/***************************************************************************** Zope Public License (ZPL) Version 1.0 ------------------------------------- Copyright (c) Digital Creations. All rights reserved. This license has been certified as Open Source(tm). Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions in source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Digital Creations requests that attribution be given to Zope in any manner possible. Zope includes a "Powered by Zope" button that is installed by default. While it is not a license violation to remove this button, it is requested that the attribution remain. A significant investment has been put into Zope, and this effort will continue if the Zope community continues to grow. This is one way to assure that growth. 4. All advertising materials and documentation mentioning features derived from or use of this software must display the following acknowledgement: "This product includes software developed by Digital Creations for use in the Z Object Publishing Environment (http://www.zope.org/)." In the event that the product being advertised includes an intact Zope distribution (with copyright and license included) then this clause is waived. 5. Names associated with Zope or Digital Creations must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission from Digital Creations. 6. Modified redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by Digital Creations for use in the Z Object Publishing Environment (http://www.zope.org/)." Intact (re-)distributions of any official Zope release do not require an external acknowledgement. 7. Modifications are encouraged but must be packaged separately as patches to official Zope releases. Distributions that do not clearly separate the patches from the original work must be clearly labeled as unofficial distributions. Modifications which do not carry the name Zope may be packaged in any form, as long as they conform to all of the clauses above. Disclaimer THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY DIGITAL CREATIONS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL CREATIONS OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This software consists of contributions made by Digital Creations and many individuals on behalf of Digital Creations. Specific attributions are listed in the accompanying credits file. ****************************************************************************/ static char *what_string = "$Id: cPickleCache.c,v 1.30 1999/10/07 23:55:12 jim Exp $"; #define ASSIGN(V,E) {PyObject *__e; __e=(E); Py_XDECREF(V); (V)=__e;} #define UNLESS(E) if(!(E)) #define UNLESS_ASSIGN(V,E) ASSIGN(V,E) UNLESS(V) #define OBJECT(O) ((PyObject*)O) #include "cPersistence.h" #include <time.h> #undef Py_FindMethod static PyObject *py_reload, *py__p_jar, *py__p_changed; typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD PyObject *data; PyObject *jar; PyObject *setklassstate; int position; int cache_size; int cache_age; /* Cache statistics */ int sum_deal; int sum_deac; double sum_age; int n, na; time_t last_check; /* Time of last gc */ double mean_age; double mean_deal; double mean_deac; double df, dfa; /* Degees of freedom for above stats */ } ccobject; #define WEIGHTING_PERIOD 600 /* How to compute weighted means? Assume we have two means, a current mean, M, and a mean as of some time d seconds in the past, Md. The means have effective degrees of freedom, N, and Nd. Where Nd is adjusted by d is some fashion. The combined mean is (M*N+Md*Nd)/(N+Nd). The degrees of freedom of the combined mean, Nc, is N+Nd. Nd is computed by weighting an old degree of freedom with the weight: I/(I+d), where I is some suitably chosen constant, which we will call a "weighting period". */ staticforward PyTypeObject Cctype; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int gc_item(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v, long now, int dt) { if (v && key) { self->n++; if(v->ob_refcnt <= 1) { self->sum_deal++; return PyDict_DelItem(self->data, key); } if (dt && (! PyExtensionClass_Check(v)) && ((cPersistentObject*)v)->jar==self->jar /* I'm paranoid */ && ((cPersistentObject*)v)->state==cPersistent_UPTODATE_STATE ) { now -= ((cPersistentObject*)v)->atime; if (now < 0) now += 65536; self->na++; self->sum_age += now; if (now > dt) { /* We have a cPersistent object that hasn't been used in a while. Reinitialize it, hopefully freeing it's state. */ self->sum_deac++; if (PyObject_SetAttr(v,py__p_changed,Py_None) < 0) PyErr_Clear(); } } } return 0; } static void update_stats(ccobject *self, time_t now) { double d, deal, deac; d=now-self->last_check; if(d < 1) return; self->df *= WEIGHTING_PERIOD/(WEIGHTING_PERIOD+d); self->dfa *= WEIGHTING_PERIOD/(WEIGHTING_PERIOD+d); self->mean_age=((self->mean_age*self->dfa+self->sum_age)/ (self->dfa+self->na))*3; self->sum_age=0; deac=self->sum_deac/d; self->sum_deac=0; self->mean_deac=((self->mean_deac*self->dfa+deac)/ (self->dfa+self->na)); self->sum_deac=0; self->dfa += self->na; self->na=0; deal=self->sum_deal/d; self->sum_deal=0; self->mean_deal=((self->mean_deal*self->df +deal)/ (self->df +self->n)); self->sum_deal=0; self->df += self->n; self->n=0; self->last_check=now; } static int fullgc(ccobject *self, int idt) { PyObject *key, *v; int i, dt; long now; if (self->cache_size < 1) return 0; if ((i=PyDict_Size(self->data)) < 1) return 0; now=((long)(time(NULL)/3))%65536; if (dt < 0) dt=0; else dt /= 3; for(i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); ) if(gc_item(self,key,v,now,dt) < 0) return -1; self->position=0; if(now-self->last_check > 1) update_stats(self, now); return 0; } static int reallyfullgc(ccobject *self, int dt) { PyObject *key, *v; int i, l, last; time_t now; if (self->cache_size < 1) return 0; if((last=PyDict_Size(self->data)) < 0) return -1; now=((long)(time(NULL)/3))%65536; if (dt < 0) dt=0; else dt /= 3; /* First time through should get refcounts to 1 */ for(i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); ) if(gc_item(self,key,v,now,dt) < 0) return -1; if((l=PyDict_Size(self->data)) < 0) return -1; while(l < last) { for(i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); ) if(gc_item(self,key,v,now,dt) < 0) return -1; last=l; if((l=PyDict_Size(self->data)) < 0) return -1; } if(now-self->last_check > 1) update_stats(self, now); self->position=0; return 0; } static int maybegc(ccobject *self, PyObject *thisv) { int n, s, size, dt; long now; PyObject *key=0, *v=0; if (self->cache_size < 1) return 0; s=PyDict_Size(self->data); if (s < 1) return s; now=((long)(time(NULL)/3))%65536; size=self->cache_size; self->cache_size=0; /* Decide how many objects to look at */ n=(s-size)/10; if (n < 3) n=3; /* Decide how much time to give them before deactivating them */ s=8*size/s; if (s > 100) s=100; dt=(long)(self->cache_age*(0.2+0.1*s)); /* Units are 3 seconds */ dt /= 3; if (dt < 1) dt=1; while (--n >= 0) { if (PyDict_Next(self->data, &(self->position), &key, &v)) { if (v != thisv && gc_item(self,key,v,now,dt) < 0) { self->cache_size=size; return -1; } } else self->position=0; } self->cache_size=size; if (now-self->last_check > 1) update_stats(self, now); return 0; } static PyObject * cc_full_sweep(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { int dt=0; UNLESS(PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i", &dt)) return NULL; UNLESS(-1 != fullgc(self,dt)) return NULL; Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject * cc_reallyfull_sweep(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { int dt=0; UNLESS(PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i", &dt)) return NULL; UNLESS(-1 != reallyfullgc(self,dt)) return NULL; Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject * cc_incrgc(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { int n=1; UNLESS (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|i",&n)) return NULL; for (; --n >= 0;) if(maybegc(self,NULL) < 0) return NULL; Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static void _invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *key) { PyObject *v; if ((v=PyDict_GetItem(self->data, key))) { if (PyExtensionClass_Check(v)) if(v->ob_refcnt <= 1) { self->sum_deal++; if (PyDict_DelItem(self->data, key) < 0) PyErr_Clear(); } else { v=PyObject_CallFunction(self->setklassstate, "O", v); if (v) Py_DECREF(v); else PyErr_Clear(); } else if (PyObject_DelAttr(v,py__p_changed) < 0) PyErr_Clear(); } else PyErr_Clear(); } static PyObject * cc_invalidate(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *inv, *key, *v; int i; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &PyDict_Type, &inv)) { for (i=0; PyDict_Next(inv, &i, &key, &v); ) if (key==Py_None) { /* Eek some nitwit invalidated everything! */ for (i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); ) _invalidate(self, key); break; } else _invalidate(self, key); PyDict_Clear(inv); } else { PyErr_Clear(); UNLESS (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &inv)) return NULL; if (PyString_Check(inv)) _invalidate(self, inv); else if (inv==Py_None) /* All */ for (i=0; PyDict_Next(self->data, &i, &key, &v); ) _invalidate(self, key); else { int l; PyErr_Clear(); if ((l=PyObject_Length(inv)) < 0) return NULL; for(i=l; --i >= 0; ) { UNLESS (key=PySequence_GetItem(inv, i)) return NULL; _invalidate(self, key); Py_DECREF(key); } PySequence_DelSlice(inv, 0, l); } } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } static PyObject * cc_get(ccobject *self, PyObject *args) { PyObject *r, *key, *d=0; UNLESS (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O|O", &key, &d)) return NULL; UNLESS (r=PyDict_GetItem(self->data, key)) { if (d) { PyErr_Clear(); r=d; } else { PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key); return NULL; } } Py_INCREF(r); return r; } static struct PyMethodDef cc_methods[] = { {"full_sweep", (PyCFunction)cc_full_sweep, METH_VARARGS, "full_sweep([age]) -- Perform a full sweep of the cache\n\n" "Make a single pass through the cache, removing any objects that are no\n" "longer referenced, and deactivating objects that have not been\n" "accessed in the number of seconds given by 'age'. " "'age defaults to the cache age.\n" }, {"minimize", (PyCFunction)cc_reallyfull_sweep, METH_VARARGS, "minimize([age]) -- Remove as many objects as possible\n\n" "Make multiple passes through the cache, removing any objects that are no\n" "longer referenced, and deactivating objects that have not been\n" "accessed in the number of seconds given by 'age'. 'age defaults to 0.\n" }, {"incrgc", (PyCFunction)cc_incrgc, METH_VARARGS, "incrgc() -- Perform incremental garbage collection"}, {"invalidate", (PyCFunction)cc_invalidate, METH_VARARGS, "invalidate(oids) -- invalidate one, many, or all ids"}, {"get", (PyCFunction)cc_get, METH_VARARGS, "get(key [, default]) -- get an item, or a default"}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; static ccobject * newccobject(PyObject *jar, int cache_size, int cache_age) { ccobject *self; UNLESS(self = PyObject_NEW(ccobject, &Cctype)) return NULL; self->setklassstate=self->jar=NULL; if(self->data=PyDict_New()) { self->jar=jar; Py_INCREF(jar); UNLESS (self->setklassstate=PyObject_GetAttrString(jar, "setklassstate")) return NULL; self->position=0; self->cache_size=cache_size; self->cache_age=cache_age < 1 ? 1 : cache_age; self->sum_deal=0; self->sum_deac=0; self->sum_age=0; self->mean_deal=0; self->mean_deac=0; self->mean_age=0; self->df=1; self->dfa=1; self->n=0; self->na=0; self->last_check=time(NULL); return self; } Py_DECREF(self); return NULL; } static void cc_dealloc(ccobject *self) { Py_XDECREF(self->data); Py_XDECREF(self->jar); Py_XDECREF(self->setklassstate); PyMem_DEL(self); } static PyObject * cc_getattr(ccobject *self, char *name) { PyObject *r; if(*name=='c') { if(strcmp(name,"cache_age")==0) return PyInt_FromLong(self->cache_age); if(strcmp(name,"cache_size")==0) return PyInt_FromLong(self->cache_size); if(strcmp(name,"cache_mean_age")==0) return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->mean_age); if(strcmp(name,"cache_mean_deal")==0) return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->mean_deal); if(strcmp(name,"cache_mean_deac")==0) return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->mean_deac); if(strcmp(name,"cache_df")==0) return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->df); if(strcmp(name,"cache_dfa")==0) return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->dfa); if(strcmp(name,"cache_last_gc_time")==0) return PyFloat_FromDouble(self->last_check); if(strcmp(name,"cache_data")==0) { Py_INCREF(self->data); return self->data; } } if( *name=='h' && strcmp(name, "has_key")==0 || *name=='i' && strcmp(name, "items")==0 || *name=='k' && strcmp(name, "keys")==0 ) return PyObject_GetAttrString(self->data, name); if(r=Py_FindMethod(cc_methods, (PyObject *)self, name)) return r; PyErr_Clear(); return PyObject_GetAttrString(self->data, name); } static int cc_setattr(ccobject *self, char *name, PyObject *value) { if(value) { int v; if(strcmp(name,"cache_age")==0) { UNLESS(PyArg_Parse(value,"i",&v)) return -1; if(v > 0)self->cache_age=v; return 0; } if(strcmp(name,"cache_size")==0) { UNLESS(PyArg_Parse(value,"i",&v)) return -1; self->cache_size=v; return 0; } } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, name); return -1; } static int cc_length(ccobject *self) { return PyObject_Length(self->data); } static PyObject * cc_subscript(ccobject *self, PyObject *key) { PyObject *r; UNLESS (r=PyDict_GetItem(self->data, key)) { PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key); return NULL; } Py_INCREF(r); return r; } static int cc_ass_sub(ccobject *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *v) { if(v) { if (PyExtensionClass_Check(v) || (PyExtensionInstance_Check(v) && (((PyExtensionClass*)(v->ob_type))->class_flags & PERSISTENT_TYPE_FLAG) && (v->ob_type->tp_basicsize >= sizeof(cPersistentObject)) ) ) return PyDict_SetItem(self->data, key, v); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Cache values must be persistent objects or classes."); return -1; } return PyDict_DelItem(self->data, key); } static PyMappingMethods cc_as_mapping = { (inquiry)cc_length, /*mp_length*/ (binaryfunc)cc_subscript, /*mp_subscript*/ (objobjargproc)cc_ass_sub, /*mp_ass_subscript*/ }; static PyTypeObject Cctype = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) 0, /*ob_size*/ "cPickleCache", /*tp_name*/ sizeof(ccobject), /*tp_basicsize*/ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/ /* methods */ (destructor)cc_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/ (printfunc)0, /*tp_print*/ (getattrfunc)cc_getattr, /*tp_getattr*/ (setattrfunc)cc_setattr, /*tp_setattr*/ (cmpfunc)0, /*tp_compare*/ (reprfunc)0, /*tp_repr*/ 0, /*tp_as_number*/ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/ &cc_as_mapping, /*tp_as_mapping*/ (hashfunc)0, /*tp_hash*/ (ternaryfunc)0, /*tp_call*/ (reprfunc)0, /*tp_str*/ /* Space for future expansion */ 0L,0L,0L,0L, "" }; static PyObject * cCM_new(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { int cache_size=100, cache_age=1000; PyObject *jar; UNLESS(PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|ii", &jar, &cache_size, &cache_age)) return NULL; return (PyObject*)newccobject(jar, cache_size,cache_age); } static struct PyMethodDef cCM_methods[] = { {"PickleCache",(PyCFunction)cCM_new, METH_VARARGS, ""}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; void initcPickleCache() { PyObject *m, *d; char *rev="$Revision: 1.30 $"; Cctype.ob_type=&PyType_Type; UNLESS(ExtensionClassImported) return; m = Py_InitModule4("cPickleCache", cCM_methods, "", (PyObject*)NULL,PYTHON_API_VERSION); d = PyModule_GetDict(m); py_reload=PyString_FromString("reload"); py__p_jar=PyString_FromString("_p_jar"); py__p_changed=PyString_FromString("_p_changed"); PyDict_SetItemString(d,"__version__", PyString_FromStringAndSize(rev+11,strlen(rev+11)-2)); if (PyErr_Occurred()) Py_FatalError("can't initialize module cCache"); }