# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from glob import glob import os, subprocess, re # test_suite is provided by 'run_test_suite' from test_suite import ERP5TypeTestSuite import sys from itertools import chain HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__) PY3 = sys.version_info[0] > 2 class _ERP5(ERP5TypeTestSuite): realtime_output = False enabled_product_list = ('CMFActivity', 'CMFCategory', 'ERP5', 'ERP5Catalog', 'ERP5Form', 'ERP5OOo', 'ERP5Security', 'ERP5Type', 'Formulator', 'ERP5Workflow', 'HBTreeFolder2', 'MailTemplates', 'PortalTransforms', 'TimerService', 'ZMySQLDA', 'ZSQLCatalog', 'Zelenium') def enableProducts(self): product_set = set(self.enabled_product_list) try: dir_set = set(os.walk('Products').next()[1]) for product in dir_set - product_set: os.unlink(os.path.join('Products', product)) product_set -= dir_set except StopIteration: os.mkdir('Products') for product in product_set: os.symlink(os.path.join('..', 'products', product), os.path.join('Products', product)) def _getAllTestList(self): test_list = [] path = "%s/../" % HERE component_re = re.compile(".*/([^/]+)/TestTemplateItem/portal_components" "/test\.[^.]+\.([^.]+).py$") for test_path in chain( glob(path + '/product/*/tests/test*.py'), glob(path + '/bt5/*/TestTemplateItem/test*.py'), glob(path + '/bt5/*/TestTemplateItem/portal_components/test.*.test*.py')): component_re_match = component_re.match(test_path) if component_re_match is not None: test_case = "%s:%s" % (component_re_match.group(1), component_re_match.group(2)) else: test_case = test_path.split(os.sep)[-1][:-3] # remove .py if PY3: # disable tests that are not compatible with Python 3. if test_case in ( # using legacy workflow 'erp5_workflow_test:testWorkflowAndDCWorkflow', 'testUpgradeInstanceWithOldDataFsLegacyWorkflow' ): continue product = test_path.split(os.sep)[-3] # don't test 3rd party products if product in ('PortalTransforms', 'MailTemplates', 'Zelenium'): continue test_list.append(test_case) return test_list def update(self): self.checkout('products', 'bt5') self.enableProducts() class PERF(_ERP5): def getTestList(self): return [x for x in self._getAllTestList() if x.find('Performance')>0] class CloudPERF(_ERP5): def getTestList(self): return ['_testPystone', '_testSQLBench'] class ERP5(_ERP5): mysql_db_count = 3 def getTestList(self): test_list = [] for full_test_case in self._getAllTestList(): test_case = (':' in full_test_case and full_test_case.split(':')[1] or full_test_case) # skip some tests if test_case.find('Performance') > 0: continue test_list.append(full_test_case) return test_list def run(self, full_test): test = ':' in full_test and full_test.split(':')[1] or full_test if test in ('testConflictResolution', 'testInvalidationBug'): status_dict = self.runUnitTest('--save', full_test) if not status_dict['status_code']: status_dict = self.runUnitTest('--load', '--activity_node=2', full_test) return status_dict elif test.startswith('testWendelinCore'): # Combining Zope and WCFS working together requires data to be on a real # storage, not on in-RAM MappingStorage inside Zope's Python process. # Force this via --load --save for now. # # Also manually indicate via --with_wendelin_core, that this test needs # WCFS server - corresponding to ZODB test storage - to be launched. # # In the future we might want to rework custom_zodb.py to always use # FileStorage on tmpfs instead of δ=MappingStorage in DemoStorage(..., δ), # and to always spawn WCFS for all tests, so that this hack becomes # unnecessary. return self.runUnitTest('--load', '--save', '--with_wendelin_core', full_test) elif test.startswith('testFunctional'): return self._updateFunctionalTestResponse(self.runUnitTest(full_test)) elif test.startswith('testUpgradeInstanceWithOldDataFs'): old_data_path = None for path in sys.path: if path.endswith('/erp5-bin'): old_data_path = os.path.join(path, 'test_data', test) if not os.path.isdir(old_data_path): return dict( status_code=-1, test_count=1, failure_count=1, stderr='%s does not exist or is not a directory' % old_data_path) break else: return dict( status_code=-1, test_count=1, failure_count=1, stderr='erp5-bin repository not found in %s' % '\n'.join(sys.path)) instance_home = (self.instance and 'unit_test.%u' % self.instance or 'unit_test') import shutil shutil.rmtree(instance_home, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(instance_home, 'var')) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(old_data_path, 'Data.fs'), os.path.join(instance_home, 'var', 'Data.fs')) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(old_data_path, 'dump.sql'), os.path.join(instance_home, 'dump.sql')) return self.runUnitTest( '--load', '--portal_id=erp5', '--enable_full_indexing=portal_types,portal_property_sheets', full_test) return super(ERP5, self).run(full_test) def _updateFunctionalTestResponse(self, status_dict): """ Convert the Unit Test output into more accurate information related to functional test run. """ # Parse relevant information to update response information try: summary, html_test_result = status_dict['stderr'].split(b"-"*79)[1:3] except ValueError: # In case of error when parse the file, preserve the original # information. This prevents we have unfinished tests. return status_dict status_dict['html_test_result'] = html_test_result search = self.FTEST_PASS_FAIL_RE.search(summary.decode()) if search: group_dict = search.groupdict() status_dict['failure_count'] = int(group_dict['failures']) \ or int(status_dict.get('failure_count', 0)) status_dict['test_count'] = int(group_dict['total']) status_dict['skip_count'] = int(group_dict['expected_failure']) return status_dict class WORKFLOW(ERP5): # new test suite running a few test related to Workflow # (to be used instead of ERP5 class, which run all tests) def getTestList(self): return ['testERP5Workflow', 'testERP5Type', 'testInteractionWorkflow', 'erp5_core_test:testSQLCachedWorklist', 'erp5_core_test:testWorklist', 'erp5_workflow_test:testWorkflowAndDCWorkflow', 'testERP5Simulation', 'testDmsWithPreConversion', 'testERP5BankingCashInventory', 'testInventoryModule', 'testPackingList', 'testBase', 'testERP5BankingUsualCashTransfer'] class ERP5_simulation(_ERP5): def getTestList(self): p = subprocess.Popen(('grep', '-lr', '--include=test*.py', '-e', '@newSimulationExpectedFailure', '-e', 'erp5_report_new_simulation_failures', 'Products/ERP5/tests'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return sorted(os.path.basename(x)[:-3] for x in p.communicate()[0].splitlines()) def runUnitTest(self, *args, **kw): return super(ERP5_simulation, self).runUnitTest( erp5_report_new_simulation_failures='1', *args, **kw) class ERP5_scalability(_ERP5): def getTestList(self): return ['createPerson', 'createSaleOrder', 'createWebPage'] def getTestPath(self): return 'erp5/util/benchmark/examples/' def getUsersFilePath(self): return 'erp5/util/benchmark/examples/scalabilityUsers' def getUserNumber(self, test_number): return [45, 135, 170, 220, 250][test_number] # Test duration in seconds def getTestDuration(self, test_number): return 60*10 def getTestRepetition(self, test_number): return 3 class ERP5_XHTML_Only(_ERP5): def _getAllTestList(self): path = sys.path[0] return ['%s/product/ERP5/tests/testXHTML.py' % path] class FunctionalTests(ERP5): def _getAllTestList(self): return [x for x in super(FunctionalTests, self)._getAllTestList() if x.startswith('testFunctional') or ':testFunctional' in x] class ERP5BusinessTemplateCodingStyleTestSuite(_ERP5): """Run coding style test on all business templates. """ def getTestList(self): def skip_business_template(path): # we skip coding style check for business templates having this marker # property. Since the property is not exported (on purpose), modified business templates # will be candidate for coding style test again. if os.path.exists(path + '/bt/skip_coding_style_test'): return True if PY3 and os.path.basename(path) in ( 'erp5_workflow_test', # uses legacy DCWorkflow ): return True return False test_list = [ os.path.basename(path) for path in chain( glob(HERE + '/../bt5/*'), glob(HERE + '/../product/ERP5/bootstrap/*')) if os.path.isdir(path) and not skip_business_template(path) ] for path in chain(glob(HERE + '/../product/*'), glob(HERE + '/../bt5')): if not os.path.exists(path + '/skip_coding_style_test') and os.path.isdir(path): test_list.append("Python3Style." + os.path.basename(path)) return test_list def run(self, full_test): if full_test.startswith("Python3Style."): return self.runUnitTest('Python3StyleTest', TESTED_PRODUCT=full_test[13:]) return self.runUnitTest('CodingStyleTest', TESTED_BUSINESS_TEMPLATE=full_test) def getLogDirectoryPath(self, *args, **kw): log_directory = os.path.join( self.log_directory, args[-1] + '-' + (kw.get('TESTED_BUSINESS_TEMPLATE') or kw['TESTED_PRODUCT'])) os.mkdir(log_directory) return log_directory class ReExportERP5BusinessTemplateTestSuite(ERP5TypeTestSuite): def getTestList(self): return sorted([ os.path.basename(path) for path in chain( glob(HERE + '/../bt5/*'), glob(HERE + '/../product/ERP5/bootstrap/*')) if not os.path.exists(path + '/bt/skip_coding_style_test') and os.path.isdir(path) ]) def run(self, full_test): return self.runUnitTest( '--portal_id=erp5', 'ReExportBusinessTemplate', RE_EXPORT_BUSINESS_TEMPLATE=full_test) class RJS_Only(_ERP5): def getTestList(self): rjs_officejs_bt_list = ["erp5_officejs_", "renderjs_ui_test", "erp5_web_monitoring_ui_test", "erp5_monaco_editor_ui_test", "erp5_travel_expense_ui_test", "erp5_gadget_interface_validator_ui_test", "erp5_hal_json_style"] return [test for test in self._getAllTestList() if any(test.find(bt)>-1 for bt in rjs_officejs_bt_list)]