Commit 52d85d1e authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

serial is a random unique number get from the csr_id

parent f9819934
......@@ -227,9 +227,11 @@ class CertificateAuthority(object):
csr_pem = crypto.load_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
# Certificate serial is the csr_id without extension .csr.pem
serial = int(csr_id[:-8], 16)
if ca_key_pair is None:
ca_key_pair = self._ca_key_pairs_list[-1]
cert_pem = self._generateCertificateObjects(ca_key_pair, csr_pem)
cert_pem = self._generateCertificateObjects(ca_key_pair, csr_pem, serial)
crt_id = self._storage.storeCertificate(csr_id, cert_pem)
return crt_id
......@@ -440,14 +442,13 @@ class CertificateAuthority(object):
return crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pkey_object)
def _generateCertificateObjects(self, ca_key_pair, req):
def _generateCertificateObjects(self, ca_key_pair, req, serial):
Generate certificate from CSR PEM Object.
This method set default certificate extensions, later will allow to set custom extensions
# Here comes the actual certificate
serial = self._storage.getNextCertificateSerialNumber()
cert = crypto.X509()
# version v3
......@@ -78,15 +78,6 @@ class Storage(object):
def _getMaxCsrCount(self):
return int(self.getConfig('max-csr-amount', 50))
def getNextCertificateSerialNumber(self):
last_cert = Certificate.query.order_by(
if last_cert:
return + 1
return 1
def getCAKeyPairList(self):
Return the chronologically sorted (oldest in [0], newest in [-1]) certificate authority
......@@ -164,7 +155,7 @@ class Storage(object):
# this only prevent client loop sending the same csr until csr_amount is reached
return check_csr.csr_id
key = str(uuid.uuid1())
key = str(uuid.uuid1().hex)
csr_id = '%s.csr.pem' % key
crt_id = '%s.crt.pem' % key
req = CertificateRequest(
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