Commit 0747228c authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

localstorage.js put method redesigned

parent 881a6994
......@@ -105,27 +105,26 @@ var newLocalStorage = function (spec, my) {
* Create or update a document in local storage.
* @method _put
* @method put
* @param {object} command The JIO command
* Available options:
* - {boolean} conflicts Add a conflicts object to the response
* - {boolean} revs Add the revisions history of the document
* - {boolean} revs_info Add revisions informations
that._put = function (command) {
that.put = function (command) {
setTimeout(function () {
var docid = command.getDocId(),
path = 'jio/local/'+priv.username+'/'+
doc = localstorage.getItem(path);
if (!doc) {
that.success(priv.setDocument(command, 'post'));
var doc;
doc = localstorage.getItem(
priv.localpath + "/" + command.getDocId());
if (typeof doc === "undefined") {
// the document does not exists
doc = command.cloneDoc();
} else {
that.success(priv.documentUpdate(command, 'put'));
// the document already exists
priv.documentObjectUpdate(doc, command.getDocId());
// write
priv.localpath + "/" + command.getDocId(),
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