Install Cloudooo
  $ python2.6 install
  Warning: you must have installed setuptools>=0.6c11 in this python.

Install Dependencies in Mandriva
  $ urpmi xvfb # System Dependencies


  Was used for testing the package's official Follow these steps to install:
  Download Package from the official site
    $ wget
    $ wget

  Unpack the tar.gz and Install
    $ tar zxvf OOo_3.2.0_LinuxX86-64_install_wJRE_en-US.tar.gz
    $ cd OOO320_m12_native_packed-1_en-US.9483/RPMS
    $ rpm -i *.rpm # install all packages together
    The instalation is in /opt

Create Configuration File
  The configuration file is used to start the application using paster.
  $ cp ./cloudooo/samples/cloudooo.conf . # Copy to current folder
  Next steps is:
    - Replace the paths of UNO and soffice to path in your machine;
    - Define the python path in python_path;
    - Define the path to and # This files are created when is executed

Run Application

  $ paster serve ./cloudooo.conf

Description of Daemon

- XMLRPC + WSGI will be one bridge for easy access This will implement one XMLRPC server into WSGI (Paster).

- PyUno is used to connect to stated with open socket. The features will be handled all by pyuno.

- Xvfb is used to run This is controlled by Daemon(cloudooo).

- Only a process will have access to by time.

- All clients receive the same object(proxy) when connects with XMLRPC Server.

Xvfb and OpenOffice

 - configure and start Xvfb;
    - Use a single Xvfb;
    - the xvfb will be started with the XMLRPC Server;
	- When start the Daemon(cloudooo), it configures Xvfb, next opens the openoffice(with pyuno) and start XMLRPC Server; 
 - control Xvfb;
 - start openoffice;
   - Pyuno start the openoffice processes and the communication is through sockets;
   - Openoffice processes run in brackground and in virtual display;
 - control openoffice;
   - The socket can't lose the connection, if this occurs should kill the process and submit again the file;


  - Send document to openoffice and return the document converted with metadata;
      - XMLRPC receives a file and connects to a openoffice by pyuno;
      - The pyuno opens a new openoffice, write, add metadata and returns the document edited or converted to xmlrpc and it return the document to the user;
      - When finalize the use of openoffice, should make sure that it was finalized;
  - Export to another format;
  - Invite document and return metadata only;
  - Edit metadata of the document;
  - Problems and possible solution
     - OpenOffice is stalled;
       - finalize the process, start openoffice and submit the document again(without restart the cloudooo);
     - Openoffice is crashed;
       - finalize the process, verify if all the process was killed, start openoffice and submit the document again(without restart the cloudooo)
     - OpenOffice received the document and stalled;
       - if openoffice isn't responding, kill the process and start
     - The document that was sent is corrupt;
       - write in log the error and verify that the process aren't in memory