import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'underscore'; import timeago from 'timeago.js'; import dateFormat from 'dateformat'; import { pluralize } from './text_utility'; import { languageCode, s__ } from '../../locale'; window.timeago = timeago; /** * Returns i18n month names array. * If `abbreviated` is provided, returns abbreviated * name. * * @param {Boolean} abbreviated */ export const getMonthNames = abbreviated => { if (abbreviated) { return [ s__('Jan'), s__('Feb'), s__('Mar'), s__('Apr'), s__('May'), s__('Jun'), s__('Jul'), s__('Aug'), s__('Sep'), s__('Oct'), s__('Nov'), s__('Dec'), ]; } return [ s__('January'), s__('February'), s__('March'), s__('April'), s__('May'), s__('June'), s__('July'), s__('August'), s__('September'), s__('October'), s__('November'), s__('December'), ]; }; export const pad = (val, len = 2) => `0${val}`.slice(-len); /** * Given a date object returns the day of the week in English * @param {date} date * @returns {String} */ export const getDayName = date => ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'][date.getDay()]; /** * @example * dateFormat('2017-12-05','mmm d, yyyy h:MMtt Z' ) -> "Dec 5, 2017 12:00am GMT+0000" * @param {date} datetime * @returns {String} */ export const formatDate = datetime => dateFormat(datetime, 'mmm d, yyyy h:MMtt Z'); /** * Timeago uses underscores instead of dashes to separate language from country code. * * see */ const timeagoLanguageCode = languageCode().replace(/-/g, '_'); let timeagoInstance; /** * Sets a timeago Instance */ export const getTimeago = () => { if (!timeagoInstance) { const localeRemaining = (number, index) => [ [s__('Timeago|just now'), s__('Timeago|right now')], [s__('Timeago|%s seconds ago'), s__('Timeago|%s seconds remaining')], [s__('Timeago|1 minute ago'), s__('Timeago|1 minute remaining')], [s__('Timeago|%s minutes ago'), s__('Timeago|%s minutes remaining')], [s__('Timeago|1 hour ago'), s__('Timeago|1 hour remaining')], [s__('Timeago|%s hours ago'), s__('Timeago|%s hours remaining')], [s__('Timeago|1 day ago'), s__('Timeago|1 day remaining')], [s__('Timeago|%s days ago'), s__('Timeago|%s days remaining')], [s__('Timeago|1 week ago'), s__('Timeago|1 week remaining')], [s__('Timeago|%s weeks ago'), s__('Timeago|%s weeks remaining')], [s__('Timeago|1 month ago'), s__('Timeago|1 month remaining')], [s__('Timeago|%s months ago'), s__('Timeago|%s months remaining')], [s__('Timeago|1 year ago'), s__('Timeago|1 year remaining')], [s__('Timeago|%s years ago'), s__('Timeago|%s years remaining')], ][index]; const locale = (number, index) => [ [s__('Timeago|just now'), s__('Timeago|right now')], [s__('Timeago|%s seconds ago'), s__('Timeago|in %s seconds')], [s__('Timeago|1 minute ago'), s__('Timeago|in 1 minute')], [s__('Timeago|%s minutes ago'), s__('Timeago|in %s minutes')], [s__('Timeago|1 hour ago'), s__('Timeago|in 1 hour')], [s__('Timeago|%s hours ago'), s__('Timeago|in %s hours')], [s__('Timeago|1 day ago'), s__('Timeago|in 1 day')], [s__('Timeago|%s days ago'), s__('Timeago|in %s days')], [s__('Timeago|1 week ago'), s__('Timeago|in 1 week')], [s__('Timeago|%s weeks ago'), s__('Timeago|in %s weeks')], [s__('Timeago|1 month ago'), s__('Timeago|in 1 month')], [s__('Timeago|%s months ago'), s__('Timeago|in %s months')], [s__('Timeago|1 year ago'), s__('Timeago|in 1 year')], [s__('Timeago|%s years ago'), s__('Timeago|in %s years')], ][index]; timeago.register(timeagoLanguageCode, locale); timeago.register(`${timeagoLanguageCode}-remaining`, localeRemaining); timeagoInstance = timeago(); } return timeagoInstance; }; /** * For the given element, renders a timeago instance. * @param {jQuery} $els */ export const renderTimeago = $els => { const timeagoEls = $els || document.querySelectorAll('.js-timeago-render'); // timeago.js sets timeouts internally for each timeago value to be updated in real time getTimeago().render(timeagoEls, timeagoLanguageCode); }; /** * For the given elements, sets a tooltip with a formatted date. * @param {jQuery} * @param {Boolean} setTimeago */ export const localTimeAgo = ($timeagoEls, setTimeago = true) => { $timeagoEls.each((i, el) => { if (setTimeago) { // Recreate with custom template $(el).tooltip({ template: '<div class="tooltip local-timeago" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner"></div></div>', }); } el.classList.add('js-timeago-render'); }); renderTimeago($timeagoEls); }; /** * Returns remaining or passed time over the given time. * @param {*} time * @param {*} expiredLabel */ export const timeFor = (time, expiredLabel) => { if (!time) { return ''; } if (new Date(time) < new Date()) { return expiredLabel || s__('Timeago|Past due'); } return getTimeago() .format(time, `${timeagoLanguageCode}-remaining`) .trim(); }; export const getDayDifference = (a, b) => { const millisecondsPerDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; const date1 = Date.UTC(a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth(), a.getDate()); const date2 = Date.UTC(b.getFullYear(), b.getMonth(), b.getDate()); return Math.floor((date2 - date1) / millisecondsPerDay); }; /** * Port of ruby helper time_interval_in_words. * * @param {Number} seconds * @return {String} */ export const timeIntervalInWords = intervalInSeconds => { const secondsInteger = parseInt(intervalInSeconds, 10); const minutes = Math.floor(secondsInteger / 60); const seconds = secondsInteger - minutes * 60; let text = ''; if (minutes >= 1) { text = `${minutes} ${pluralize('minute', minutes)} ${seconds} ${pluralize('second', seconds)}`; } else { text = `${seconds} ${pluralize('second', seconds)}`; } return text; }; export const dateInWords = (date, abbreviated = false, hideYear = false) => { if (!date) return date; const month = date.getMonth(); const year = date.getFullYear(); const monthNames = [ s__('January'), s__('February'), s__('March'), s__('April'), s__('May'), s__('June'), s__('July'), s__('August'), s__('September'), s__('October'), s__('November'), s__('December'), ]; const monthNamesAbbr = [ s__('Jan'), s__('Feb'), s__('Mar'), s__('Apr'), s__('May'), s__('Jun'), s__('Jul'), s__('Aug'), s__('Sep'), s__('Oct'), s__('Nov'), s__('Dec'), ]; const monthName = abbreviated ? monthNamesAbbr[month] : monthNames[month]; if (hideYear) { return `${monthName} ${date.getDate()}`; } return `${monthName} ${date.getDate()}, ${year}`; }; /** * Returns month name based on provided date. * * @param {Date} date * @param {Boolean} abbreviated */ export const monthInWords = (date, abbreviated = false) => { if (!date) { return ''; } return getMonthNames(abbreviated)[date.getMonth()]; }; /** * Returns number of days in a month for provided date. * courtesy: https://stacko( * * @param {Date} date */ export const totalDaysInMonth = date => { if (!date) { return 0; } return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0).getDate(); }; /** * Returns number of days in a quarter from provided * months array. * * @param {Array} quarter */ export const totalDaysInQuarter = quarter => quarter.reduce((acc, month) => acc + totalDaysInMonth(month), 0); /** * Returns list of Dates referring to Sundays of the month * based on provided date * * @param {Date} date */ export const getSundays = date => { if (!date) { return []; } const daysToSunday = [ 'Saturday', 'Friday', 'Thursday', 'Wednesday', 'Tuesday', 'Monday', 'Sunday', ]; const month = date.getMonth(); const year = date.getFullYear(); const sundays = []; const dateOfMonth = new Date(year, month, 1); while (dateOfMonth.getMonth() === month) { const dayName = getDayName(dateOfMonth); if (dayName === 'Sunday') { sundays.push(new Date(dateOfMonth.getTime())); } const daysUntilNextSunday = daysToSunday.indexOf(dayName) + 1; dateOfMonth.setDate(dateOfMonth.getDate() + daysUntilNextSunday); } return sundays; }; /** * Returns list of Dates representing a timeframe of months from startDate and length * * @param {Date} startDate * @param {Number} length */ export const getTimeframeWindowFrom = (startDate, length) => { if (!(startDate instanceof Date) || !length) { return []; } // Iterate and set date for the size of length // and push date reference to timeframe list const timeframe = new Array(length) .fill() .map((val, i) => new Date(startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth() + i, 1)); // Change date of last timeframe item to last date of the month timeframe[length - 1].setDate(totalDaysInMonth(timeframe[length - 1])); return timeframe; }; /** * Returns count of day within current quarter from provided date * and array of months for the quarter * * Eg; * If date is 15 Feb 2018 * and quarter is [Jan, Feb, Mar] * * Then 15th Feb is 46th day of the quarter * Where 31 (days in Jan) + 15 (date of Feb). * * @param {Date} date * @param {Array} quarter */ export const dayInQuarter = (date, quarter) => quarter.reduce((acc, month) => { if (date.getMonth() > month.getMonth()) { return acc + totalDaysInMonth(month); } else if (date.getMonth() === month.getMonth()) { return acc + date.getDate(); } return acc + 0; }, 0); = || {}; = { ...( || {}), getTimeago, localTimeAgo, }; /** * Formats milliseconds as timestamp (e.g. 01:02:03). * This takes durations longer than a day into account (e.g. two days would be 48:00:00). * * @param milliseconds * @returns {string} */ export const formatTime = milliseconds => { const remainingSeconds = Math.floor(milliseconds / 1000) % 60; const remainingMinutes = Math.floor(milliseconds / 1000 / 60) % 60; const remainingHours = Math.floor(milliseconds / 1000 / 60 / 60); let formattedTime = ''; if (remainingHours < 10) formattedTime += '0'; formattedTime += `${remainingHours}:`; if (remainingMinutes < 10) formattedTime += '0'; formattedTime += `${remainingMinutes}:`; if (remainingSeconds < 10) formattedTime += '0'; formattedTime += remainingSeconds; return formattedTime; }; /** * Formats dates in Pickaday * @param {String} dateString Date in yyyy-mm-dd format * @return {Date} UTC format */ export const parsePikadayDate = dateString => { const parts = dateString.split('-'); const year = parseInt(parts[0], 10); const month = parseInt(parts[1] - 1, 10); const day = parseInt(parts[2], 10); return new Date(year, month, day); }; /** * Used `onSelect` method in pickaday * @param {Date} date UTC format * @return {String} Date formated in yyyy-mm-dd */ export const pikadayToString = date => { const day = pad(date.getDate()); const month = pad(date.getMonth() + 1); const year = date.getFullYear(); return `${year}-${month}-${day}`; }; /** * Accepts seconds and returns a timeObject { weeks: #, days: #, hours: #, minutes: # } * Seconds can be negative or positive, zero or non-zero. Can be configured for any day * or week length. */ export const parseSeconds = (seconds, { daysPerWeek = 5, hoursPerDay = 8 } = {}) => { const DAYS_PER_WEEK = daysPerWeek; const HOURS_PER_DAY = hoursPerDay; const MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60; const MINUTES_PER_WEEK = DAYS_PER_WEEK * HOURS_PER_DAY * MINUTES_PER_HOUR; const MINUTES_PER_DAY = HOURS_PER_DAY * MINUTES_PER_HOUR; const timePeriodConstraints = { weeks: MINUTES_PER_WEEK, days: MINUTES_PER_DAY, hours: MINUTES_PER_HOUR, minutes: 1, }; let unorderedMinutes = Math.abs(seconds / MINUTES_PER_HOUR); return _.mapObject(timePeriodConstraints, minutesPerPeriod => { const periodCount = Math.floor(unorderedMinutes / minutesPerPeriod); unorderedMinutes -= periodCount * minutesPerPeriod; return periodCount; }); }; /** * Accepts a timeObject (see parseSeconds) and returns a condensed string representation of it * (e.g. '1w 2d 3h 1m' or '1h 30m'). Zero value units are not included. * If the 'fullNameFormat' param is passed it returns a non condensed string eg '1 week 3 days' */ export const stringifyTime = (timeObject, fullNameFormat = false) => { const reducedTime = _.reduce( timeObject, (memo, unitValue, unitName) => { const isNonZero = !!unitValue; if (fullNameFormat && isNonZero) { // Remove traling 's' if unit value is singular const formatedUnitName = unitValue > 1 ? unitName : unitName.replace(/s$/, ''); return `${memo} ${unitValue} ${formatedUnitName}`; } return isNonZero ? `${memo} ${unitValue}${unitName.charAt(0)}` : memo; }, '', ).trim(); return reducedTime.length ? reducedTime : '0m'; }; /** * Accepts a time string of any size (e.g. '1w 2d 3h 5m' or '1w 2d') and returns * the first non-zero unit/value pair. */ export const abbreviateTime = timeStr => timeStr.split(' ').filter(unitStr => unitStr.charAt(0) !== '0')[0]; /** * Calculates the milliseconds between now and a given date string. * The result cannot become negative. * * @param endDate date string that the time difference is calculated for * @return {number} number of milliseconds remaining until the given date */ export const calculateRemainingMilliseconds = endDate => { const remainingMilliseconds = new Date(endDate).getTime() -; return Math.max(remainingMilliseconds, 0); };