1. 25 Nov, 2020 1 commit
  2. 29 Jun, 2020 1 commit
  3. 27 Jun, 2020 4 commits
  4. 26 Jun, 2020 9 commits
  5. 25 Jun, 2020 9 commits
  6. 24 Jun, 2020 5 commits
  7. 23 Jun, 2020 5 commits
  8. 22 Jun, 2020 2 commits
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      test: Fix a few coverage pragma. · 09be616d
      Vincent Pelletier authored
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      {ca,text}: Fix from_issuer_subject_key_identifier usage. · 3369b98b
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      Resolve deprecation warnings in tests:
      caucase/ca.py:548: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Extension objects are deprecated as arguments to from_issuer_subject_key_identifier and support will be removed soon. Please migrate to passing a SubjectKeyIdentifier directly.
      caucase/ca.py:326: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Extension objects are deprecated as arguments to from_issuer_subject_key_identifier and support will be removed soon. Please migrate to passing a SubjectKeyIdentifier directly.
      caucase/test.py:422: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Extension objects are deprecated as arguments to from_issuer_subject_key_identifier and support will be removed soon. Please migrate to passing a SubjectKeyIdentifier directly.
  9. 15 Jun, 2020 1 commit
  10. 06 Jun, 2020 1 commit
  11. 04 Jun, 2020 2 commits