Commit eefefbae authored by Rusty Russell's avatar Rusty Russell

Fix segfault due to relative paths (ccan_depends), and generate pages for ignored modules too.

parent c8c69dc6
# This can be overridden on cmdline to generate pages elsewhere.
ALL_PAGES=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/info/%.html, $(ALL))
DIRECT_TARBALLS=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/%.tar.bz2, $(ALL))
DEPEND_TARBALLS=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/with-deps/%.tar.bz2, $(ALL))
# Ignore EXCLUDE when making webpages.
REALLY_ALL=$(patsubst ccan/%/_info, %, $(wildcard ccan/*/_info))
ALL_PAGES=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/info/%.html, $(REALLY_ALL))
DIRECT_TARBALLS=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/%.tar.bz2, $(REALLY_ALL))
DEPEND_TARBALLS=$(patsubst %, $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/with-deps/%.tar.bz2, $(REALLY_ALL))
WEB_SUBDIRS=$(WEBDIR)/tarballs $(WEBDIR)/junkcode $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/with-deps $(WEBDIR)/info
JUNKDIRS=$(wildcard junkcode/*)
......@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ $(BZRBROWSE): $(WEBDIR)/%: web/bzrbrowse/%
cp $< $@
$(WEBDIR)/info/%.html: $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/%.tar.bz2 $(WEBDIR)/tarballs/with-deps/%.tar.bz2
@URLPREFIX=../ php5 web/staticmoduleinfo.php ccan/$* > $@
@URLPREFIX=../ php5 web/staticmoduleinfo.php `pwd`/ccan/$* > $@
$(WEBDIR)/tarballs/%.tar.bz2: ccan/%/_info
tar -c -j -f $@ `bzr ls --recursive --versioned --kind=file ccan/$*`
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