Commit 43f8ba25 authored by Nicolas Delaby's avatar Nicolas Delaby

continue cleaning of parameters handling

parent a86e7d5c
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class UnoConverter(object):
"""A module to easily work with"""
def __init__(self, hostname, port, document_url, source_format, uno_path,
office_binary_path, refresh=None,):
office_binary_path, refresh):
""" """
self.hostname = hostname
self.port = port
......@@ -270,6 +270,8 @@ def main():
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
refresh = None
hostname = port = document_url = office_binary_path = uno_path =\
destination_format = source_format = refresh = metadata = mimemapper = None
for opt, arg in iter(opt_list):
if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
......@@ -280,10 +282,8 @@ def main():
elif opt == '--document_url':
document_url = arg
elif opt == '--office_binary_path':
environ['office_binary_path'] = arg
office_binary_path = arg
elif opt == '--uno_path':
environ['uno_path'] = arg
uno_path = arg
elif opt == '--destination_format':
destination_format = arg
......@@ -297,23 +297,13 @@ def main():
elif opt == '--mimemapper':
mimemapper = json.loads(arg)
kw = {}
if "uno_path" in locals():
kw['uno_path'] = uno_path
if "office_binary_path" in locals():
kw['office_binary_path'] = office_binary_path
if 'source_format' in locals():
kw['source_format'] = source_format
if refresh:
kw['refresh'] = refresh
unoconverter = UnoConverter(hostname, port, document_url, **kw)
unoconverter = UnoConverter(hostname, port, document_url, source_format,
uno_path, office_binary_path, refresh)
if "--convert" in param_list and not '--getmetadata' in param_list \
and 'destination_format' not in locals():
and not destination_format:
output = unoconverter.convert()
elif '--convert' in param_list and 'destination_format' in locals():
elif '--convert' in param_list and destination_format:
output = unoconverter.convert(destination_format)
elif '--getmetadata' in param_list and not '--convert' in param_list:
metadata_dict = unoconverter.getMetadata()
......@@ -321,7 +311,8 @@ def main():
elif '--getmetadata' in param_list and '--convert' in param_list:
document_url = unoconverter.convert()
# Instanciate new UnoConverter instance with new url
unoconverter = UnoConverter(hostname, port, document_url, **kw)
unoconverter = UnoConverter(hostname, port, document_url, source_format,
uno_path, office_binary_path, refresh)
metadata_dict = unoconverter.getMetadata()
metadata_dict['document_url'] = document_url
output = encodestring(json.dumps(metadata_dict))
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