Commit daf6ac82 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Join query table last.

catalog_join branch's code relies on this join condition ordering.
This simplifies template a bit (we don't generate slot names dynamically)
but makes variable meaning more obscure.
parent 0198e812
......@@ -201,19 +201,23 @@ class RelatedBaseCategory(Method):
# From the point of view of query_table, we are looking up objects...
if related:
# ... which have a relation toward us
from_table = 'related'
to_table = 'relation_holder'
# query_table's uid = category table's category_uid
query_table_side = 'category_uid'
# category table's uid = foreign_table's uid
foreign_side = 'uid'
# ... toward which we have a relation
from_table = 'relation_holder'
to_table = 'related'
# query_table's uid = category table's uid
query_table_side = 'uid'
# category table's category_uid = foreign_table's uid
foreign_side = 'category_uid'
self._template = """\
%%(category_table)s.base_category_uid = %%(base_category_uid)s
%(strict)sAND %%(%(to_table)s)s.uid = %%(category_table)s.category_uid
AND %%(category_table)s.uid = %%(%(from_table)s)s.uid""" % {
%(strict)sAND %%(foreign_catalog)s.uid = %%(category_table)s.%(foreign_side)s
AND %%(category_table)s.%(query_table_side)s = %%(query_table)s.uid""" % {
'strict': strict,
'from_table': from_table,
'to_table': to_table,
'foreign_side': foreign_side,
'query_table_side': query_table_side,
def __call__(self, instance, table_0, table_1, query_table='catalog', **kw):
......@@ -223,9 +227,9 @@ AND %%(category_table)s.uid = %%(%(from_table)s)s.uid""" % {
return self._template % {
'base_category_uid': instance.getPortalObject().portal_categories.\
'query_table': query_table,
'category_table': table_0,
'relation_holder': query_table,
'related': table_1,
'foreign_catalog': table_1,
class CatalogTool (UniqueObject, ZCatalog, CMFCoreCatalogTool, ActiveObject):
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