.html $(WEBDIR)/uploader.php $(WEBDIR)/example-config.h $(WEBDIR)/ccan.png $(WEBDIR)/ccan-bg.png $(WEBDIR)/ccan.css $(DIRECT_TARBALLS) $(DEPEND_TARBALLS) $(WEBDIR)/ccan.tar.bz2 $(WEBDIR)/Makefile-ccan $(ALL_PAGES) junkpages
webpages-unchecked: $(WEB_SUBDIRS) $(PRETTIFY) $(WEBDIR)/index.html $(WEBDIR)/upload.html $(WEBDIR)/uploader.php $(WEBDIR)/example-config.h $(WEBDIR)/ccan.png $(WEBDIR)/ccan-bg.png $(WEBDIR)/ccan.css $(DIRECT_TARBALLS) $(DEPEND_TARBALLS) $(WEBDIR)/ccan.tar.bz2 $(ALL_PAGES) junkpages
junkpages: $(WEBDIR)/list.html $(WEBDIR)/junkcode $(JUNKPAGES) $(JUNKBALLS)
......@@ -36,33 +38,30 @@ $(WEBDIR)/junkcode/%.tar.bz2: junkcode/% $(WEBDIR)/junkcode
$(WEBDIR)/junkcode/%.html: $(WEBDIR)/junkcode/%.tar.bz2
cd $(WEBDIR) && tar xfj junkcode/$*.tar.bz2
URLPREFIX=../ php5 web/staticjunkcode.php junkcode/$* $* > $@
URLPREFIX=../ $(PHP) web/staticjunkcode.php junkcode/$* $* > $@
# We want tarball to contain ccan/; we put junkcode in, but don't depend on it.
$(WEBDIR)/ccan.tar.bz2: config.h Makefile Makefile-ccan $(shell git ls-files ccan tools licenses)
$(WEBDIR)/ccan.tar.bz2: config.h Makefile $(shell git ls-files ccan tools licenses)
DIR=`pwd` && cd /tmp && ln -sf "$$DIR" ccan && tar cvfj $@ `for f in $^; do echo ccan/$$f; done` ccan/junkcode && rm ccan
$(ALL_PAGES): tools/doc_extract web/staticmoduleinfo.php
$(WEBDIR)/list.html: web/staticall.php tools/doc_extract $(DIRECT_TARBALLS) $(DEPEND_TARBALLS) $(WEBDIR)/ccan.tar.bz2 $(JUNKBALLS)
php5 web/staticall.php ccan/ junkcode/ $(WEBDIR) $(MODS) > $@
$(PHP) web/staticall.php ccan/ junkcode/ $(WEBDIR) $(MODS) > $@
$(WEBDIR)/upload.html: web/staticupload.php
php5 web/staticupload.php > $@
$(PHP) web/staticupload.php > $@
# cpp inserts gratuitous linebreaks at start of file, makes for php problems.
$(WEBDIR)/uploader.php: web/uploader.php.cpp
cpp -w -C -P $< | grep . > $@
$(WEBDIR)/index.html: web/staticindex.php
php5 web/staticindex.php > $@
$(PHP) web/staticindex.php > $@
$(WEBDIR)/example-config.h: config.h
cp $< $@
$(WEBDIR)/Makefile-ccan: Makefile-ccan
cp $< $@
$(WEBDIR)/ccan.png: web/ccan.png
cp $< $@
......@@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ $(WEBDIR)/ccan.css: web/ccan.css
$(WEBDIR)/info/%.html: $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/%.tar.bz2 $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/with-deps/%.tar.bz2
@mkdir -p `dirname $@`
URLPREFIX=../`echo $* | tr -dc '/' | sed s',/,../,g'` php5 web/staticmoduleinfo.php `pwd`/ccan/$* $* > $@
URLPREFIX=../`echo $* | tr -dc '/' | sed s',/,../,g'` $(PHP) web/staticmoduleinfo.php `pwd`/ccan/$* $* > $@
$(WEBDIR)/tarballs/%.tar.bz2: ccan/%/_info clean-tree
@mkdir -p `dirname $@`
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