Commit 0e500238 authored by Nicolas Delaby's avatar Nicolas Delaby

Do not pass unnecessary parameters to image.convert

This allows ImageField to return original image content
parent 9f8c7c28
......@@ -133,8 +133,12 @@ class ImageFieldWidget(Widget.TextWidget):
image_object = field.getPortalObject().restrictedTraverse(path)
display = field.get_value('image_display')
format = field.get_value('image_format')
image_parameter_dict = { 'display': display,
resolution = field.get_value('image_resolution')
image_parameter_dict = {'format': format}
if display:
image_parameter_dict['display'] = display
if resolution:
image_parameter_dict['resolution'] = resolution
# convert the image using fields parameters. In this way, if an image
# is displayed in the form as a thumbnail, it will be added in the odg
# document as thumbnail size/quality
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