Commit 41baf1d3 authored by Tatuya Kamada's avatar Tatuya Kamada

simulation: Test the divergence on Float Equivalence Tester with the epsilon-span by default

 Float Equivalence Tester does not test the divergence even if Divergence Provider is ON

 Float Divergence Tester test the divergence with the epsilon-span if Divergence Provider is ON

We needed the following condition to test the divergence on Float Equivalence

"Divergence Provider is ON"  AND
("Absolute Tolerance has some value"  OR
 "Relative Tolerance has some value" )

However this default behavior was not consistent with other testers, and
difficult to notice from the user interface.
Thus test the divergence by default with the epsilon span which is defined in
FloatEquivalenceTester class.
parent 2d8b6abd
......@@ -117,14 +117,23 @@ class FloatEquivalenceTester(Predicate, EquivalenceTesterMixin):
# XXX we should use appropriate property sheets and getter methods
# for these properties.
# Maybe, but beware of default values of quantity when doing so
absolute_tolerance_min = self.getProperty('quantity_range_min')
tolerance_base = self.getProperty('tolerance_base')
# If tolerance_base is None, check the divergece with epsilon-span by default
# If tolerance_base is not None, we can use tolerance_base (absolute has priority)
if tolerance_base is None:
absolute_tolerance_min = self.getProperty('quantity_range_min') or -epsilon
absolute_tolerance_min = self.getProperty('quantity_range_min')
if absolute_tolerance_min is not None and \
delta < (absolute_tolerance_min or - epsilon):
return (
prevision_value, decision_value,
explanation_start + 'is less than ${value}.',
absolute_tolerance_max = self.getProperty('quantity_range_max')
if tolerance_base is None:
absolute_tolerance_max = self.getProperty('quantity_range_max') or epsilon
absolute_tolerance_max = self.getProperty('quantity_range_max')
if absolute_tolerance_max is not None and \
delta > (absolute_tolerance_max or epsilon):
return (
......@@ -132,7 +141,6 @@ class FloatEquivalenceTester(Predicate, EquivalenceTesterMixin):
explanation_start + 'is larger than ${value}.',
tolerance_base = self.getProperty('tolerance_base')
base = None
if tolerance_base == 'resource_quantity_precision':
# Precision of this movement's resource base unit quantity
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
from Products.ERP5Type.tests.Sequence import Sequence
from Products.ERP5.tests.testPackingList import TestPackingListMixin
from Products.ERP5Type.UnrestrictedMethod import UnrestrictedMethod
from Products.ERP5.Document.FloatEquivalenceTester import DEFAULT_PRECISION
class TestDivergenceTester(TestPackingListMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase):
......@@ -294,6 +295,18 @@ class TestDivergenceTester(TestPackingListMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase):
sequence = Sequence(self)
sequence(sequence_string, quiet=self.quiet)
def stepAddPriceDivergenceTester(self, sequence):
Test the default behavior of Float Divergence Tester.
tester_type='Float Divergence Tester',
def test_QuantityDivergenceTesterCompareMethod(self):
# XXX-Leo this test is actually just testing
# FloatEquivalenceTester, and is incomplete. It should test also
......@@ -339,6 +352,96 @@ class TestDivergenceTester(TestPackingListMixin, ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertTrue(divergence_tester_compare(3.0, 3.001))
def stepCheckFloatEquivalenceTesterWithTheDefaultRange(self, sequence):
Check Float equivalence tester behavior, especially around the
default range = epsilon = abs(prevision_value * DEFAULT_PRECISION)
divergence_tester = sequence['price_divergence_tester']
decision = sequence['order_line']
prevision = decision.getDeliveryRelatedValue(
def divergence_tester_compare(prevision_value, decision_value):
return, decision)
prevision_value = 3.0
# Def. epsilon
# The is the epsilon defined by
# FloatEquivalenceTester._comparePrevisionDecisionValue()
epsilon = abs(prevision_value * DEFAULT_PRECISION)
a_value_slightly_bigger_than_the_range = 3.0 + epsilon + DEFAULT_PRECISION
# Since
# delta = abs(decision - prevision)
# delta = (3.0 + epsilon + DEFAULT_PRECISION) - 3.0
# epsilon + DEFAULT_PRECISION < -epsilon is False
# epsilon + DEFAULT_PRECISION > epsilon is True
# --> Diverged <=> compare() returns False
divergence_tester_compare(3.0, a_value_slightly_bigger_than_the_range))
a_value_slightly_smaller_than_the_range = 3.0 + epsilon - DEFAULT_PRECISION
# Since,
# delta = abs(decision - prevision)
# delta = (3.0 + epsilon - DEFAULT_PRECISION) - 3.0
# epsilon - DEFAULT_PRECISION < -epsilon is False
# epsilon - DEFAULT_PRECISION > epsilon is False
# --> Not diverged <=> compare() returns True
divergence_tester_compare(3.0, a_value_slightly_smaller_than_the_range))
the_value_equal_to_the_range = 3.0 + epsilon
# Since,
# delta = abs(decision - prevision)
# delta = (3.0 + epsilon) - 3.0
# = epsilon
# epsilon < -epsilon is False
# epsilon > epsilon is False
# -- Not diverged <=> compare() returns True
divergence_tester_compare(3.0, the_value_equal_to_the_range))
# The behavior for absolute_range is the same when we set
# 0.0 for the range.
# That is why the default bihavior is safe since most of sample
# test data has 0.0 for its range.
self.assertFalse(divergence_tester_compare(3.0, 3.001))
self.assertTrue(divergence_tester_compare(3.0, 3.0))
def testFloatEquivalenceTesterWithTheDefaultRange(self,
quiet=quiet, run=run_all_test):
All the ranges of Float Equivalence Tester:
- quantity_range_max,
- quantity_rang_min,
- tolerance_range_max,
- tolerance_range_min
are None by default. 0.0 is NOT the default value.
This is partly because FloatEquivalenceTester use None range as a flag
whether we use absolute_range or tolerance_range.
The logic uses the fact that 0.0 is not None, but bool(0.0) is False.
So here checking how it work when the ranges are None.
if not run: return
sequence_string = self.confirmed_order_without_packing_list + """
sequence = Sequence(self)
sequence(sequence_string, quiet=self.quiet)
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
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