import Vue from 'vue'; import Flash from '~/flash'; import Translate from '~/vue_shared/translate'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import PipelinesMediator from './pipeline_details_mediator'; import pipelineGraph from './components/graph/graph_component.vue'; import pipelineHeader from './components/header_component.vue'; import eventHub from './event_hub'; import SecurityReportApp from 'ee/vue_shared/security_reports/split_security_reports_app.vue'; // eslint-disable-line import/first import SastSummaryWidget from 'ee/pipelines/components/security_reports/report_summary_widget.vue'; // eslint-disable-line import/first import createStore from 'ee/vue_shared/security_reports/store'; // eslint-disable-line import/first Vue.use(Translate); export default () => { const { dataset } = document.querySelector('.js-pipeline-details-vue'); const mediator = new PipelinesMediator({ endpoint: dataset.endpoint }); mediator.fetchPipeline(); // eslint-disable-next-line new Vue({ el: '#js-pipeline-graph-vue', components: { pipelineGraph, }, data() { return { mediator, }; }, methods: { requestRefreshPipelineGraph() { // When an action is clicked // (wether in the dropdown or in the main nodes, we refresh the big graph) this.mediator .refreshPipeline() .catch(() => Flash(__('An error occurred while making the request.'))); }, }, render(createElement) { return createElement('pipeline-graph', { props: { isLoading: this.mediator.state.isLoading, pipeline:, }, on: { refreshPipelineGraph: this.requestRefreshPipelineGraph, }, }); }, }); // eslint-disable-next-line new Vue({ el: '#js-pipeline-header-vue', components: { pipelineHeader, }, data() { return { mediator, }; }, created() { eventHub.$on('headerPostAction', this.postAction); }, beforeDestroy() { eventHub.$off('headerPostAction', this.postAction); }, methods: { postAction(action) { this.mediator.service .postAction(action.path) .then(() => this.mediator.refreshPipeline()) .catch(() => Flash(__('An error occurred while making the request.'))); }, }, render(createElement) { return createElement('pipeline-header', { props: { isLoading: this.mediator.state.isLoading, pipeline:, }, }); }, }); /** * EE only */ const securityTab = document.getElementById('js-security-report-app'); const sastSummary = document.querySelector('.js-sast-summary'); const updateBadgeCount = count => { const badge = document.querySelector('.js-sast-counter'); if (badge.textContent !== '') { badge.textContent = parseInt(badge.textContent, 10) + count; } else { badge.textContent = count; } badge.classList.remove('hidden'); }; // They are being rendered under the same condition if (securityTab && sastSummary) { const datasetOptions = securityTab.dataset; const { endpoint, blobPath, sastHelpPath, dependencyScanningEndpoint, dependencyScanningHelpPath, vulnerabilityFeedbackPath, vulnerabilityFeedbackHelpPath, dastEndpoint, sastContainerEndpoint, dastHelpPath, sastContainerHelpPath, } = datasetOptions; const pipelineId = parseInt(datasetOptions.pipelineId, 10); const { canCreateIssue, canCreateFeedback } = datasetOptions; const store = createStore(); // Widget summary // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: sastSummary, store, components: { SastSummaryWidget, }, methods: { updateBadge(count) { updateBadgeCount(count); }, }, render(createElement) { return createElement('sast-summary-widget', { on: { updateBadgeCount: this.updateBadge, }, }); }, }); // Tab content // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: securityTab, store, components: { SecurityReportApp, }, methods: { updateBadge(count) { updateBadgeCount(count); }, }, render(createElement) { return createElement('security-report-app', { props: { headBlobPath: blobPath, sastHeadPath: endpoint, sastHelpPath, dependencyScanningHeadPath: dependencyScanningEndpoint, dependencyScanningHelpPath, vulnerabilityFeedbackPath, vulnerabilityFeedbackHelpPath, pipelineId, dastHeadPath: dastEndpoint, sastContainerHeadPath: sastContainerEndpoint, dastHelpPath, sastContainerHelpPath, canCreateFeedback, canCreateIssue, }, on: { updateBadgeCount: this.updateBadge, }, }); }, }); } };