Commit 81e7cf1c authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Remove pun.

parent 90594b99
......@@ -685,21 +685,19 @@ print_kernel_route(int add, int protocol, int type,
char addr_prefix[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
char addr_gw[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
debugf("%sing route: ",
add == RTM_NEWROUTE ? "Add" : "Delet");
if(!inet_ntop(AF_INET6, route->prefix,
addr_prefix, sizeof(addr_prefix)) ||
!inet_ntop(AF_INET6,route->gw, addr_gw, sizeof(addr_gw)) ||
!if_indextoname(route->ifindex, ifname)) {
debugf("failed !");
debugf("Couldn't format kernel route for printing.");
debugf("dest: %s/%d\tgw: %s\tmetric: %d\tif: %s\t",
addr_prefix, route->plen, addr_gw, route->metric, ifname);
debugf("(proto: %d, type: %d)\n", protocol, type);
debugf("%s kernel route: dest: %s/%d gw: %s metric: %d if: %s "
"(proto: %d, type: %d)\n",
add == RTM_NEWROUTE ? "Add" : "Delete",
addr_prefix, route->plen, addr_gw, route->metric, ifname,
protocol, type);
static int
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