Commit 758ab1f4 authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

ccanlint: drop -d, interpret any arguments as directories, and allow multiple.

This gets us closer to 'ccanlint *' rather than relying on Makefiles
to test all modules.  Unfortunately, because of limited parallelism, it's
currently slower than make -j.
parent 0959991a
......@@ -84,24 +84,24 @@ $(SCOREDIR)/SUMMARY: $(patsubst ccan/%/_info, $(SCOREDIR)/score-%, $(wildcard cc
$(SCOREDIR)/score-%: ccan/%/_info tools/ccanlint/ccanlint $(OBJFILES)
mkdir -p $(SCOREDIR)
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint -v -s -d ccan/$* > $@ || true
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint -v -s ccan/$* > $@ || true
$(ALL_DEPENDS): %/.depends: %/_info tools/ccan_depends
tools/ccan_depends $* > $@ || ( rm -f $@; exit 1 )
# Actual dependencies are created in inter-depends
check-%: tools/ccanlint/ccanlint
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint -d ccan/$*
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint ccan/$*
fastcheck-%: tools/ccanlint/ccanlint
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint -t $(FASTTIMEOUT) -d ccan/$*
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint -t $(FASTTIMEOUT) ccan/$*
# Doesn't test dependencies, doesn't print verbose fail results.
summary-check-%: tools/ccanlint/ccanlint $(OBJFILES)
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint -s -d ccan/$*
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint -s ccan/$*
summary-fastcheck-%: tools/ccanlint/ccanlint $(OBJFILES)
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint -x tests_pass_valgrind -x tests_compile_coverage -s -d ccan/$*
tools/ccanlint/ccanlint -x tests_pass_valgrind -x tests_compile_coverage -s ccan/$*
ccan/%/info: ccan/%/_info
$(CC) $(CCAN_CFLAGS) -o $@ -x c $<
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ static void run_more(void)
while (num_running < lbalance_target(lb)) {
int p[2];
c = tlist_top(&pending, struct command, list);
if (!c)
......@@ -35,9 +35,8 @@
#include <ccan/cast/cast.h>
int verbose = 0;
static LIST_HEAD(compulsory_tests);
static LIST_HEAD(normal_tests);
static LIST_HEAD(finished_tests);
static struct list_head compulsory_tests;
static struct list_head normal_tests;
bool safe_mode = false;
static struct btree *cmdline_exclude;
static struct btree *info_exclude;
......@@ -98,7 +97,8 @@ static bool run_test(struct ccanlint *i,
bool quiet,
unsigned int *running_score,
unsigned int *running_total,
struct manifest *m)
struct manifest *m,
const char *prefix)
unsigned int timeleft;
const struct dependent *d;
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ static bool run_test(struct ccanlint *i,
if (skip) {
if (verbose && !streq(skip, "not relevant to target"))
printf("%s: skipped (%s)\n", i->name, skip);
printf("%s%s: skipped (%s)\n", prefix, i->name, skip);
/* If we're skipping this because a prereq failed, we fail:
* count it as a score of 1. */
......@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ static bool run_test(struct ccanlint *i,
list_add_tail(&finished_tests, &i->list);
list_for_each(&i->dependencies, d, node) {
if (d->dependent->skip)
......@@ -150,7 +149,8 @@ static bool run_test(struct ccanlint *i,
if ((!score->pass && !quiet)
|| (score->score < score->total && verbose)
|| verbose > 1) {
printf("%s (%s): %s", i->name, i->key, score->pass ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
printf("%s%s (%s): %s",
prefix, i->name, i->key, score->pass ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
if (score->total > 1)
printf(" (+%u/%u)", score->score, score->total);
......@@ -169,7 +169,6 @@ static bool run_test(struct ccanlint *i,
*running_total += score->total;
list_add_tail(&finished_tests, &i->list);
if (!score->pass) {
/* Skip any tests which depend on this one. */
......@@ -188,6 +187,8 @@ static void register_test(struct list_head *h, struct ccanlint *test)
list_add(h, &test->list);
test->options = talloc_array(NULL, char *, 1);
test->options[0] = NULL;
test->skip = NULL;
test->skip_fail = false;
......@@ -240,6 +241,9 @@ static void init_tests(void)
struct btree *keys, *names;
struct list_head *list;
#define REGISTER_TEST(name) register_test(&normal_tests, &name)
#include "generated-normal-tests"
......@@ -251,6 +255,7 @@ static void init_tests(void)
foreach_ptr(list, &compulsory_tests, &normal_tests) {
list_for_each(list, c, list) {
c->num_depends = 0;
......@@ -654,19 +659,16 @@ static char *opt_set_const_charp(const char *arg, const char **p)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
bool summary = false, pass = true;
unsigned int score = 0, total_score = 0;
unsigned int i;
struct manifest *m;
struct ccanlint *i;
struct ccanlint *t;
const char *prefix = "";
char *dir = talloc_getcwd(NULL), *base_dir = dir, *target = NULL;
char *dir = talloc_getcwd(NULL), *base_dir = dir, *target = NULL,
cmdline_exclude = btree_new(btree_strcmp);
info_exclude = btree_new(btree_strcmp);
opt_register_arg("--dir|-d", opt_set_charp, opt_show_charp, &dir,
"use this directory");
opt_register_noarg("-n|--safe-mode", opt_set_bool, &safe_mode,
"do not compile anything");
opt_register_noarg("-l|--list-tests", list_tests, NULL,
......@@ -703,12 +705,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
opt_parse(&argc, argv, opt_log_stderr_exit);
if (dir[0] != '/')
dir = talloc_asprintf_append(NULL, "%s/%s", base_dir, dir);
while (strends(dir, "/"))
dir[strlen(dir)-1] = '\0';
if (dir != base_dir)
prefix = talloc_append_string(talloc_basename(NULL, dir), ": ");
if (verbose >= 3) {
compile_verbose = true;
......@@ -716,38 +712,76 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (verbose >= 4)
tools_verbose = true;
m = get_manifest(talloc_autofree_context(), dir);
/* Defaults to pwd. */
if (argc == 1) {
i = 1;
goto got_dir;
/* Create a symlink from temp dir back to src dir's test directory. */
if (symlink(talloc_asprintf(m, "%s/test", dir),
talloc_asprintf(m, "%s/test", temp_dir(NULL))) != 0)
err(1, "Creating test symlink in %s", temp_dir(NULL));
/* This links back to the module's test dir. */
testlink = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%s/test", temp_dir(NULL));
if (target) {
struct ccanlint *test;
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
unsigned int score, total_score;
dir = argv[i];
test = find_test(target);
if (!test)
errx(1, "Unknown test to run '%s'", target);
if (dir[0] != '/')
dir = talloc_asprintf_append(NULL, "%s/%s",
base_dir, dir);
while (strends(dir, "/"))
dir[strlen(dir)-1] = '\0';
if (dir != base_dir)
prefix = talloc_append_string(talloc_basename(NULL,dir),
": ");
/* If you don't pass the compulsory tests, you get a score of 0. */
while ((i = get_next_test(&compulsory_tests)) != NULL) {
if (!run_test(i, summary, &score, &total_score, m)) {
printf("%sTotal score: 0/%u\n", prefix, total_score);
errx(1, "%s%s failed", prefix, i->name);
if (target) {
struct ccanlint *test;
test = find_test(target);
if (!test)
errx(1, "Unknown test to run '%s'", target);
/* --target overrides known FAIL from _info */
if (m->info_file)
add_info_options(m->info_file, !target);
m = get_manifest(talloc_autofree_context(), dir);
/* FIXME: This has to come after we've got manifest. */
if (i == 1)
/* Create a symlink from temp dir back to src dir's
* test directory. */
if (symlink(talloc_asprintf(m, "%s/test", dir), testlink) != 0)
err(1, "Creating test symlink in %s", temp_dir(NULL));
/* If you don't pass the compulsory tests, score is 0. */
score = total_score = 0;
while ((t = get_next_test(&compulsory_tests)) != NULL) {
if (!run_test(t, summary, &score, &total_score, m,
prefix)) {
warnx("%s%s failed", prefix, t->name);
printf("%sTotal score: 0/%u\n",
prefix, total_score);
pass = false;
goto next;
/* --target overrides known FAIL from _info */
if (m->info_file)
add_info_options(m->info_file, !target);
while ((i = get_next_test(&normal_tests)) != NULL)
pass &= run_test(i, summary, &score, &total_score, m);
while ((t = get_next_test(&normal_tests)) != NULL)
pass &= run_test(t, summary, &score, &total_score, m,
printf("%sTotal score: %u/%u\n", prefix, score, total_score);
printf("%sTotal score: %u/%u\n", prefix, score, total_score);
next: ;
return pass ? 0 : 1;
......@@ -173,10 +173,10 @@ static void do_reduce_features(struct manifest *m,
hdr = talloc_asprintf_append
(hdr, "#undef %s\n#define %s 0\n", sym, sym);
if (mkdir("reduced-features", 0700) != 0)
if (mkdir("reduced-features", 0700) != 0 && errno != EEXIST)
err(1, "Creating reduced-features directory");
fd = open("reduced-features/config.h", O_EXCL|O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600);
fd = open("reduced-features/config.h", O_TRUNC|O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600);
if (fd < 0)
err(1, "Creating reduced-features/config.h");
if (!write_all(fd, hdr, strlen(hdr)))
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