Commit 3734b8fd authored by gabrieldemarmiesse's avatar gabrieldemarmiesse

Removed the reference guide from the docs.

parent de80ff4d
......@@ -10,5 +10,4 @@ Also see the `Cython project homepage <>`_.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ However there are several options to automate these steps:
4. Cython supports distutils so that you can very easily create build scripts
which automate the process, this is the preferred method for
Cython implemented libraries and packages.
See :ref:`Compiling with distutils <compiling-distutils>`.
See :ref:`Basic <>`.
5. Manual compilation (see below)
.. Note::
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ into an extension module.
The following sub-sections describe several ways to build your
extension modules, and how to pass directives to the Cython compiler.
.. _compiling_command_line:
Compiling from the command line
......@@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ that CPython generates for disambiguation, such as
```` on a regular 64bit Linux installation
of CPython 3.5.
......@@ -280,6 +283,16 @@ Just as an example, this adds ``mylib`` as library to every extension::
then the argument to ``create_extension`` must be pickleable.
In particular, it cannot be a lambda function.
.. _cythonize_arguments:
Cythonize arguments
The function :func:`cythonize` can take extra arguments which will allow you to
customize your build.
.. autofunction:: Cython.Build.cythonize
Multiple Cython Files in a Package
......@@ -301,6 +314,8 @@ them through :func:`cythonize`::
.. _distributing_cython_modules:
Distributing Cython modules
......@@ -400,6 +415,8 @@ when you try to use them from a dependent package.
To prevent this, include ``zip_safe=False`` in the arguments to ``setup()``.
.. _integrating_multiple_modules:
Integrating multiple modules
......@@ -539,6 +556,8 @@ into the package hierarchy (usually next to the source file) for manual
reuse, you can pass the option ``inplace=True``.
.. _compiling_with_cython_inline:
Compiling with ``cython.inline``
......@@ -554,6 +573,8 @@ Unbound variables are automatically pulled from the surrounding local
and global scopes, and the result of the compilation is cached for
efficient re-use.
.. _compiling_with_sage:
Compiling with Sage
......@@ -630,6 +651,8 @@ You can see them also by typing ```%%cython?`` in IPython or a Jupyter notebook.
============================================ =======================================================================================================================================
.. _compiler_options:
Compiler options
......@@ -832,6 +855,8 @@ Cython code. Here is the list of currently supported directives:
coroutine(s) iterable and thus directly interoperable with yield-from.
.. _configurable_optimisations:
Configurable optimisations
......@@ -850,6 +875,8 @@ Configurable optimisations
completely wrong.
Disabling this option can also reduce the code size. Default is True.
.. _warnings:
......@@ -882,6 +909,8 @@ to turn the warning on / off.
a value type, but could be mininterpreted as declaring two pointers.
.. _how_to_set_directives:
How to set directives
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