Commit 69a3cc35 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

fix new hexiom2 benchmark in Py3

parent 01529c0c
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ def print_pos(pos, output):
pos2 = (x, y)
id = hex.get_by_pos(pos2).id
if done.already_done(id):
c = unicode(done[id][0]) if done[id][0] != EMPTY else u"."
c = str(done[id][0]) if done[id][0] != EMPTY else u"."
c = u"?"
print(u"%s " % c, end=u"", file=output)
......@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ def print_pos(pos, output):
pos2 = (x, ry)
id = hex.get_by_pos(pos2).id
if done.already_done(id):
c = unicode(done[id][0]) if done[id][0] != EMPTY else (u".")
c = str(done[id][0]) if done[id][0] != EMPTY else (u".")
c = u"?"
print(u"%s " % c, end=u"", file=output)
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