Commit 55dcc92d authored by realead's avatar realead Committed by Stefan Behnel

Support showing the complete C code in the annotated html-file (GH-2858)

parent 5f79a743
......@@ -168,9 +168,10 @@ def create_args_parser():
help='use Python 3 syntax mode by default')
parser.add_argument('--3str', dest='language_level', action='store_const', const='3str',
help='use Python 3 syntax mode by default')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--annotate', dest='annotate', action='store_true', default=None,
help='generate annotated HTML page for source files')
parser.add_argument('-a', '--annotate', nargs='?', const='default', type=str, choices={'default','fullc'},
help='Produce a colorized HTML version of the source. '
'Use --annotate=fullc to include entire '
'generated C/C++-code.')
parser.add_argument('-x', '--exclude', metavar='PATTERN', dest='excludes',
action='append', default=[],
help='exclude certain file patterns from the compilation')
......@@ -179,8 +179,11 @@ class CythonMagics(Magics):
'-a', '--annotate', action='store_true', default=False,
help="Produce a colorized HTML version of the source."
'-a', '--annotate', nargs='?', const="default", type=str,
help="Produce a colorized HTML version of the source. "
"Use --annotate=fullc to include entire "
"generated C/C++-code."
'-+', '--cplus', action='store_true', default=False,
from Cython.Build.Cythonize import create_args_parser, parse_args_raw, parse_args
from unittest import TestCase
import argparse
class TestCythonizeArgsParser(TestCase):
......@@ -233,13 +234,25 @@ class TestCythonizeArgsParser(TestCase):
options, args = self.parse_args(['-a'])
self.assertTrue(self.are_default(options, ['annotate']))
self.assertEqual(options.annotate, True)
self.assertEqual(options.annotate, 'default')
def test_annotate_long(self):
options, args = self.parse_args(['--annotate'])
self.assertTrue(self.are_default(options, ['annotate']))
self.assertEqual(options.annotate, True)
self.assertEqual(options.annotate, 'default')
def test_annotate_fullc(self):
options, args = self.parse_args(['--annotate=fullc'])
self.assertTrue(self.are_default(options, ['annotate']))
self.assertEqual(options.annotate, 'fullc')
def test_annotate_fullc(self):
options, args = self.parse_args(['-a=default'])
self.assertTrue(self.are_default(options, ['annotate']))
self.assertEqual(options.annotate, 'default')
def test_exclude_short(self):
options, args = self.parse_args(['-x', '*.pyx'])
......@@ -360,7 +373,7 @@ class TestCythonizeArgsParser(TestCase):
options, args = self.parse_args(['-i', 'file.pyx', '-a'])
self.assertEqual(args, ['file.pyx'])
self.assertEqual(options.build_inplace, True)
self.assertEqual(options.annotate, True)
self.assertEqual(options.annotate, 'default')
self.assertTrue(self.are_default(options, ['build_inplace', 'annotate']))
def test_option_trailing(self):
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from Cython.Build import IpythonMagic
from Cython.TestUtils import CythonTest
from Cython.Compiler.Annotate import AnnotationCCodeWriter
import IPython.testing.globalipapp
......@@ -210,3 +211,29 @@ x = sin(0.0)
ip.ex('g = f(10)')
self.assertEqual(ip.user_ns['g'], 20.0)
self.assertEqual([normal_log.INFO], normal_log.thresholds)
def test_cython_no_annotate(self):
ip = self._ip
html = ip.run_cell_magic('cython', '', code)
self.assertTrue(html is None)
def test_cython_annotate(self):
ip = self._ip
html = ip.run_cell_magic('cython', '--annotate', code)
# somewhat brittle way to differentiate between annotated htmls
# with/without complete source code:
self.assertTrue(AnnotationCCodeWriter.COMPLETE_CODE_TITLE not in
def test_cython_annotate_default(self):
ip = self._ip
html = ip.run_cell_magic('cython', '--a=default', code)
# somewhat brittle way to differentiate between annotated htmls
# with/without complete source code:
self.assertTrue(AnnotationCCodeWriter.COMPLETE_CODE_TITLE not in
def test_cython_annotate_complete_c_code(self):
ip = self._ip
html = ip.run_cell_magic('cython', '--a=fullc', code)
# somewhat brittle way to differentiate between annotated htmls
# with/without complete source code:
self.assertTrue(AnnotationCCodeWriter.COMPLETE_CODE_TITLE in
......@@ -22,9 +22,13 @@ from .. import Utils
class AnnotationCCodeWriter(CCodeWriter):
# also used as marker for detection of complete code emission in tests
COMPLETE_CODE_TITLE = "Complete cythonized code"
def __init__(self, create_from=None, buffer=None, copy_formatting=True):
def __init__(self, create_from=None, buffer=None, copy_formatting=True, show_entire_c_code=False):
CCodeWriter.__init__(self, create_from, buffer, copy_formatting=copy_formatting)
self.show_entire_c_code = show_entire_c_code
if create_from is None:
self.annotation_buffer = StringIO()
self.last_annotated_pos = None
......@@ -198,17 +202,24 @@ class AnnotationCCodeWriter(CCodeWriter):
for line in coverage_data.iterfind('lines/line')
def _htmlify_code(self, code):
def _htmlify_code(self, code, language):
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import CythonLexer
from pygments.lexers import CythonLexer, CppLexer
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
except ImportError:
# no Pygments, just escape the code
return html_escape(code)
if language == "cython":
lexer = CythonLexer(stripnl=False, stripall=False)
elif language == "c/cpp":
lexer = CppLexer(stripnl=False, stripall=False)
# unknown language, use fallback
return html_escape(code)
html_code = highlight(
code, CythonLexer(stripnl=False, stripall=False),
code, lexer,
return html_code
......@@ -228,7 +239,7 @@ class AnnotationCCodeWriter(CCodeWriter):
return u"<span class='%s'>%s</span>" % (
lines = self._htmlify_code(cython_code).splitlines()
lines = self._htmlify_code(cython_code, "cython").splitlines()
lineno_width = len(str(len(lines)))
if not covered_lines:
covered_lines = None
......@@ -279,6 +290,19 @@ class AnnotationCCodeWriter(CCodeWriter):
outlist.append(u"<pre class='cython code score-{score} {covered}'>{code}</pre>".format(
score=score, covered=covered, code=c_code))
# now the whole c-code if needed:
if self.show_entire_c_code:
outlist.append(u'<p><div class="cython">')
onclick_title = u"<pre class='cython line'{onclick}>+ {title}</pre>\n";
complete_code_as_html = self._htmlify_code(self.buffer.getvalue(), "c/cpp")
outlist.append(u"<pre class='cython code'>{code}</pre>".format(code=complete_code_as_html))
return outlist
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Options:
-D, --no-docstrings Strip docstrings from the compiled module.
-a, --annotate Produce a colorized HTML version of the source.
Use --annotate=fullc to include entire generated C/C++-code.
--annotate-coverage <cov.xml> Annotate and include coverage information from cov.xml.
--line-directives Produce #line directives pointing to the .pyx source
--cplus Output a C++ rather than C file.
......@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ def parse_command_line(args):
elif option in ("-D", "--no-docstrings"):
Options.docstrings = False
elif option in ("-a", "--annotate"):
Options.annotate = True
Options.annotate = pop_value('default')
elif option == "--annotate-coverage":
Options.annotate = True
Options.annotate_coverage_xml = pop_value()
......@@ -341,7 +341,8 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
modules = self.referenced_modules
if Options.annotate or options.annotate:
rootwriter = Annotate.AnnotationCCodeWriter()
show_entire_c_code = Options.annotate == "fullc" or options.annotate == "fullc"
rootwriter = Annotate.AnnotationCCodeWriter(show_entire_c_code=show_entire_c_code)
rootwriter = Code.CCodeWriter()
......@@ -98,6 +98,33 @@ class CmdLineParserTest(TestCase):
self.assertEqual(options.output_dir, '/gdb/outdir')
def test_no_annotate(self):
options, sources = parse_command_line([
'--embed=huhu', 'source.pyx'
def test_annotate_simple(self):
options, sources = parse_command_line([
self.assertEqual(Options.annotate, 'default')
def test_annotate_default(self):
options, sources = parse_command_line([
self.assertEqual(Options.annotate, 'default')
def test_annotate_fullc(self):
options, sources = parse_command_line([
self.assertEqual(Options.annotate, 'fullc')
def test_errors(self):
def error(*args):
old_stderr = sys.stderr
......@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ You can see them also by typing ```%%cython?`` in IPython or a Jupyter notebook.
============================================ =======================================================================================================================================
-a, --annotate Produce a colorized HTML version of the source.
-a, --annotate Produce a colorized HTML version of the source. Use ``--annotate=fullc`` to include the complete generated C/C++-code as well.
-+, --cplus Output a C++ rather than C file.
......@@ -648,6 +648,7 @@ You can see them also by typing ```%%cython?`` in IPython or a Jupyter notebook.
--pgo Enable profile guided optimisation in the C compiler. Compiles the cell twice and executes it in between to generate a runtime profile.
--verbose Print debug information like generated .c/.cpp file location and exact gcc/g++ command invoked.
============================================ =======================================================================================================================================
PYTHON build_ext --inplace
PYTHON -c "import not_annotated; not_annotated.check()"
PYTHON -c "import default_annotated; default_annotated.check()"
PYTHON -c "import fullc_annotated; fullc_annotated.check()"
######## ########
from Cython.Build.Dependencies import cythonize
from distutils.core import setup
ext_modules = cythonize(["not_annotated.pyx"], language_level=3) +
cythonize(["default_annotated.pyx"], annotate=True, language_level=3) +
cythonize(["fullc_annotated.pyx"], annotate='fullc', language_level=3)
######## not_annotated.pyx ########
# check that html-file doesn't exist:
def check():
import os.path as os_path
assert not os_path.isfile(__name__+'.html')
######## default_annotated.pyx ########
# load html-site and check that the marker isn't there:
def check():
from codecs import open
with open(__name__+'.html', 'r', 'utf8') as html_file:
html =
from Cython.Compiler.Annotate import AnnotationCCodeWriter
assert (AnnotationCCodeWriter.COMPLETE_CODE_TITLE not in html) # per default no complete c code
######## fullc_annotated.pyx ########
# load html-site and check that the marker is there:
def check():
from codecs import open
with open(__name__+'.html', 'r', 'utf8') as html_file:
html =
from Cython.Compiler.Annotate import AnnotationCCodeWriter
assert (AnnotationCCodeWriter.COMPLETE_CODE_TITLE in html)
PYTHON build_ext --inplace
PYTHON -c "import fullc_annotated; fullc_annotated.check()"
######## ########
from Cython.Build.Dependencies import cythonize
from Cython.Compiler import Options
Options.annotate = 'fullc'
from distutils.core import setup
ext_modules = cythonize(["fullc_annotated.pyx"], language_level=3)
######## fullc_annotated.pyx ########
# load html-site and check that the marker is there:
def check():
from codecs import open
with open(__name__+'.html', 'r', 'utf8') as html_file:
html =
from Cython.Compiler.Annotate import AnnotationCCodeWriter
assert (AnnotationCCodeWriter.COMPLETE_CODE_TITLE in html)
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
>>> import re
>>> assert'<pre .*def.* .*mixed_test.*</pre>', html)
>>> from Cython.Compiler.Annotate import AnnotationCCodeWriter
>>> assert (AnnotationCCodeWriter.COMPLETE_CODE_TITLE not in html) # per default no complete c code
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