Commit 0dc53d07 authored by Nicolas Wavrant's avatar Nicolas Wavrant

erp5_pdm: update property names in Resource_getPriceCalculationOperandDict

parent 604ef310
from math import log
result = context.getPriceParameterDict(context=movement, **kw)
# XXX: Add "stepped_price" in calculation
# sliced_base_price = {'price': 10.0, 'sliced_range': (1, None)}
# Calculate
# If slice_base_price:
# base_price = SUM(number_of_items_in_slice * slice_base_price) for each slice
# Then
# ((base_price + SUM(additional_price) +
# variable_value * SUM(variable_additional_price)) *
# (1 - MIN(1, MAX(SUM(discount_ratio) , exclusive_discount_ratio ))) +
......@@ -20,10 +21,11 @@ result = context.getPriceParameterDict(context=movement, **kw)
# It can be seen as a way to define a pricing model that not only
# depends on discrete variations, but also on a continuous property
# of the object
if result["sliced_base_price"]:
if result["slice_base_price"]:
total_price = 0.
quantity = movement.getQuantity()
sliced_base_price_list = zip(result["sliced_base_price"], result["sliced_range"])
sliced_base_price_list = zip(result["slice_base_price"], result["slice_quantity_range"])
for slice_price, slice_range in sliced_base_price_list:
slice_min, slice_max = slice_range
if slice_max is None:
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