@@ -8590,6 +8590,37 @@ Aggregated summary of changes.
@@ -8590,6 +8590,37 @@ Aggregated summary of changes.
| <aid="discussionresolvedat"></a>`resolvedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the object was resolved. |
| <aid="discussionresolvedat"></a>`resolvedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the object was resolved. |
| <aid="discussionresolvedby"></a>`resolvedBy` | [`UserCore`](#usercore) | User who resolved the object. |
| <aid="discussionresolvedby"></a>`resolvedBy` | [`UserCore`](#usercore) | User who resolved the object. |
### `Dora`
All information related to DORA metrics.
#### Fields with arguments
##### `Dora.metrics`
DORA metrics for the current group or project.
Returns [`[DoraMetric!]`](#dorametric).
###### Arguments
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="dorametricsenddate"></a>`endDate` | [`Date`](#date) | Date range to end at. Default is the current date. |
| <aid="dorametricsenvironmenttier"></a>`environmentTier` | [`DeploymentTier`](#deploymenttier) | The deployment tier of the environments to return. Defaults to `PRODUCTION`. |
| <aid="dorametricsinterval"></a>`interval` | [`DoraMetricBucketingInterval`](#dorametricbucketinginterval) | How the metric should be aggregrated. Defaults to `DAILY`. In the case of `ALL`, the `date` field in the response will be `null`. |
| <aid="dorametricsmetric"></a>`metric` | [`DoraMetricType!`](#dorametrictype) | The type of metric to return. |
| <aid="dorametricsstartdate"></a>`startDate` | [`Date`](#date) | Date range to start from. Default is 3 months ago. |
### `DoraMetric`
#### Fields
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="dorametricdate"></a>`date` | [`String`](#string) | Date of the data point. |
| <aid="dorametricvalue"></a>`value` | [`Int`](#int) | Value of the data point. |
### `Environment`
### `Environment`
Describes where code is deployed for a project.
Describes where code is deployed for a project.
@@ -11337,6 +11368,7 @@ Represents vulnerability finding of a security report on the pipeline.
@@ -11337,6 +11368,7 @@ Represents vulnerability finding of a security report on the pipeline.
| <aid="projectdastsiteprofiles"></a>`dastSiteProfiles` | [`DastSiteProfileConnection`](#dastsiteprofileconnection) | DAST Site Profiles associated with the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectdastsiteprofiles"></a>`dastSiteProfiles` | [`DastSiteProfileConnection`](#dastsiteprofileconnection) | DAST Site Profiles associated with the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectdescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Short description of the project. |
| <aid="projectdescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Short description of the project. |
| <aid="projectdescriptionhtml"></a>`descriptionHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`. |
| <aid="projectdescriptionhtml"></a>`descriptionHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`. |
| <aid="projectdora"></a>`dora` | [`Dora`](#dora) | The project's DORA metrics. |
| <aid="projectforkscount"></a>`forksCount` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of times the project has been forked. |
| <aid="projectforkscount"></a>`forksCount` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of times the project has been forked. |
| <aid="projectfullpath"></a>`fullPath` | [`ID!`](#id) | Full path of the project. |
| <aid="projectfullpath"></a>`fullPath` | [`ID!`](#id) | Full path of the project. |
| <aid="projectgrafanaintegration"></a>`grafanaIntegration` | [`GrafanaIntegration`](#grafanaintegration) | Grafana integration details for the project. |
| <aid="projectgrafanaintegration"></a>`grafanaIntegration` | [`GrafanaIntegration`](#grafanaintegration) | Grafana integration details for the project. |
@@ -14358,6 +14390,18 @@ Weight of the data visualization palette.
@@ -14358,6 +14390,18 @@ Weight of the data visualization palette.