# frozen_string_literal: true constraints(::Constraints::ProjectUrlConstrainer.new) do scope(path: '*namespace_id', as: :namespace, namespace_id: Gitlab::PathRegex.full_namespace_route_regex) do scope(path: ':project_id', constraints: { project_id: Gitlab::PathRegex.project_route_regex }, module: :projects, as: :project) do # Begin of the /-/ scope. # Use this scope for all new project routes. scope '-' do resources :packages, only: [:index, :show, :destroy], module: :packages resources :package_files, only: [], module: :packages do member do get :download end end resources :jobs, only: [], constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do member do get '/proxy.ws/authorize', to: 'jobs#proxy_websocket_authorize', constraints: { format: nil } get :proxy end end resource :feature_flags_client, only: [] do post :reset_token end resources :autocomplete_sources, only: [] do collection do get 'epics' end end namespace :settings do resource :operations, only: [:show, :update] do member do post :reset_alerting_token end end end resources :designs, only: [], constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do member do get '(*ref)', action: 'show', as: '', constraints: { ref: Gitlab::PathRegex.git_reference_regex } end end end # End of the /-/ scope. resource :tracing, only: [:show] resources :web_ide_terminals, path: :ide_terminals, only: [:create, :show], constraints: { id: /\d+/, format: :json } do member do post :cancel post :retry end collection do post :check_config end end resources :merge_requests, only: [], constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do member do get :metrics_reports get :license_management_reports get :container_scanning_reports end end resource :insights, only: [:show] do collection do post :query end end resource :dependencies, only: [:show] namespace :security do resources :dependencies, only: [:index] resources :vulnerabilities, only: [:index] do collection do get :summary end end end end end end scope path: '(/-/jira)', constraints: ::Constraints::JiraEncodedUrlConstrainer.new, as: :jira do scope path: '*namespace_id/:project_id', namespace_id: Gitlab::Jira::Dvcs::ENCODED_ROUTE_REGEX, project_id: Gitlab::Jira::Dvcs::ENCODED_ROUTE_REGEX do get '/', to: redirect { |params, req| ::Gitlab::Jira::Dvcs.restore_full_path( namespace: params[:namespace_id], project: params[:project_id] ) } get 'commit/:id', constraints: { id: /\h{7,40}/ }, to: redirect { |params, req| project_full_path = ::Gitlab::Jira::Dvcs.restore_full_path( namespace: params[:namespace_id], project: params[:project_id] ) "/#{project_full_path}/commit/#{params[:id]}" } get 'tree/*id', as: nil, to: redirect { |params, req| project_full_path = ::Gitlab::Jira::Dvcs.restore_full_path( namespace: params[:namespace_id], project: params[:project_id] ) "/#{project_full_path}/tree/#{params[:id]}" } end end