Commit 8623dfad authored by Richard's avatar Richard

[erp5_notebook]: different names for different notebooks in localStorage

parent b3dd2872
......@@ -27,10 +27,23 @@
.onStateChange(function (modified_dict) {
var notebookTitle = getiodideSettingsFromJsmd(this.state.value).title;
if (!notebookTitle) {
var jsmdTitleTemplate = '%% meta\n{\n"title": ""\n}';
notebookTitle = 'notebook-' + modified_dict.timestamp;
if (!this.state.value.includes('%%')) {
this.state.value = '';
var iodideSettings = getiodideSettingsFromJsmd(this.state.value);
if (iodideSettings && !iodideSettings.title) {
iodideSettings.title = 'notebook-' + modified_dict.timestamp;
var regex = /%% meta\r\n([\S\s]*?)\n%%/m;
  • could also apply regex to find if meta chunk exists, but using regex is not flexible. On the other hand using the functions does not return the content to be changed.

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try {
var capturedGroup = this.state.value.match(regex)[1];
this.state.value = this.state.value.replace(capturedGroup, JSON.stringify(iodideSettings));
} catch (e) {
if (!iodideSettings) {
var jsmdTitleTemplate = '%% meta\n{\n"title": ""\n}\n';
var notebookTitle = 'notebook-' + modified_dict.timestamp;
var positionToInsertTitle = 20;
var jsmdNotebookTitle = [jsmdTitleTemplate.slice(0, positionToInsertTitle), notebookTitle, jsmdTitleTemplate.slice(positionToInsertTitle)].join('');
this.state.value = jsmdNotebookTitle + this.state.value;
......@@ -108,8 +121,7 @@
function getiodideSettingsFromJsmd(jsmdString) {
// returns iodideSettings of last found chunk and exits
var notebookTitle = jsmdString;
var chunkObjects = notebookTitle.split('\n%%')
var chunkObjects = jsmdString.split('\n%%')
.map((str, chunkNum) => {
// if this is the first chunk, and it starts with "%%", drop those chars
let sstr
......@@ -123,7 +135,6 @@
.map(str => str.trim())
.filter(str => str !== '');
//for (var i = chunkObjects.length; i > 0; i--){
for (var i = (chunkObjects.length-1); i >= 0 ; i--){
var chunk = parseJsmdChunk(chunkObjects[i]);
if (chunk && chunk.iodideSettings) {
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