Commit d832914e authored by Nikita Nemkin's avatar Nikita Nemkin

Correctly handle compile-time strings appearing in Python context.

parent b2cb180f
......@@ -708,9 +708,9 @@ def wrap_compile_time_constant(pos, value):
elif isinstance(value, float):
return ExprNodes.FloatNode(pos, value=rep)
elif isinstance(value, _unicode):
return ExprNodes.UnicodeNode(pos, value=value)
return ExprNodes.UnicodeNode(pos, value=EncodedString(value))
elif isinstance(value, _bytes):
return ExprNodes.BytesNode(pos, value=value)
return ExprNodes.BytesNode(pos, value=BytesLiteral(value))
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
args = [wrap_compile_time_constant(pos, arg)
for arg in value]
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