Commit 5dc357fe authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

speed up chaos benchmark some more

parent 6eed305a
......@@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ class Spline(object):
self.knots[len(self.knots) -])
@cython.locals(ik=cython.long, ii=cython.long, I=cython.long,
ua=cython.long, ub=cython.long, u=cython.double)
ua=cython.long, ub=cython.long, u=cython.double,
dom=(cython.long, cython.long))
def __call__(self, u):
"""Calculates a point of the B-Spline using de Boors Algorithm"""
dom = self.GetDomain()
......@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ class Spline(object):
d[index] = d[index].linear_combination(d[index + 1], co1, co2)
return d[0]
@cython.locals(ii=cython.long, I=cython.long)
@cython.locals(ii=cython.long, I=cython.long, dom=(cython.long, cython.long))
def GetIndex(self, u):
dom = self.GetDomain()
for ii in range( - 1, len(self.knots) -
......@@ -212,6 +213,7 @@ class Chaosgame(object):
if point.y < self.miny:
point.y = self.miny
@cython.locals(x=cython.long, y=cython.long)
def create_image_chaos(self, timer, w, h, n):
im = [[1] * h for i in range(w)]
point = GVector((self.maxx + self.minx) / 2,
......@@ -221,10 +223,8 @@ class Chaosgame(object):
t1 = timer()
for i in range(5000):
point = self.transform_point(point)
x = (point.x - self.minx) / self.width * w
y = (point.y - self.miny) / self.height * h
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
x = int((point.x - self.minx) / self.width * w)
y = int((point.y - self.miny) / self.height * h)
if x == w:
x -= 1
if y == h:
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