Commit 6360ed79 authored by Michal Čihař's avatar Michal Čihař

Revert "Test for specific South version as well"

This reverts commit 3d789f91.
parent 610e72b4
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ env:
- DJANGO_VERSION=1.6.5 TRAVIS_DATABASE=mysql TRAVIS_RUN_TESTS="weblate.trans weblate.lang weblate.accounts"
- DJANGO_VERSION=1.6.5 TRAVIS_DATABASE=postgresql TRAVIS_RUN_TESTS="weblate.trans weblate.lang weblate.accounts"
- DJANGO_VERSION=1.6.5 TRAVIS_DATABASE=sqlite TRAVIS_RUN_TESTS="weblate.trans weblate.lang weblate.accounts"
- SOUTH_VERSION=0.7.3 DJANGO_VERSION=1.6.5 TRAVIS_DATABASE=sqlite TRAVIS_RUN_TESTS="weblate.trans weblate.lang weblate.accounts"
# global:
# Sauce labs setup
# - secure: "W4EtqCQSbSWb2sDwHd0obttzUTKIPyFZE90qD+YdV76YLgIK7QX4Vc6Hx9fRRNy397h4RrYIzyU2vemGIR5j8cR16Y6MyJ8Fy4DyC2mHyo3T7Tx4/cJYTQDPF2G4kxjR+vmhsdQIdmaYLsjtb2C2M0aIkU8FGFv6D3+TXqsoOmI="
......@@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ before_install:
# commands to install dependencies
- pip install Django==$DJANGO_VERSION
- if [[ -n "$SOUTH_VERSION" ]] ; then pip install South==$SOUTH_VERSION ; fi
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install -r requirements-optional.txt
- pip install -r travis/requirements.txt
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