Commit 68b6fa0a authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Fix testnode watching repositories when HEAD is a merge commit

and a few cleanups in test suite

See merge request !1126
parents a8f32683 42cd1159
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......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ class Updater(object):
if not path_list:
path_list = self._path_list
if self.getRepositoryType() == GIT_TYPE:
h = self._git('log', '-1', '--format=%H', '--', *path_list)
h = self._git('log', '-1', '--format=%H', '--full-history', '--', *path_list)
return self._git_find_rev(h)
elif self.getRepositoryType() == SVN_TYPE:
stdout = self.spawn('svn', 'info', *path_list)['stdout']
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