Commit 9a2ded5a authored by JC Brand's avatar JC Brand

Remove global lodash

parent c1847a0b
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
{ pattern: 'dist/*', included: false },
{ pattern: "dist/icons.js", served: true },
{ pattern: "dist/emojis.js", served: true },
{ pattern: "dist/images/**/*.*", included: false },
......@@ -2869,6 +2869,7 @@
"@converse/skeletor": {
"version": "github:conversejs/skeletor#56a284bd36a07977d69c08d78e7c8c0fc9fc5c87",
"from": "github:conversejs/skeletor#56a284bd36a07977d69c08d78e7c8c0fc9fc5c87",
"dev": true,
"requires": {
"lit-html": "^1.2.1",
"lodash-es": "^4.17.15"
......@@ -5798,6 +5799,19 @@
"object.assign": "^4.1.0"
"babel-plugin-lodash": {
"version": "3.3.4",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-yDZLjK7TCkWl1gpBeBGmuaDIFhZKmkoL+Cu2MUUjv5VxUZx/z7tBGBCBcQs5RI1Bkz5LLmNdjx7paOyQtMovyg==",
"dev": true,
"requires": {
"@babel/helper-module-imports": "^7.0.0-beta.49",
"@babel/types": "^7.0.0-beta.49",
"glob": "^7.1.1",
"lodash": "^4.17.10",
"require-package-name": "^2.0.1"
"babel-runtime": {
"version": "6.26.0",
"resolved": "",
......@@ -9620,12 +9634,6 @@
"integrity": "sha512-dtm4QZH9nZtcDt8qJiOH9fcQd1NAgi+K1O2DbE6GG1PPCK/BWfOH3idCTRQ4ImXRUOyopDEgDEnVEE7Y/2Wrig==",
"dev": true
"fastparse": {
"version": "1.1.2",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-483XLLxTVIwWK3QTrMGRqUfUpoOs/0hbQrl2oz4J0pAcm3A3bu84wxTFqGqkJzewCLdME38xJLJAxBABfQT8sQ==",
"dev": true
"fastq": {
"version": "1.9.0",
"resolved": "",
......@@ -13308,7 +13316,8 @@
"lit-html": {
"version": "1.2.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-GSJHHXMGLZDzTRq59IUfL9FCdAlGfqNp/dEa7k7aBaaWD+JKaCjsAk9KYm2V12ItonVaYx2dprN66Zdm1AuBTQ=="
"integrity": "sha512-GSJHHXMGLZDzTRq59IUfL9FCdAlGfqNp/dEa7k7aBaaWD+JKaCjsAk9KYm2V12ItonVaYx2dprN66Zdm1AuBTQ==",
"dev": true
"load-json-file": {
"version": "5.3.0",
......@@ -13384,31 +13393,6 @@
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-JD1COMZsq8maT6mnuz1UMV0jvYD0E0aUsSOdrr1/nAG3dhqQXwRRgeW0cSqH1U43INKcqxaiVIQNOUDld7gRDA=="
"lodash-template-webpack-loader": {
"version": "github:jcbrand/lodash-template-webpack-loader#258c095ab22130dfde454fa59ee0986f302bb733",
"from": "github:jcbrand/lodash-template-webpack-loader",
"dev": true,
"requires": {
"fastparse": "^1.1.1",
"loader-utils": "^0.2.11",
"lodash": "^4.11.1",
"source-map": "^0.5.6"
"dependencies": {
"loader-utils": {
"version": "0.2.17",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-+G5jdNQyBabmxg6RlvF8Apm/s0g=",
"dev": true,
"requires": {
"big.js": "^3.1.3",
"emojis-list": "^2.0.0",
"json5": "^0.5.0",
"object-assign": "^4.0.1"
"lodash._reinterpolate": {
"version": "3.0.0",
"resolved": "",
......@@ -20721,6 +20705,12 @@
"integrity": "sha512-NKN5kMDylKuldxYLSUfrbo5Tuzh4hd+2E8NPPX02mZtn1VuREQToYe/ZdlJy+J3uCpfaiGF05e7B8W0iXbQHmg==",
"dev": true
"require-package-name": {
"version": "2.0.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-wR6XJ2tluOKSP3Xav1+y7ww4Qbk=",
"dev": true
"requires-port": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"resolved": "",
/* global mock, converse */
/* global mock, converse, _ */
const { Strophe, u, sizzle, $iq } = converse.env;
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ describe("A chat room", function () {
['rosterGroupsFetched'], {},
async function (done, _converse) {
const { u, _ } = converse.env;
const { u } = converse.env;
await mock.waitUntilDiscoConfirmed(
_converse, _converse.bare_jid,
[{'category': 'pubsub', 'type': 'pep'}],
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const _ = converse.env._;
const $msg = converse.env.$msg;
const Strophe = converse.env.Strophe;
const u = converse.env.utils;
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const _ = converse.env._;
const $msg = converse.env.$msg;
const u = converse.env.utils;
const Strophe = converse.env.Strophe;
/*global mock */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
describe("A headlines box", function () {
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ describe("A headlines box", function () {
['rosterGroupsFetched', 'chatBoxesFetched'], {}, function (done, _converse) {
const { $msg, _ } = converse.env;
const { $msg } = converse.env;
_converse.allow_non_roster_messaging = false;
const stanza = $msg({
'type': 'headline',
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const Strophe = converse.env.Strophe;
const $iq = converse.env.$iq;
const _ = converse.env._;
const sizzle = converse.env.sizzle;
const u = converse.env.utils;
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const { Promise, Strophe, $msg, dayjs, sizzle, _ } = converse.env;
const { Promise, Strophe, $msg, dayjs, sizzle } = converse.env;
const u = converse.env.utils;
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const _ = converse.env._;
const $iq = converse.env.$iq;
const $pres = converse.env.$pres;
const sizzle = converse.env.sizzle;
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const _ = converse.env._;
const $pres = converse.env.$pres;
const $iq = converse.env.$iq;
const $msg = converse.env.$msg;
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const { Strophe, _ } = converse.env;
const { Strophe } = converse.env;
const $msg = converse.env.$msg;
const u = converse.env.utils;
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const { $iq, $pres, $msg, _, omemo, Strophe } = converse.env;
const { $iq, $pres, $msg, omemo, Strophe } = converse.env;
const u = converse.env.utils;
async function deviceListFetched (_converse, jid) {
/*global mock */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const $iq = converse.env.$iq;
const Strophe = converse.env.Strophe;
const _ = converse.env._;
const sizzle = converse.env.sizzle;
const u = converse.env.utils;
const original_timeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const { Promise, Strophe, $msg, sizzle, _ } = converse.env;
const { Promise, Strophe, $msg, sizzle } = converse.env;
const u = converse.env.utils;
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const Strophe = converse.env.Strophe;
const $iq = converse.env.$iq;
const { _, sizzle} = converse.env;
const { sizzle} = converse.env;
const u = converse.env.utils;
describe("The Registration Panel", function () {
/*global mock */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const _ = converse.env._,
$iq = converse.env.$iq,
const $iq = converse.env.$iq,
Strophe = converse.env.Strophe,
sizzle = converse.env.sizzle,
u = converse.env.utils;
/*global mock, converse */
/*global mock, converse, _ */
const $iq = converse.env.$iq;
const $pres = converse.env.$pres;
const Strophe = converse.env.Strophe;
const _ = converse.env._;
const sizzle = converse.env.sizzle;
const u = converse.env.utils;
import "./emoji-picker-content.js";
import DOMNavigator from "../shared/dom-navigator";
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce';
import { BaseDropdown } from "./dropdown.js";
import { CustomElement } from './element.js';
import { __ } from '../i18n';
import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core";
import { debounce } from "lodash-es";
import { html } from "lit-element";
import { tpl_emoji_picker } from "../templates/emoji_picker.js";
import { until } from 'lit-html/directives/until.js';
import { CustomElement } from './element.js';
import { html } from "lit-element";
import { unsafeSVG } from 'lit-html/directives/unsafe-svg.js';
import { until } from 'lit-html/directives/until.js';
import tpl_icons from 'templates/icons.js';
export class FontAwesome extends CustomElement {
constructor () {
const promise = import(/*webpackChunkName: "icons" */ '../../images/icons.svg'); = promise.then(d => html`${unsafeSVG(d.default())}`);
render () { // eslint-disable-line class-methods-use-this
return html`${until(, '')}`;
return tpl_icons();
......@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
* @license Mozilla Public License (MPLv2)
import _ from './lodash.noconflict';
import "@converse/headless/headless";
import "i18n";
import "shared/registry.js";
......@@ -60,20 +58,6 @@ const WHITELISTED_PLUGINS = [
// Use Mustache style syntax for variable interpolation
/* Configuration of Lodash templates (this config is distinct to the
* config of requirejs-tpl in main.js). This one is for normal inline templates.
_.templateSettings = {
'escape': /\{\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}\}/g,
'evaluate': /\{\[([\s\S]+?)\]\}/g,
'interpolate': /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g,
'imports': { '_': _ }
converse.env._ = _;
const initialize = converse.initialize;
converse.initialize = function (settings, callback) {
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce';
import isElement from 'lodash/isElement';
import log from "../log.js";
import sizzle from 'sizzle';
import u from '@converse/headless/utils/core';
import { Strophe } from 'strophe.js/src/core';
import { _converse, api, clearSession, tearDown } from "../core.js";
import { debounce, isElement } from 'lodash';
const BOSH_WAIT = 59;
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
* Copyright 2006-2017 Strophe (
import { _converse, converse } from "../core.js";
import { pick } from 'lodash-es'
import pick from 'lodash/pick';
const { Strophe, $build } = converse.env;
define(['lodash'], function (_) {
return _.noConflict();
<a class="chatbox-btn toggle-bookmark fa fa-bookmark
{[ if (o.bookmarked) {]} button-on {[ } ]}" title="{{{o.info_toggle_bookmark}}}"></a>
<div class="dragresize dragresize-top"></div>
<div class="dragresize dragresize-topleft"></div>
<div class="dragresize dragresize-left"></div>
This diff is collapsed.
<form class="search-xmpp-contact">
<input type="text"
<button type="submit">{{{o.label_search}}}</button>
<a href="#" class="{{{ o.value }}}" data-value="{{{ o.value }}}">
<span class="icon-{{{ o.value }}}"></span>
{{{ o.text }}}
<li class="upload-file">
<a class="fa fa-paperclip" title="{{{o.tooltip_upload_file}}}"></a>
<input type="file" class="fileupload" multiple="" style="display:none"/>
/* global __dirname, module, process */
const path = require('path');
let bootstrap_ignore_modules = ['carousel', 'scrollspy'];
const BOOTSTRAP_IGNORE_MODULES = (process.env.BOOTSTRAP_IGNORE_MODULES || '').replace(/ /g, '').trim();
......@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ module.exports = {
plugins: [
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