Commit e4505290 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

officejs_support_request_ui: share attachments documents

Publishing was too open. Setting metadata from the support request
project and the support request organisation seems a good default
parent a682f318
......@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.Message import translateString
portal = context.getPortalObject()
follow_up_value = portal.restrictedTraverse(follow_up)
assert follow_up_value.getPortalType() == "Support Request"
if not web_site_relative_url:
web_site_relative_url = context.getWebSiteValue().getRelativeUrl()
web_site = portal.restrictedTraverse(web_site_relative_url)
# update modification date
......@@ -16,19 +19,29 @@ post = context.PostModule_createHTMLPostFromText(
if file not in ("undefined", None): # XXX "undefined" ? should also be fixed in javascript side
document_kw = {'batch_mode': True,
'redirect_to_document': False,
'file': file}
follow_up_list = []
project = follow_up_value.getSourceProjectValue()
if project is not None:
group = None
section = follow_up_value.getSourceSectionValue()
if section is not None:
group = section.getGroup()
document_kw = {
'batch_mode': True,
'redirect_to_document': False,
'follow_up_list': follow_up_list,
'group': group,
'classification': web_site.getLayoutProperty(
'preferred_attached_document_classification') or portal.portal_preferences.getPreferredDocumentClassification(),
'file': file}
# XXX this Base_contribute might update in place another document with same reference
# and leave the post with a "dead link" for successor value.
document = context.Base_contribute(**document_kw)
# set relation between post and document
# XXX successor is used as a way to put a relation between the attachment and the post,
# the actual way should be to use a proper container like an Event that will have
# one or several posts and one or several attachments.
# XXX depending on security model this should be changed accordingly
document.publish() # XXX isn't it share a better default ?
# XXX the UI of support request app should be responsible for generating a unique
......@@ -36,10 +49,7 @@ if file not in ("undefined", None): # XXX "undefined" ? should also be fixed in
if not post.getSourceReference():
if not web_site_relative_url:
web_site_relative_url = context.getWebSiteValue().getRelativeUrl()
post.publish() # XXX
post.activate().Post_ingestMailMessageForSupportRequest(# XXX This API is not agreed
......@@ -296,6 +296,7 @@ class TestSupportRequestCommentOnExistingSupportRequest(SupportRequestTestCase):
self.assertEqual('attached_file.txt', file_document.getFilename())
self.assertEqual('the text content', str(file_document.getData()))
self.assertEqual('shared', file_document.getValidationState())
# the API to get comments also works once ingested
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