Commit 14f43740 authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari

CommitTool: Use catalog to get last snapshot

parent 82c9b260
......@@ -733,22 +733,6 @@ class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
icon = None
isProperty = False
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'edit')
def edit(self, item_path='', item_sign=1, item_layer=0, *args, **kw):
Generic edit Method for all ERP5 object
edited_value = self._edit(
# TODO: Use activity to update follow_up of Business Item as the portal_category
# accessor is generated
# Update the follow up value for Business Manager
def _edit(self, item_path='', item_sign=1, item_layer=0, *args, **kw):
Overriden function so that we can update attributes for BusinessItem objects
......@@ -765,10 +749,6 @@ class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
if 'item_path' in self._v_modified_property_dict:
# Update the Business Manager with the path list everytime after editing
# item_path. Use activity to call this function after the activitiy for
# _edit is finished.
def updateFollowUpPathList(self):
Update the path list for Follow Up Business Manager
......@@ -794,6 +774,10 @@ class BusinessItem(XMLObject):
# Update the manager with new path list
# Complain loudly if the follow_up is not there
raise ValueError('Follow Up Business Manager is not set or defined yet')
def build(self, context, **kw):
Extract value for the given path from the OFS
......@@ -137,14 +137,16 @@ class BusinessSnapshot(Folder):
portal = self.getPortalObject()
commit_tool = portal.portal_commits
# Get the snapshot list except the current snapshot
snapshot_list = [l for l
in commit_tool.objectValues(portal_type='Business Snapshot')
if l != self]
# XXX: Is it a good idea to be dependent on portal_catalog to get Snapshot list ?
snapshot_list = commit_tool.searchFolder(
portal_type='Business Snapshot',
if snapshot_list:
# Get the last created/installed snapshot comparing creation_date
return max(snapshot_list, key=(lambda x: x.getCreationDate()))
# There should never be more than 1 installed snapshot
if len(snapshot_list) == 1:
# Get the last installed snapshot
return snapshot_list[0].getObject()
return None
......@@ -222,7 +224,9 @@ class BusinessSnapshot(Folder):
Install the sub-objects in the commit
site = self.getPortalObject()
# While installing the last snapshot state should be changed to 'replaced'
# While installing a new snapshot, last snapshot state should be
# changed to 'replaced'
last_snapshot = self.getLastSnapshot()
if last_snapshot not in [None, self]:
if site.portal_workflow.isTransitionPossible(
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