Commit b6955597 authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Use explicit timeouts for hellos, IHUs and updates.

This is in preparation for sub-second hello intervals.
parent e75aa64e
......@@ -529,12 +529,10 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
timeval_min(&tv, &nets[i].flush_time);
nets[i].hello_time + nets[i].hello_interval);
timeval_min(&tv, &nets[i].hello_timeout);
if(!network_idle(&nets[i])) {
timeval_min_sec(&tv, nets[i].self_update_time +
timeval_min_sec(&tv, nets[i].update_time + update_interval);
timeval_min(&tv, &nets[i].self_update_timeout);
timeval_min(&tv, &nets[i].update_timeout);
timeval_min(&tv, &update_flush_time);
......@@ -640,17 +638,15 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
for(i = 0; i < numnets; i++) {
if(now.tv_sec >= nets[i].hello_time + nets[i].hello_interval)
if(timeval_compare(&now, &nets[i].hello_timeout) >= 0)
if(now.tv_sec >= nets[i].ihu_time + nets[i].ihu_interval)
if(timeval_compare(&now, &nets[i].ihu_timeout) >= 0)
send_ihu(NULL, &nets[i]);
if(!network_idle(&nets[i])) {
if(now.tv_sec >= nets[i].update_time + update_interval)
if(timeval_compare(&now, &nets[i].update_timeout) >= 0)
send_update(&nets[i], 0, NULL, 0);
if(now.tv_sec >=
nets[i].self_update_time + nets[i].self_update_interval) {
if(timeval_compare(&now, &nets[i].self_update_timeout) >= 0)
send_self_update(&nets[i], 0);
......@@ -79,5 +79,6 @@ extern unsigned char protocol_group[16];
extern int protocol_socket;
extern int kernel_socket;
extern int max_request_hopcount;
extern int update_interval;
void resize_receive_buffer(int size);
......@@ -464,7 +464,8 @@ send_hello_noupdate(struct network *net, unsigned interval)
debugf("Sending hello (%d) to %s.\n", interval, net->ifname);
net->hello_seqno = seqno_plus(net->hello_seqno, 1);
net->hello_time = now.tv_sec;
delay_jitter(&net->hello_time, &net->hello_timeout,
net->hello_interval * 1000);
send_message(net, 0, 0, 0, net->hello_seqno,
interval > 0xFFFF ? 0 : interval,
......@@ -750,7 +751,8 @@ send_update(struct network *net, int urgent,
if(parasitic || (silent_time && now.tv_sec < reboot_time + silent_time)) {
if(prefix == NULL) {
send_self_update(net, 0);
net->update_time = now.tv_sec;
delay_jitter(&net->update_time, &net->update_timeout,
update_interval * 1000);
} else if(find_xroute(prefix, plen)) {
buffer_update(net, prefix, plen);
......@@ -769,13 +771,15 @@ send_update(struct network *net, int urgent,
buffer_update(net, prefix, plen);
} else {
send_self_update(net, 0);
if(now.tv_sec - net->update_time < 1)
/* Avoid sending full route dumps more than once per second */
if(now.tv_sec - net->update_time.tv_sec < 1)
debugf("Sending update to %s for any.\n", net->ifname);
for(i = 0; i < numroutes; i++)
buffer_update(net, routes[i].src->prefix, routes[i].src->plen);
net->update_time = now.tv_sec;
delay_jitter(&net->update_time, &net->update_timeout,
update_interval * 1000);
schedule_update_flush(net, urgent);
......@@ -807,8 +811,8 @@ send_self_update(struct network *net, int force_seqno)
debugf("Sending self update to %s.\n", net->ifname);
net->self_update_time = now.tv_sec;
delay_jitter(&net->self_update_time, &net->self_update_timeout,
net->self_update_interval * 1000);
for(i = 0; i < numxroutes; i++) {
send_update(net, 0, xroutes[i].prefix, xroutes[i].plen);
......@@ -834,7 +838,8 @@ send_self_retract(struct network *net)
myseqno = seqno_plus(myseqno, 1);
seqno_time = now.tv_sec;
net->self_update_time = now.tv_sec;
delay_jitter(&net->self_update_time, &net->self_update_timeout,
for(i = 0; i < numxroutes; i++) {
really_send_update(net, myid, xroutes[i].prefix, xroutes[i].plen,
myseqno, 0xFFFF);
......@@ -874,7 +879,8 @@ send_ihu(struct neighbour *neigh, struct network *net)
send_ihu(&neighs[i], net);
net->ihu_time = now.tv_sec;
delay_jitter(&net->ihu_time, &net->ihu_timeout,
net->ihu_interval * 1000);
} else {
int rxcost;
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ update_jitter(struct network *net, int urgent)
timeout_jitter(struct timeval *time, struct timeval *timeout, int msecs)
delay_jitter(struct timeval *time, struct timeval *timeout, int msecs)
int delay;
delay = msecs * 3 / 2 + random() % MAX(msecs / 3, 10);
......@@ -25,10 +25,14 @@ struct network {
unsigned int ifindex;
int wired;
unsigned short cost;
int hello_time;
int self_update_time;
int update_time;
int ihu_time;
struct timeval hello_time;
struct timeval hello_timeout;
struct timeval self_update_time;
struct timeval self_update_timeout;
struct timeval update_time;
struct timeval update_timeout;
struct timeval ihu_time;
struct timeval ihu_timeout;
char ifname[IF_NAMESIZE];
unsigned char *ipv4;
int buffered;
......@@ -52,6 +56,6 @@ int network_idle(struct network *net);
int update_hello_interval(struct network *net);
unsigned int jitter(struct network *net);
unsigned int update_jitter(struct network *net, int urgent);
void timeout_jitter(struct timeval *time, struct timeval *timeout, int msecs);
void delay_jitter(struct timeval *time, struct timeval *timeout, int msecs);
int network_up(struct network *net, int up);
void check_networks(void);
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