Commit 7aac849a authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

intmap: implement intmap_before()

Signed-off-by: default avatarRusty Russell <>
parent f7ead5da
......@@ -231,6 +231,63 @@ none_left:
return NULL;
void *intmap_before_(const struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t *indexp)
const struct intmap *n, *prev = NULL;
intmap_index_t index = (*indexp) - 1;
/* Special case of overflow */
if (index == (intmap_index_t)-1ULL)
goto none_left;
/* Special case of empty map */
if (intmap_empty_(map))
goto none_left;
/* Follow down, until prefix differs. */
n = map;
while (!n->v) {
int crit = critbit(n);
u8 direction;
intmap_index_t prefix, idx;
idx = (index >> crit);
direction = idx & 1;
/* Leave critbit in place: we can't shift by 64 anyway */
idx |= 1;
prefix = n->u.n->prefix_and_critbit >> crit;
/* If this entire tree is less than index, take last */
if (idx > prefix)
return intmap_last_(n, indexp);
/* If this entire tree is greater than index, we're past it. */
else if (idx < prefix)
goto try_lesser_tree;
/* Remember lesser tree for backtracking */
if (direction)
prev = n;
n = &n->u.n->child[direction];
/* Found a predecessor? */
if (n->u.i <= index) {
errno = 0;
*indexp = n->u.i;
return n->v;
/* If we ever took a lesser branch, go back to lesser branch */
if (prev)
return intmap_last_(&prev->u.n->child[0], indexp);
errno = ENOENT;
return NULL;
void *intmap_last_(const struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t *indexp)
const struct intmap *n;
......@@ -309,6 +309,32 @@ void *intmap_after_(const struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t *indexp);
tcon_cast((smap), sintmap_canary, \
sintmap_after_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap), (indexp)))
* uintmap_before - get the closest preceding index in an unsigned intmap
* @umap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
* @indexp: the succeeding index (may not exist)
* Returns NULL if the there is no entry < @indexp, otherwise
* populates *@indexp and returns the highest entry < @indexp.
#define uintmap_before(umap, indexp) \
tcon_cast((umap), uintmap_canary, \
intmap_before_(uintmap_unwrap_(umap), (indexp)))
void *intmap_before_(const struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t *indexp);
* sintmap_before - get the closest preceding index in a signed intmap
* @smap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
* @indexp: the succeeding index (may not exist)
* Returns NULL if the there is no entry < @indexp, otherwise
* populates *@indexp and returns the highest entry < @indexp.
#define sintmap_before(smap, indexp) \
tcon_cast((smap), sintmap_canary, \
sintmap_before_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap), (indexp)))
* uintmap_last - get last value in an unsigned intmap
* @umap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
......@@ -455,6 +481,15 @@ static inline void *sintmap_after_(const struct intmap *map,
return ret;
static inline void *sintmap_before_(const struct intmap *map,
sintmap_index_t *indexp)
intmap_index_t i = SINTMAP_OFF(*indexp);
void *ret = intmap_before_(map, &i);
*indexp = SINTMAP_UNOFF(i);
return ret;
static inline void *sintmap_last_(const struct intmap *map,
sintmap_index_t *indexp)
......@@ -19,6 +19,15 @@ static bool check_umap(const umap *map)
bool last = true;
/* Must be in order, must contain value. */
prev = 256;
for (v = uintmap_last(map, &i); v; v = uintmap_before(map, &i)) {
if (i >= prev)
return false;
if (*v != i)
return false;
prev = i;
prev = -1;
for (v = uintmap_first(map, &i); v; v = uintmap_after(map, &i)) {
if (i <= prev)
......@@ -40,6 +49,15 @@ static bool check_smap(const smap *map)
bool last = true;
/* Must be in order, must contain value. */
prev = 0x80000000ULL;
for (v = sintmap_last(map, &i); v; v = sintmap_before(map, &i)) {
if (i >= prev)
return false;
if (*v != i)
return false;
prev = i;
prev = -0x80000001ULL;
for (v = sintmap_first(map, &i); v; v = sintmap_after(map, &i)) {
if (i <= prev)
......@@ -52,7 +70,7 @@ static bool check_smap(const smap *map)
return last;
int main(void)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
umap umap;
smap smap;
......@@ -64,6 +82,9 @@ int main(void)
if (argc > 1)
for (i = 0; i < NUM; i++) {
urandoms[i] = random();
srandoms[i] = random();
......@@ -36,6 +36,19 @@ static bool check_umap(const umap *map)
last = (uintmap_last(map, &last_idx) == v);
if (!last)
return false;
prev = INT_MAX;
for (v = uintmap_last(map, &i); v; v = uintmap_before(map, &i)) {
if ((int64_t)i >= prev)
return false;
if (*v != i)
return false;
prev = i;
last = (uintmap_first(map, &last_idx) == v);
if (!last)
return false;
......@@ -71,6 +84,18 @@ static bool check_smap(const smap *map)
prev = i;
if (!last)
return false;
prev = 0x80000001ULL;
for (v = sintmap_last(map, &i); v; v = sintmap_before(map, &i)) {
if (i >= prev)
return false;
if (*v != i)
return false;
prev = i;
last = (sintmap_first(map, &last_idx) == v);
if (!last)
return false;
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