Commit 8bcb7184 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Disallow the form 'f(self, ...) const' for cypclass methods

parent bd25a02e
......@@ -651,6 +651,8 @@ class CFuncDeclaratorNode(CDeclaratorNode):
directive_locals = {}
if nonempty:
nonempty -= 1
if self.is_const_method and env.is_cyp_class_scope:
error(self.pos, "The form 'f(self, ...) const' is not allowed for cypclass methods. Use 'f(const self, ...)' instead")
func_type_args = []
for i, arg_node in enumerate(self.args):
name_declarator, type = arg_node.analyse(
......@@ -683,8 +685,6 @@ class CFuncDeclaratorNode(CDeclaratorNode):
if type.is_const_cyp_class:
self.is_const_method = True
unqualified_type = type.const_base_type
elif self.is_const_method:
type = PyrexTypes.cyp_class_const_type(type)
# check that the type of self is correct:
if not unqualified_type.same_as(env.parent_type):
error(self.pos, "Wrong type for self argument - expected %s, got %s" % (env.parent_type, type))
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ cdef cypclass cypdict[K, V]:
V __getitem__(self, const key_type key) except ~ const:
V __getitem__(const self, const key_type key) except ~:
it = self._indices.const_find(key)
if it != self._indices.end():
return self._items[dereference(it).second].second
......@@ -182,23 +182,23 @@ cdef cypclass cypdict[K, V]:
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a dictionary with active iterators")
iterator begin(self) const:
iterator begin(const self):
return iterator(self._items.const_begin(), self)
vector[item_type].const_iterator end(self) const:
vector[item_type].const_iterator end(const self):
return self._items.const_end()
size_type __len__(self) const:
size_type __len__(const self):
return self._items.size()
bint __contains__(self, const key_type key) const:
bint __contains__(const self, const key_type key):
return self._indices.count(key)
keys_view keys(self) const:
keys_view keys(const self):
return keys_view(self)
values_view values(self) const:
values_view values(const self):
return values_view(self)
items_view items(self) const:
items_view items(const self):
return items_view(self)
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ cdef cypclass cyplist[V]:
V __getitem__(self, const size_type index) except ~ const:
V __getitem__(const self, const size_type index) except ~:
if index < self._elements.size():
return self._elements[index]
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ cdef cypclass cyplist[V]:
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a list with active iterators")
cyplist[V] __add__(self, const cyplist[V] other) const:
cyplist[V] __add__(const self, const cyplist[V] other):
result = cyplist[V]()
result._elements.reserve(self._elements.size() + other._elements.size())
result._elements.insert(result._elements.end(), self._elements.const_begin(), self._elements.const_end())
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ cdef cypclass cyplist[V]:
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a list with active iterators")
cyplist[V] __mul__(self, size_type n) const:
cyplist[V] __mul__(const self, size_type n):
result = cyplist[V]()
result._elements.reserve(self._elements.size() * n)
for i in range(n):
......@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ cdef cypclass cyplist[V]:
with gil:
raise RuntimeError("Modifying a list with active iterators")
iterator begin(self) const:
iterator begin(const self):
return iterator(self._elements.const_begin(), self)
vector[value_type].const_iterator end(self) const:
vector[value_type].const_iterator end(const self):
return self._elements.const_end()
size_type __len__(self) const:
size_type __len__(const self):
return self._elements.size()
bint __contains__(self, const value_type value):
......@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ cdef cypclass cypset[V]:
# inspection operations
size_type __len__(self) const:
size_type __len__(const self):
return self._elements.size()
bint __contains__(self, const value_type value):
return self._elements.count(value)
bint isdisjoint(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
bint isdisjoint(const self, const cypset[V] other):
cdef const cypset[V] smallest
cdef const cypset[V] greatest
if self._elements.size() < other._elements.size():
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ cdef cypclass cypset[V]:
# set comparisons
bint __eq__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
bint __eq__(const self, const cypset[V] other):
if self._elements.size() != other._elements.size():
return 0
for value in self._elements:
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ cdef cypclass cypset[V]:
return 0
return 1
bint __ne__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
bint __ne__(const self, const cypset[V] other):
if self._elements.size() != other._elements.size():
return 1
for value in self._elements:
......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ cdef cypclass cypset[V]:
return 1
return 0
bint __le__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
bint __le__(const self, const cypset[V] other):
if self._elements.size() > other._elements.size():
return 0
for value in self._elements:
......@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ cdef cypclass cypset[V]:
return 0
return 1
bint __lt__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
bint __lt__(const self, const cypset[V] other):
return self <= other and self._elements.size() < other._elements.size()
bint issubset(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
bint issubset(const self, const cypset[V] other):
return self <= other
bint __ge__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
bint __ge__(const self, const cypset[V] other):
if self._elements.size() < other._elements.size():
return 0
for value in other._elements:
......@@ -139,25 +139,25 @@ cdef cypclass cypset[V]:
return 0
return 1
bint __gt__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
bint __gt__(const self, const cypset[V] other):
return self >= other and self._elements.size() > other._elements.size()
bint issuperset(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
bint issuperset(const self, const cypset[V] other):
return self >= other
# set non-modifying operations
cypset[V] __or__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
cypset[V] __or__(const self, const cypset[V] other):
result = cypset[V]()
result._elements.insert(self._elements.const_begin(), self._elements.const_end())
result._elements.insert(other._elements.const_begin(), other._elements.const_end())
return result
cypset[V] union "set_union"(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
cypset[V] union "set_union"(const self, const cypset[V] other):
return self | other
cypset[V] __and__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
cypset[V] __and__(const self, const cypset[V] other):
cdef const cypset[V] smallest
cdef const cypset[V] greatest
if self._elements.size() < other._elements.size():
......@@ -172,20 +172,20 @@ cdef cypclass cypset[V]:
return result
cypset[V] intersection(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
cypset[V] intersection(const self, const cypset[V] other):
return self & other
cypset[V] __sub__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
cypset[V] __sub__(const self, const cypset[V] other):
result = cypset[V]()
for value in self._elements:
if other._elements.count(value) == 0:
return result
cypset[V] difference(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
cypset[V] difference(const self, const cypset[V] other):
return self - other
cypset[V] __xor__(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
cypset[V] __xor__(const self, const cypset[V] other):
result = cypset[V]()
result._elements = other._elements
for value in self._elements:
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ cdef cypclass cypset[V]:
return result
cypset[V] symmetric_difference(self, const cypset[V] other) const:
cypset[V] symmetric_difference(const self, const cypset[V] other):
return self ^ other
......@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ cdef cypclass cypset[V]:
# iterators
iterator begin(self) const:
iterator begin(const self):
return iterator(self._elements.const_begin(), self)
unordered_set[value_type].const_iterator end(self) const:
unordered_set[value_type].const_iterator end(const self):
return self._elements.const_end()
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
cdef cypclass A checklock:
int a
int getter(self) const:
int getter(const self):
return self.a
void setter(self, int a):
self.a = a
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ cdef cypclass BasicQueue(ActhonQueueInterface) checklock:
del self._queue
bint is_empty(self) const:
bint is_empty(const self):
return self._queue.empty()
void push(self, ActhonMessageInterface message):
......@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ cdef cypclass NoneResult(ActhonResultInterface) checklock:
void pushIntResult(self, int result):
void* getVoidStarResult(self) const:
void* getVoidStarResult(const self):
return NULL
int getIntResult(self) const:
int getIntResult(const self):
return 0
cdef cypclass WaitResult(ActhonResultInterface) checklock:
......@@ -89,18 +89,18 @@ cdef cypclass WaitResult(ActhonResultInterface) checklock:
self.result.int_val = result
result_t _getRawResult(self) const:
result_t _getRawResult(const self):
# We must ensure a result exists, but we can let others access it immediately
# The cast here is a way of const-casting (we're modifying the semaphore in a const method)
sem_wait(<sem_t*> &self.semaphore)
sem_post(<sem_t*> &self.semaphore)
return self.result
void* getVoidStarResult(self) const:
void* getVoidStarResult(const self):
res = self._getRawResult()
return res.ptr
int getIntResult(self) const:
int getIntResult(const self):
res = self._getRawResult()
return res.int_val
......@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ cdef cypclass ActivityCounterSync(ActhonSyncInterface) checklock:
void removeActivity(self, ActhonMessageInterface msg):
self.count -= 1
bint isCompleted(self) const:
bint isCompleted(const self):
return self.count == 0
bint isActivable(self) const:
bint isActivable(const self):
cdef bint res = True
if self.previous_sync is not NULL:
prev_sync = self.previous_sync
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ cdef cypclass A checklock activable:
self.a = 0
self._active_result_class = WaitResult.construct
self._active_queue_class = BasicQueue()
int getter(self) const:
int getter(const self):
return self.a
void setter(self, int a):
self.a = a
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ cdef cypclass A checklock:
int a
self.a = 0
int getter(self) const:
int getter(const self):
return self.a
void setter(self, int a):
self.a = a
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ cdef cypclass Subscript:
self.value = NULL
self.index = NULL
Value __getitem__(self, Index index) const:
Value __getitem__(const self, Index index):
if self.index is index:
return value
return NULL
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