Commit d6d78689 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

Revert "erp5_dms_ui_test: Add selenium tests"

This reverts commit f9391847.

These two paths were only half-committed, for the PDF we don't have the
file content, for the test we don't have the .xml, so in practice this
test never ran.
I tried to run it but it does not pass, uses pause command and some
xpath selector that are now unclear.

PDFJS is also tested in portal_tests/erp5_km_zuite/testCheckPDFPreview
parent 2fa2ed5d
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<tr><td rowspan="1" colspan="3">Test PDF JS</td></tr>
<!-- First, try object creation using the "Action ..." menu -->
<!-- from list mode -->
<td tal:content="string: ${here/portal_url}/document_module/view">/erp5/document_module/view</td>
<td>Add PDF</td>
<td>No Site Error</td>
<td>Object created.</td>
<td tal:content="string: ${here/portal_url}/document_module/test_pdf">/erp5/document_module/test_pdf</td>
<td>hello world</td>
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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