diff --git a/scripts/utils.sh b/scripts/utils.sh
index 6190b8134554c5eb1837ebb17c2f010ac86e6271..396ace5db5995cd5ed79f4513d5509422e697758 100644
--- a/scripts/utils.sh
+++ b/scripts/utils.sh
@@ -159,129 +159,3 @@ function wait_for_job_to_be_done() {
     echoinfo "The '${job_name}' passed."
-function install_api_client_dependencies_with_apk() {
-  apk add --update openssl curl jq
-function install_api_client_dependencies_with_apt() {
-  apt update && apt install jq -y
-function install_gitlab_gem() {
-  gem install gitlab --no-document
-function echoerr() {
-  local header="${2}"
-  if [ -n "${header}" ]; then
-    printf "\n\033[0;31m** %s **\n\033[0m" "${1}" >&2;
-  else
-    printf "\033[0;31m%s\n\033[0m" "${1}" >&2;
-  fi
-function echoinfo() {
-  local header="${2}"
-  if [ -n "${header}" ]; then
-    printf "\n\033[0;33m** %s **\n\033[0m" "${1}" >&2;
-  else
-    printf "\033[0;33m%s\n\033[0m" "${1}" >&2;
-  fi
-function get_job_id() {
-  local job_name="${1}"
-  local query_string="${2:+&${2}}"
-  if [ -z "${api_token}" ]; then
-    echoerr "Please provide an API token with \$API_TOKEN or \$GITLAB_BOT_MULTI_PROJECT_PIPELINE_POLLING_TOKEN."
-    return
-  fi
-  local max_page=3
-  local page=1
-  while true; do
-    local url="https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/pipelines/${CI_PIPELINE_ID}/jobs?per_page=100&page=${page}${query_string}"
-    echoinfo "GET ${url}"
-    local job_id
-    job_id=$(curl --silent --show-error --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${api_token}" "${url}" | jq "map(select(.name == \"${job_name}\")) | map(.id) | last")
-    [[ "${job_id}" == "null" && "${page}" -lt "$max_page" ]] || break
-    let "page++"
-  done
-  if [[ "${job_id}" == "" ]]; then
-    echoerr "The '${job_name}' job ID couldn't be retrieved!"
-  else
-    echoinfo "The '${job_name}' job ID is ${job_id}"
-    echo "${job_id}"
-  fi
-function play_job() {
-  local job_name="${1}"
-  local job_id
-  job_id=$(get_job_id "${job_name}" "scope=manual");
-  if [ -z "${job_id}" ]; then return; fi
-  if [ -z "${api_token}" ]; then
-    echoerr "Please provide an API token with \$API_TOKEN or \$GITLAB_BOT_MULTI_PROJECT_PIPELINE_POLLING_TOKEN."
-    return
-  fi
-  local url="https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/jobs/${job_id}/play"
-  echoinfo "POST ${url}"
-  local job_url
-  job_url=$(curl --silent --show-error --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${api_token}" "${url}" | jq ".web_url")
-  echoinfo "Manual job '${job_name}' started at: ${job_url}"
-function wait_for_job_to_be_done() {
-  local job_name="${1}"
-  local query_string="${2}"
-  local job_id
-  job_id=$(get_job_id "${job_name}" "${query_string}")
-  if [ -z "${job_id}" ]; then return; fi
-  if [ -z "${api_token}" ]; then
-    echoerr "Please provide an API token with \$API_TOKEN or \$GITLAB_BOT_MULTI_PROJECT_PIPELINE_POLLING_TOKEN."
-    return
-  fi
-  echoinfo "Waiting for the '${job_name}' job to finish..."
-  local url="https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/jobs/${job_id}"
-  echoinfo "GET ${url}"
-  # In case the job hasn't finished yet. Keep trying until the job times out.
-  local interval=30
-  local elapsed_seconds=0
-  while true; do
-    local job_status
-    job_status=$(curl --silent --show-error --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${api_token}" "${url}" | jq ".status" | sed -e s/\"//g)
-    [[ "${job_status}" == "pending" || "${job_status}" == "running" ]] || break
-    printf "."
-    let "elapsed_seconds+=interval"
-    sleep ${interval}
-  done
-  local elapsed_minutes=$((elapsed_seconds / 60))
-  echoinfo "Waited '${job_name}' for ${elapsed_minutes} minutes."
-  if [[ "${job_status}" == "failed" ]]; then
-    echoerr "The '${job_name}' failed."
-  elif [[ "${job_status}" == "manual" ]]; then
-    echoinfo "The '${job_name}' is manual."
-  else
-    echoinfo "The '${job_name}' passed."
-  fi