Commit 83910594 authored by Robert Bradshaw's avatar Robert Bradshaw

Test all the closure code with cdef functions as well.

parent b15b4c3f
# mode: run
# tag: closures
# preparse: id
# preparse: def_to_cdef
# closure_tests_1.pyx
# mode: run
# tag: closures
# preparse: id
# preparse: def_to_cdef
# closure_tests_2.pyx
# mode: run
# tag: closures
# preparse: id
# preparse: def_to_cdef
# closure_tests_3.pyx
# mode: run
# tag: closures
# preparse: id
# preparse: def_to_cdef
# closure_tests_4.pyx
# mode: run
# tag: closures
# ticket: 82
# preparse: id
# preparse: def_to_cdef
cimport cython
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